info Overview
Name - What is Frank Simmons’s full name?

Frank Simmons

Other names - What other aliases does Frank Simmons go by?

Francis Alexander Simmons
The Mongrel Of
The King Of Andersh
The Half-Blood King
King Daywalker
Son Of Hera

Role - What is Frank Simmons’s role in your story?


Age - How old is Frank Simmons?

(S1)128-131 years old
(S2) 137-141 years old

Gender - What is Frank Simmons’s gender?

Cis Male/Pansexual

face Looks
Hair Style - How does Frank Simmons style their hair?

Since it grows quickly when it's cut, Frank can sport many different styles throughout the story. Usually, though, he keeps it pulled back into a very long braid. When it's down, it's very long (past his butt) and has soft waves when flowing free.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Frank Simmons have?

He has no tattoos or scars because of his healing abilities. His massive size and the striking contrast of his light hair and dark skin are what usually is first noticed.

Body Type

Very tall and intimidating. Broad shoulders, defined muscles, large hands and feet. Has a curvaceous butt, and his chest, legs, and arms are covered in a generous (but not overbearing) amount of body hair.

Skin Tone

Very light brown/tan

Eye Color - What is Frank Simmons’s eye color?

Light green. Irises turn gold and his scleroses turns black when he's in a blood rage. His eyes completely white out and lightly glow when he's in his God form.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Frank Simmons have?

Changes pretty regularly since it grows quickly but usually just sports a light beard or stubble.

Weight - How much does Frank Simmons weigh?


Height - How tall is Frank Simmons?

6 feet, 7 inches

Hair Color - What color is Frank Simmons’s hair?

Sandy blonde

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Frank Simmons have?

Some of the more toxic hobbies he practiced before he got clean were excessive drug/alcohol abuse, promiscuity, and staying out all night partying.

Once he gets sober his hobbies are dancing, singing, learning new things, eating, and traveling.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Frank Simmons have?

Can be very animated when he's talking. Curses a lot. Can sometimes be "effeminate" (swaying his hips, moving provocatively, etc.) Takes up lots of room with his body. Carries himself with a arrogant confidence most of the time. Hates sitting still for too long.

Because of his massive strength he has a tendency of destroying things by accident. And because of his size, he gets stuck in awkward situations and hits his head a lot.

Motivations - What motivates Frank Simmons most?

In the beginning, during his severe depression after the death of his daughter Joanne and his own resurrection, Frank's main motivation is to die. Problem is; he can't.

So when he again hears about The Black Flame, he becomes obsessed with finding the holy relic so that he can make himself mortal and commit suicide.

This motivation slowly shifts as the story goes on and he adopts the siblings and meets other people he grows to care for. Soon he no longer wants The Black Flame and his attention is pulled toward other matters (finding out he's a demi-God, becoming the face of a revolution). But Michael and Bonnie both want to continue the search for their own respective reasons. Eventually they learn of Kim's plans and Frank's main goal turns to stopping his half-sister, defying his father's plans for him, and getting revenge for the death of his daughter (after he learns that Kim was the one who murdered her).

In the second half, when Veronica is killed and Kim and Adam are resurrected, Frank once again is driven by revenge as well as having the weight on the world on his shoulders as more and more people see him as less of an individual and more as a God and savior, the face of an entire movement.

What Frank really wants is to destroy his sister and her army once and for all, end the war between Otherworlders and humans, and live out his immortality in peace.

Flaws - What flaws does Frank Simmons have?

Very early on in the story, Frank refuses drinking any blood at all after he kills an innocent woman the night he was resurrected. This leads to him becoming very sick and aggressive. Sometimes even violent. This worsens when he starts self-feeding, doing drugs and drinking.

This gets better as the story progresses but early on in the story he's a drug/alcohol abuser as well as a self-feeder. This exacerbates his selfishness and hedonism and makes him neglect Michael and Bonnie several times. The fame he earns after slaying a hydra threatening a poor town goes directly to his head and blows up his ego.

