info Overview
Name - What is Abraham Von Christen’s full name?

Abraham Von Christen

Other names - What other aliases does Abraham Von Christen go by?

King Abraham

Role - What is Abraham Von Christen’s role in your story?

Secondary Antagonist

Age - How old is Abraham Von Christen?

135 Years

Gender - What is Abraham Von Christen’s gender?

Cis Male/Heterosexual

face Looks
Hair Style - How does Abraham Von Christen style their hair?

Long, to his shoulder blades, slicked back.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Abraham Von Christen have?

Both ears are docked and fitted with silver caps. His canines are capped as well. Both procedures he requested to have done to him, despite their horrific history.

Despite being a dhampir, Abraham ages more like a vampire because his mother was a dhampir as well, lending him even more of a vampiric heritage.

Body Type

Lanky and tall, lightly muscular

Skin Tone

Paleish white

Linked Races

Eye Color - What is Abraham Von Christen’s eye color?

Dark blue

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Abraham Von Christen have?


Weight - How much does Abraham Von Christen weigh?


Height - How tall is Abraham Von Christen?


Hair Color - What color is Abraham Von Christen’s hair?


fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Abraham Von Christen have?

Enjoys drinking wine, fencing and swordplay. Doesn't have much down time since he rules over a small country.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Abraham Von Christen have?

Abraham has a quick temper and has no fear when asserting his dominance over others. He can be conniving and manipulative, traits that helped him make his way to the throne.

Motivations - What motivates Abraham Von Christen most?

He's filled with self-hatred because of his vampiric lineage. He sees vampires as parasitic and dangerous, a plague against society. He started to idolize the humans who enslaved the vampires centuries ago and swore to bring to life his ideals of a perfect country. He's the King of Southern Astren, a dictator and a fascist and is motivated purely out of his disgust and contempt for anything vaguely vampiric.

Flaws - What flaws does Abraham Von Christen have?

He's arrogant and hateful. His intense hatred of vampires is a projection of his hate for himself. He can be hot-headed, as well as manipulative and scheming. He's blinded by his prejudices and won't listen to reason. This eventually costs him everything.

He needs to consume blood but he refuses, trying his best to ignore his heritage. This makes him sickly and weak. It's only when his son Isaac cries and begs him to feed is when he finally gives in. He never drinks fresh blood, however, and will only take the human-made blood replacements (BRs).

Prejudices - What prejudices does Abraham Von Christen have?

Extremely hostile towards vampires, but also is disgusted by the many races of Otherworlders. He finds them deadly, untrustworthy, dangerous, even obscene.

Talents - What talents does Abraham Von Christen have?

Commands a well-sized army who are blindly devoted to him. He manipulates other dhampirs into having his own mindset of self-hatred and abhorrence to vampires. These dhampirs are still enslaved, but they are treated slightly better than those who refuse to see things his way or are fully vampiric or Otherworlder. He's also an excellent swordsman and wields a rapier.

Personality type - What personality type is Abraham Von Christen?

INTJ, -A/-T (The Architect)

groups Social
Languages spoken

Favorite weapon - What is Abraham Von Christen’s favorite weapon?


Favorite food - What is Abraham Von Christen’s favorite food?


Occupation - What is Abraham Von Christen’s occupation?

King Of Southern Astren

Politics - What politics does Abraham Von Christen have?

Dictatorship. Fascism.

Religion - What religion does Abraham Von Christen practice?


info History
Education - What is Abraham Von Christen’s level of education?

Highly educated despite his rough start in life. Graduated college with honors.

Background - What is Abraham Von Christen’s background?

His mother was one of Crowley's "experiments", forcibly impregnated in an attempt to create his prophesied son. His mother managed to escape shortly after he was born and Crowley labeled them as useless. The pain from her encounter was too much to bear so she took her own life, leaving Abraham on his own.

Left in the greatly overpopulated foster system of Esmor, Abraham defied the odds by becoming highly educated when he focused on his schoolwork to avoid his painful upbringing. By throwing himself into his work, Abraham reached success and eventually became King of Southern Astren.

Abraham met Isaac's mother when he first came to Southern Astren. They had married and become pregnant with Isaac during Abraham's rise to the throne. Shortly after the child was born, Abraham's wife was assassinated by a fringe group of vampires who used extremist ways to try and prevent Abraham from claiming the Kingdom. The killing would only further fan the flames of Abraham's hatred and thus propel him to the top as King Of Southern Astren.

Birthday - When is Abraham Von Christen’s birthday?

April 2nd (Aries)

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history Changelog
edit Notes

Death - Suicide, gunshot to head

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This character was created by Rachael on

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