info Overview
Name - What is The Gorgons’s full name?

The Gorgons

Other names - What other aliases does The Gorgons go by?

The Sarpedon Sisters

Role - What is The Gorgons’s role in your story?


Age - How old is The Gorgons?

Centuries old, actual age unknown

Gender - What is The Gorgons’s gender?

The Gorgons are all female

face Looks
Hair Style - How does The Gorgons style their hair?

Each sister has a mass of curling, hissing, live snakes protruding from their scalps.

Body Type

Stheno - Is the oldest and the biggest. She's muscular and heavy boned.

Euryale - Slightly smaller than Stheno, however, her body is more curvy compared to Stheno's more masculine frame.

Medusa - The smallest of the sisters and also the most humanoid looking despite her above-average size. She's on the thin side and has a more feminine body.

Linked Races

Eye Color - What is The Gorgons’s eye color?

Stheno - Dark red
Euryale - Dark gold
Medusa - Dark green

All their eyes are vertically slit

Weight - How much does The Gorgons weigh?

Stheno - 2,000lbs
Euryale - 1,000lbs.
Medusa - 900lbs.

Height - How tall is The Gorgons?

Stheno - 17'0"
Euryale - 13'0"
Medusa - 12'5"

Hair Color - What color is The Gorgons’s hair?

Each sister has different types of snakes on their heads.

Stheno - Inland Taipan
Euryale - Eastern Brown Snake
Madusa - Yellow Bellied Sea Snake

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does The Gorgons have?

All move very snake-like, slithering along the ground slowly or quickly lunging at a victim with lightning speed.

Prejudices - What prejudices does The Gorgons have?

The sisters only have trust and love for each other. Any other person is considered an outsider and will be quickly (and painfully) executed. They don't trust others because of their betrayal and are now forever filled with paranoia and hatred.

info History
Background - What is The Gorgons’s background?

The Gorgons are sisters created by the mother of all monsters, Echidna to guard the Sarpedon Island in the western sea. Being abandoned immediately after their birth, the sisters grew paranoid of the outside world more and more with every visitor that came to their home trying to kill them. The grew to distrust others, human, otherworlder, and everything in between.

The sisters were attacked by Crowley, who planned to take the most beautiful of the sisters, Madusa, away with him to use for his sick plans. Stheno and Euryale fled the fearsome intruder, a being far more powerful than any they had encountered before. However Madusa was overpowered and taken away. She was gone for months and her sisters became sure that their dear sister was gone forever when suddenly, she was returned by safely Crowley, now with a baby, Genesys.

The sisters were overwhelmed with conflicting emotions. They were angry about their sister's violation but also ecstatic about the birth of a Gorgon child, something they once thought impossible. They raised the baby with smothering love and protection till the day Genesys snuck away and left the sisters alone again.

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edit Notes
Deity chevron_right Children link linked The Gorgons

Character chevron_right Enemies link linked The Gorgons

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Character chevron_right Mothers link linked The Gorgons

This character was created by Rachael on

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