info Overview
Name - What is Ganlem Forest’s full name?

Ganlem Forest

Type - What type of location is Ganlem Forest?

Ganlem forest is a forest that is along part of The Alpine Fields's side of Moon-lit Channel.

Description - Describe Ganlem Forest.

Ganlem forest is a rather small (in comparison to other forests) but highly dense forest located on the south western peak of The Alpine Fields, while it is mostly uninhabited by civilized beings, many hunting parties go here as its known for its good hunting grounds.

face Culture
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Ganlem Forest in?

Ganlem forest is in The Alpine Fields, on a map it is along the western edge of the Moon-lit Channel . The surrounding area is mostly level, but there are plenty of hills throughout the forest; and the Falcord Slopes just to the west.

Crops - What crops does Ganlem Forest produce?

Ganlem Forest is mainly known for its hunting grounds, plenty of wild creatures call these woods their home

Located at - Where is Ganlem Forest located?

Ganlem forest is located along The Alpine Fields's side of Moon-lit Channel.

date_range History
edit Notes
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This location was created by Octavio, Patron of Storytelling on

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