Over time his addiction problems cease and he becomes sober, both from self-feeding and from drugs/alcohol. Even still, some negative parts of his personality remain.

He can be selfish, egotistical, stubborn, brash, vain, bossy, lustful, arrogant, oversensitive, pessimistic, immature, and impulsive.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Frank Simmons have?

He tries not to be, but Frank does hold some prejudices towards humans because of their mistreatment of people like him. He has a hard time trusting them and sometimes even looks down on them as lesser beings. He thinks they are foolish and blood-thirsty and that they project that on the vampires they hate.

That being said, Frank doesn't totally fit in to any real race of people, so he's very often the victim of prejudice as well.

Talents - What talents does Frank Simmons have?

It's a running joke that Frank is good at almost anything but he's especially proficient with all manner of weapons (guns and swords are his specialty), acrobatics, flexibility, singing, and dancing.

Personality type - What personality type is Frank Simmons?

ISTP, -A/-T (The Virtuoso)

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Frank Simmons’s favorite color?

Black and purple

Favorite animal - What is Frank Simmons’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Frank Simmons’s favorite weapon?

Guns and swords but he'll use whatever he can get his hands on and improvise.

Favorite possession - What is Frank Simmons’s favorite possession?

Locket necklace with a photo of his family inside it.

Favorite food - What is Frank Simmons’s favorite food?

Burgers and fries

Occupation - What is Frank Simmons’s occupation?

Changes as the story progresses.
Here they are in chronological order:

Protector of Thebes
Bounty Hunter
King Of Andersh

Politics - What politics does Frank Simmons have?

Left-leaning, Progressive, Socialist

Religion - What religion does Frank Simmons practice?

Secular Herism

info History
Education - What is Frank Simmons’s level of education?

Frank completed school though he received barely passable grades throughout his schooling. His mind was always elsewhere which interfered with his learning. He never pursued any further education after that and was quickly enlisted to join the war when he was still young.

Frank can come off pretty oafish sometimes but beneath that is a crazy genius. Or perhaps just a guy that takes incredible risks and happens to get lucky a lot. No one really knows.

Background - What is Frank Simmons’s background?

Frank was born when his mother, the Goddess Hera, was summoned, imprisoned and forcibly impregnated by his father as a part of a wicked prophecy. When Frank was born, it was immediately obvious that he was different since he glowed with a shimmering light as a baby. Hera's mortal body died trying to take Frank away from his father's nefarious hands.

As Frank grew, his lineage was kept a secret. He was told that Gabriella was his birth mother but despite their lies, Frank always felt he wasn't like everyone else. In adolescence, Frank possessed power and strength even the highest of High-Blood vampires could only dream of having. But this great strength alienated him, made him an outcast. He was seen as a menace and a freak for his unusual strength. His only friends were Veronica and Kim.

Frank and Veronica became closer and closer, much to the dislike of both Kim and Crowley. Kim wanted Veronica to herself, and hated Frank for being "father's favorite". Crowley saw any attachments to others Frank made as a detriment to his plans. Despite all of this, Frank and Veronica grew together and became a couple as teenagers and eventually married. Around this time, a serial killer known as Red Eyes started stalking the streets of Clifwick. The only eyewitness accounts available described a cloaked figure with shining red eyes that peered from the darkness.

Frank takes on the job of protecting the town from the murderer but no leads are ever found because of how erratic the killings are committed. Weeks and months would go by without any sighting at all. Eventually, those months turned into years and Clifwick was able to breathe a sigh of relief. Frank and Veronica are finally able to really settle down and start trying to have a child. After years with no luck at all, Frank learns that he's infertile. The news is devastating to the couple and Frank feels awful that he can't give Veronica what they both want.

