info Overview
Name - What is Michael Losa’s full name?

Michael Losa

Other names - What other aliases does Michael Losa go by?


Role - What is Michael Losa’s role in your story?

Supporting Main Character

Age - How old is Michael Losa?

S1 - Between 20-23 years old

Gender - What is Michael Losa’s gender?

Cis Male/Heterosexual

face Looks
Hair Style - How does Michael Losa style their hair?

Kept short with a slight fringe of bangs swept to the side

Body Type

Michael is pretty average. He's not overweight but he's not fit either. He has a small belly and light muscle definition.

Skin Tone

Medium tan

Linked Races

Eye Color - What is Michael Losa’s eye color?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Michael Losa have?

Usually clean shaven, occasionally tries to grow it out but doesn't get very far with it.

Weight - How much does Michael Losa weigh?


Height - How tall is Michael Losa?


Hair Color - What color is Michael Losa’s hair?

Medium brown

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Michael Losa have?

Reading, playing video games, eating, listening to music

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Michael Losa have?

Michael (tries to be) pretty laid back but is often overcome with anxiety and stress. He experiences panic attacks and shows signs of it by bouncing his leg, biting his nails, and fidgeting. When he's feeling better, he enjoys reading.

Motivations - What motivates Michael Losa most?

Michael's main goal is keeping his promise to his mother and watching after his little sister. He hates the secretive lifestyle they're forced to live and just wants the best for Bonnie. He wants to earn lots of money so him and his sister can get out of their situation and be safe and happy.

When Frank really starts to spiral into depression-induced substance abuse, Michael starts to worry about him as well. He wants Frank to get clean but at the end of the day, Frank just isn't his main concern; Bonnie is. He holds a lot of resentment for Frank for a long time because of Frank's neglect of the kids but deep down, despite him claiming otherwise, he really loves Frank as if he was his own father.

When they put the bulk of their issues aside, Michael is more open to working with Frank to the very end.

Flaws - What flaws does Michael Losa have?

Michael can be a stick in the mud. He takes things very seriously and has a hard time loosening up, much to the annoyance to Frank. Michael stresses easily and has moderate social anxiety as well as occasional panic attacks. He worries about everything. He can be stubborn, obsessive with cleanliness and order, and he complains. A lot.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Michael Losa have?

Michael had an intense distrust of vampires when he was younger because of what happened to his family. Thankfully, his time with Frank opened his eyes and he learned that just like humans, there are bad and good in every race

Talents - What talents does Michael Losa have?

Michael is very smart thanks to his thirst for knowledge and love of reading. He has a vast knowledge of various beasts and creatures, as well as The Crafts.

Personality type - What personality type is Michael Losa?

ISTJ, -A/-T (The Logistician)

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Michael Losa’s favorite color?


Languages spoken

Favorite animal - What is Michael Losa’s favorite animal?


Favorite possession - What is Michael Losa’s favorite possession?

His books

Favorite food - What is Michael Losa’s favorite food?

Thin crust pepperoni pizza

Occupation - What is Michael Losa’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Michael Losa have?

Left leaning

Religion - What religion does Michael Losa practice?

Likes contemplating spirituality and stuff like that but he doesn't claim any label

info History
Education - What is Michael Losa’s level of education?

Michael was (sloppily) home-schooled by Frank and helped teach his sister Bonnie as well. Despite the somewhat shoddy work and his almost total lack of a formal education, Michael is very intelligent, especially when it comes to The Crafts (though he cannot perform the magic himself) as well as having knowledge of the beasts that inhabit Gaea.

Background - What is Michael Losa’s background?

Michael was just a child when his parents were brutally slaughtered by a group of rogue vampires. He came from a small but financially well-off family which unfortunately made them a prime target for the vampires.

Before she was killed, Bonnie and Michael's mother hid them in the basement to keep them safe. Michael held his baby sister for hours after the attack ended. Frank was in Ventry looking to find the same group that had killed the Losa sibling's family to get the large bounty their kills offered. As he searched through the town he heard the cries of a baby.

Without a thought, Frank rushed to locate the sound and eventually wound up inside the Losa home where he found Michael and Bonnie. Frank originally planned to take the children to a local orphanage and continue on his way but Michael convinced him to adopt them as his own.

So Bonnie and Michael both grew up hidden for much of their childhood because of Frank's infamy. But as the times changed, and more and more is revealed about Frank's past, they eventually go from being locked away from the public to being Frank's sidekicks on his road to fame after he slays the monstrous Hydra threatening the city of Argos.

From there, Bonnie and Michael travel with Frank to find The Black Flame all across Gaea.

Birthday - When is Michael Losa’s birthday?

September 21 (Virgo)

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history Changelog
edit Notes

Death - Killed by Kim when she stabs him in the heart with silver, preventing him from being turned.

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This character was created by Rachael on

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