info Overview
Name - What is Veronica Simmons’s full name?

Veronica Simmons

Other names - What other aliases does Veronica Simmons go by?

Veronica Galen Barlos (Maiden Name)

Role - What is Veronica Simmons’s role in your story?

Supporting Main Character

Age - How old is Veronica Simmons?

(S1)131-134 years old
(S2) 140 years old

Gender - What is Veronica Simmons’s gender?

Cis Female/Pansexual

face Looks
Hair Style - How does Veronica Simmons style their hair?

Long to her mid-back, parted down the middle and slightly wavy.

Body Type

Pretty curvaceous, slightly large breasts/butt and thighs with just a bit of extra body fat. She has long, toned legs from her days of ballet dancing

Skin Tone

Light beige

Linked Races

Eye Color - What is Veronica Simmons’s eye color?

Crystal blue

Weight - How much does Veronica Simmons weigh?


Height - How tall is Veronica Simmons?


Hair Color - What color is Veronica Simmons’s hair?


fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Veronica Simmons have?

Stone and herb collecting, reading

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Veronica Simmons have?

Because of her upbringing, Veronica presents herself as very lady-like and proper. She has great manners and poise though when she's angered they tend to slack a bit.

Motivations - What motivates Veronica Simmons most?

After learning of her husband's innocence, Veronica wants nothing more than to find him, apologize, and be together with Frank again. She feels shame and guilt for not somehow seeing how he was being set up and she wrongly blames herself for what happened. She wants to be a family again, she wants to be reunited with the love of her life.

Flaws - What flaws does Veronica Simmons have?

Veronica can be a bit quick-tempered, impatient, and blunt. She's very stubborn and doesn't give up easily, even in some situations were it may be best to throw in the towel. She also can hold on to old feelings and hurts long after they've occurred.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Veronica Simmons have?

Veronica is very open-minded and doesn't have any prejudices since she was raised around many different people of different races.

Talents - What talents does Veronica Simmons have?

Veronica is very skilled at The Craft thanks to her mother's teachings. She's also pretty good at hand-to-hand combat as well as dancing (took ballet classes when she was younger)

Personality type - What personality type is Veronica Simmons?

ISTJ, -A/-T (The Logistician)

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Veronica Simmons’s favorite color?


Languages spoken

Favorite food - What is Veronica Simmons’s favorite food?


Occupation - What is Veronica Simmons’s occupation?

Stay-At-Home Mother
Freelance Crafter

Politics - What politics does Veronica Simmons have?

Progressive, left-leaning

Religion - What religion does Veronica Simmons practice?


info History
Education - What is Veronica Simmons’s level of education?

Veronica received a formal education in Easthallow and went on to graduate colllege.

Background - What is Veronica Simmons’s background?

Veronica was an only child, born to a rather well-off family. Since her both her parents were well known people who worked within Easthallow's government, Veronica grew up privileged and sheltered. She met Kim when both girls were in Kindergarten and a strong relationship blossomed between the two girls. They became inseparable, despite their very different backgrounds.

This changed, however, when Veronica met Frank. The two became love birds and this angered Kim. They tried to keep Kim included in their friendship, but with her continuously failing health and ever increasing jealousy, Kim would avoid the two whenever possible. Kim watched from the sidelines as her best friend was stolen away. Every day she grew sicker while their love only grew stronger. All of this envy and hatred would eventually accumulate into Kim's murderous actions.

When their town was destroyed by the great fire, Veronica was besides herself with grief over the loss of her daughter Joanne. For so long, Veronica prayed for a family, but now it was ripped away, her daughter dead and her husband to be executed for her murder. While Frank was on the run after his "execution", Veronica looked further into the incident that occurred that night, finding more and more inconsistencies with both the fire as well as the actions of the serial killer known as Red Eyes. Eventually, her search ended in finding the truth; Frank had been framed. The only question that remained was who had framed him?

Now knowing of her beloved husband's innocence, Veronica began her search all over Andersh for him, hoping they could be together again. Eventually, Frank and Veronica meet again, roughly twenty years after that horrible night. Frank is still convinced that he was the killer, and now Veronica needs to prove to him that he's innocent, and help him find the one who really did it.

Birthday - When is Veronica Simmons’s birthday?

January 26 (Aquarius)

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history Changelog
edit Notes

Death - Beheaded by Kasha

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This character was created by Rachael on

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