Through a (literal) miracle, Veronica finally gets pregnant and the couple are both ecstatic. As they prepare their home for the new arrival, darkness takes Thebes again and the killings start again. Time passes, their daughter Joanne is born and the killings stop once again. All is peaceful for 6 years until an unstoppable fire ravages the small town of Clifwick. Frank notices right away that this is no ordinary fire, it spreads too quickly and unnaturally, almost as if it was a living thing. Frank rushes to find his daughter who was by the chapel with her mother Veronica. He finds Veronica first, getting her to safety and before plunging back into the flames to continue his search for Joanne.

He finds the girl dangling from a collapsed staircase inside the chapel as the fires underneath her get closer by the second. Frank manages to snatch her and starts to run for the door when they are suddenly blasted through their chests by a searing ball of fire. They fall together on the ground as the entire church caves in on top of them.

When Frank awakens, he finds his clothes torn from where he was hit but the skin beneath scarred but healing. He calls for Joanne among the debris and ash before finding her small hand laying out from under a wooden beam. He crawls over to her, throwing the beam to the side and finding her dead, a gaping wound in her small chest. As he holds her and cries, Kim steps from the smokey shadows. Frank sees her but before he can say anything. Kim starts to wipe his memory and rewrite it. She brainwashes him into thinking he caused this fire, that he was the serial killer known as Red Eyes, and that he was the one that killed Joanne. All because he was a monster that couldn't control his unholy powers. Her job done, Kim fades back into the shadows right before the authorities arrive. Frank stops crying and becomes stiff. When provoked by the officers, Frank goes into a blood rage, grabbing his daughter's limp body by the throat and throwing it aside before viciously slaughtering several men. The entire time his eyes were blood red.

Veronica, who was knocked unconscious by the blast of the chapel exploding, awakens and runs to hold her daughter. When Frank hears the sobs of his beloved wife, he stumbles long enough to be restrained by over 15 people. He stops struggling once he's brought to the ground as he sees Veronica holding their daughter. He doesn't hear that he's being charged with multiple counts of murder because of what he sees. Then Kim comes from nowhere, crying and falling to her knees to hold Veronica as she grieves. The last thing Frank sees before being knocked out are Kim's green eyes and a wicked sneer on her lips.

Frank is charged and sentenced to torture and death, which is carried out immediately and with no fighting from Frank. He accepts his fate and longs for death because he knows what he's done. After he's killed he's left crucified in the middle of a river, his dead body left to be food for the beasts of the forest. Before this can happen, Frank's father Crowley brings himself up from Hell, and summons Hera from Olympus. With her song, Frank is resurrected and given his true Godhood. Crowley reveals his plans to Frank, how now is the perfect time to "fulfill his destiny" since he was no longer chained down to his domestic life. Frank declines, saying he still feels love despite his family being destroyed, and Crowley, in a fit of rage curses him to be immortal for as long as he loves someone and as long as someone else loves him.

His father goes back to Hell in a burst of fire but Hera remains for a moment, leaving Infinity, a sword forged by the Gods themselves, for him in the river. Frank grabs the weapon and flees into the forest, confused and grief stricken.

It's not long before news of his body's disappearance spreads and Frank becomes a wanted man. As he's living in secrecy, he travels from city to city to avoid being seen. Along his travels he starts seeking The Black Flame and meets Bonnie and Michael and (begrudgingly) adopts them. It's here that the real story starts.

As the story progresses, Frank learns more and more about his lineage, his place in the world, and how his entire life has been articulately crafted for some unknown force's own desires.

Birthday - When is Frank Simmons’s birthday?

June 20 (Gemini-Cancer Cusp)

history Changelog
edit Notes

Notable Kills - Killed Isaac Von Christensen during a Blood Rage by tearing him in half with his bare hands.

Madusa - Cuts off her head with Infinity

Uttu -

Genesys -

Death - Is "killed" by Kim when she cuts off his wings and stabs him in the stomach.

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This character was created by Rachael on

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