info Overview
Name - What is Falcord Slopes’s full name?

Falcord Slopes

Type - What type of location is Falcord Slopes?

Falcord Slopes is the largest mountain range in Acherion, located in The Alpine Fields they spread across the country and are home to some of the most valuable gems and minerals.

Description - Describe Falcord Slopes.

The Falcord Slopes is a massive mountain range, covering most of The Alpine Fields area with rocky mountains of varying heights. Some legends tell of a great serpent that was slain, its bones becoming the mountain range.

face Culture
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Falcord Slopes in?

The Falcord Slopes covers a large area of The Alpine Fields, it is a highly mountainous area. Many travelers have lost their lives to its step cliffs and often stormy weather.

Located at - Where is Falcord Slopes located?

Falcord Slopes is located in The Alpine Fields, it covers a high percentage of the countries area.

Climate - What is the climate like in Falcord Slopes?

The climate in Falcord Slopes changes drastically depending on the year, during the months of Sunpeak travelers can experience warmer weather. Where as during the months of Frostrich travelers must be wary of large storms that envelop the mountain range.

date_range History
edit Notes
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