info Overview
Name - What is Joanne/Theia’s full name?


Other names - What other aliases does Joanne/Theia go by?

Goddess Of Light

Role - What is Joanne/Theia’s role in your story?

Side Character

Age - How old is Joanne/Theia?


Gender - What is Joanne/Theia’s gender?

Cis Female

face Looks
Hair Style - How does Joanne/Theia style their hair?

Flowing curls, shoulder length

Skin Tone

Lightly tanned

Eye Color - What is Joanne/Theia’s eye color?

Crystal blue

Weight - How much does Joanne/Theia weigh?


Height - How tall is Joanne/Theia?


Hair Color - What color is Joanne/Theia’s hair?

Sandy blonde

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Joanne/Theia have?

Joanne was an excitable, adventure seeking little girl. She was never still for too long and seemed to be an unending supply of energy. This boundless enthusiasm sometimes leaded to her getting into trouble but her father couldn't stay mad at her for long.

groups Social
Languages spoken

Favorite animal - What is Joanne/Theia’s favorite animal?


Religion - What religion does Joanne/Theia practice?

Secular Herism

info History
Background - What is Joanne/Theia’s background?

Joanne was quite literally the miracle child born to Veronica and Frank after decades of trying to conceive. The girl was the light in both of her parents' lives for the brief time she was with them.

Joanne was killed when a great fire swept through Thebes. For a very long time, Frank goes on thinking he had killed her during a blood rage but later learns that Kim was the one who dealt the killing blow.

During the story, Joanne's spirit obtains Godhood atop Olympus and is renamed Theia, where she watches over Gaea along with her grandmother Hera.

Birthday - When is Joanne/Theia’s birthday?

October 3 (Libra)

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Death - Killed by Kim when shot through her abdomen by a searing ball of fire.

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This character was created by Rachael on

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