info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

The Black Flame

Genre - What genre best describes The Black Flame?


Description - How would you describe The Black Flame?

The Black Flame; a holy relic said to have been created by the Gods themselves high above in Olympus. It could bring rain to the driest desert, riches to the poorest man; it could even raise the dead.

Such a powerful item proved to be too tempting even to the Gods themselves, so it was cast down to Gaia, to the darkest corner of the furthest place of the entire planet. Somewhere no one, God nor mortal, would be able to find it.

Frank Simmons is the most wanted vampire in all of Andersh and the enormous bounty on his head is a reflection of the horrific crimes he's committed. Forced to live a life in secrecy and exile, Frank is determined to find The Black Flame so that his one wish can be granted. That finally be able to die.

For reasons unknown to Frank, he's unable to find peace in death, for every time he tries, whether by bullet, blade, or stake, he awakens to find his body healed, his heart still beating, and painful memories still resounding in his mind. As well as his immortality, Frank has always stood out among his people. Being able to walk in the daylight, having tremendous strength even for someone of vampiric lineage, and having the ability to use The Foul Craft, an ancient form of evil magic thought to have died out centuries ago.

Frank is determined to travel the world in search of The Black Flame but when he finds two children, orphaned when their family was slaughtered by rogue vampires, Frank's death wish will have to wait.

As Frank struggles with caring for two children as he tries to remain hidden, there are forces at work he's unaware of that are shaping his destiny. And soon he will realize that not everything is as it has seemed.

book History
gavel Rules
Technology - What is the level of technology like in The Black Flame?

Not much different than ours. Technology advanced similarly to ours. They have cars, planes, trains, etc. Since we follow Frank on a 400+ year journey, we really get to see the world around him advance with each decade. He goes from the days of no electricity and horseback riding, to the time of high rises and space exploration.

Magic System - What is the magic system like in The Black Flame?

It falls somewhere between a soft and a hard magic system.

There are rules as to what these abilities can and can't do, but they are often "powered" by somewhat abstract concepts (i.e. Frank's powers being related to how loved he is/how much love he has for others)

Magic and other powers are explained in more detail in their respective pages.

edit Notes
history Changelog
This universe contains...
17 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Thebes An ancient city in Southern Astren that borders the great river Drace Aguala.
terrain Hell (Realms) The fourth Realm of Gaea where the most evil souls go to be tortured forever. Ruled over by King Lucifer.
terrain Underworld (Realms) The third Realm of Gaea where the souls of the dead go to find their final resting place. Ruled by Hades and Persephone.
terrain Olympia (Realms) The first Realm of Gaea where Gods and Goddesses reside and the souls of those who did good in life find peace in death. Ruled by Queen Hera.
terrain Tartarus (Realms) The fifth and final Realm where the Titans are imprisoned inside inside the very core of Gaea.
terrain Pantheran Pantheran was a secluded island where the werecats called their homeland.
terrain Drayah The capital of Northern Astren
terrain Vrego A state in the central east of Andersh.
terrain Croywhich State in Northern Andersh.
terrain Dornwich Dornwhich is a state in north eastern Andersh.
terrain Easthallow State in Southern Andersh
terrain De Fortuna State in North Eastern Andersh
terrain Coria Capital city of Dumatha, in Southern Astren
terrain Lycia Lycia is a region in Yasuriti
terrain Moravia Moravia is a region of Yasuriti
terrain Fenhemmer Capital region of Huskund
terrain Sarpedon Island A small island where the Gorgon sisters reside.

13 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Dual Short Swords Dual-Wielded short katanas used by Darius.
emoji_events Gate To The Underworld A gate to the Underworld, one of the three realms of Gaea, attached to Kasha's soul.
emoji_events Rapier The sword that King Abraham wields.
emoji_events Agony & Ecstasy Frank's dual guns
emoji_events The Black Flame A holy relic created by the Gods.
emoji_events Infinity The sword forged by Hera that Frank now wields.
emoji_events Gate To Olympia A gate in Frank's soul that leads to Olympia, one of the three Realms.
emoji_events Katana The katana was Kasha wields.
emoji_events Bladed Hoop Like a big, steel hoop with a bladed edge
emoji_events Shotgun Cane The weapon that Ammit uses.
emoji_events Sniper Rifle The rifle used by Alice.
emoji_events Staff Of Bwiziti The staff Nahual uses as a weapon and walking stick.
emoji_events Gate To Hell The gate to Hell that Frank carries in his soul.

32 creatures reorder
pets Creatures close
pets Nesher Prince Isaac's pet griffin and guardian.
pets The Dooms Terrifying, cloaked spirits from Hell that feed on the souls of those most sinful.
pets Valkyrie A rare, sought-after bird known for its impeccable eyesight.
pets Unicorn A fabled creature that uses an illusion to appear as a beautiful white horse to hide it's truly wicked form from its prey.
pets Leviathan (Dragons) An immortal, massive dragon created by the Gods to protect Gaea from the Titans should they ever be released again.
pets Ladon (Dragons) Guardian of the Nymph's golden apple tree.
pets Hydra The terrifying multi-headed water monster that eats all who trespass its domain.
pets Minotaur A viscous, flesh-eating beast that eats those who stumble into its lair, The Labyrinth.
pets Sphinx The guardian of the entrance to Thebes who resides by Drace Aguala.
pets Griffin The wise, regal beasts of the Andersh army.
pets Poko (Dragons) The smallest species of dragon known for their sparkly, bright scales.
pets Wendigo An ancient spirit that was once human now cursed with an insatiable hunger for flesh.
pets Imp Small creatures from Hell that make mischief, bring chaos and death.
pets Zilant Frank's size-shifting wyvern dragon
pets Chimera A savage, fire-breathing beast that's part lion, goat, and snake.
pets Harpy Half vulture/half woman scavengers who feast on the dead.
pets Kelpie A type of poltergeist that manifests in cursed bogs and lakes.
pets Banshee A type of poltergeist that uses a deafening screech and vicious claws to protect the location of their death.
pets Cerberus Cerberus is a giant, three headed dog that guards the gate of the Underworld.
pets Ghoul Grotesque creatures that are created when a vampire completely drains a human without killing or turning them.
pets Hippocamp Brightly colored sea beasts with the qualities of both horse and fish. Created by the sea God Poseidon.
pets Manticore The beast that terrorizes the pride villages of Moravia.
pets Vixes A woodland creature that prefers the colder climate.
pets Motu A terrifying fish known as a delicacy in werecat culture.
pets Drakes (Dragons) The most common type of dragon.
pets Wyvern (Dragons) A rare type of dragon with the ability to size-shift at will.
pets Testudidon (Dragons) Giant cave-dwelling wingless dragons.
pets Wyrm (Dragon) The giant sand dragon that resides in The Dunes and devours any who enter its domain.
pets Ghost/Poltergeist/Shade Energy left on Gaea from someone's soul when they die.
pets Rojita A docile vix found and raised by Alice.
pets Chupacabra A small but fierce blood sucking marsupial that preys on livestock and occasionally human blood.
pets Siren Beautiful female creatures that lure sailors to their deaths with their song.

This universe was created by Rachael on

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