info Overview
Name - What is Trisha Laveau’s full name?

Trisha Laveau

Other names - What other aliases does Trisha Laveau go by?

The Bitch of Stonebane

Role - What is Trisha Laveau’s role in your story?

Side Character

Age - How old is Trisha Laveau?

131 years old

Gender - What is Trisha Laveau’s gender?

Cis Female/Lesbian

face Looks
Hair Style - How does Trisha Laveau style their hair?

A trendy boycut with longish bangs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Trisha Laveau have?

Her hair, multiple tattoos covering her body, multiple piercings in her ears and on her face.

Body Type

A muscular frame with slightly broadened shoulders, very fit yet still retaining an air of femininity

Skin Tone

Light ivory

Eye Color - What is Trisha Laveau’s eye color?


Weight - How much does Trisha Laveau weigh?


Height - How tall is Trisha Laveau?


Hair Color - What color is Trisha Laveau’s hair?

Black with a bleached white streak

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Trisha Laveau have?

Tinkering with things, taking things apart, driving her motorcycle

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Trisha Laveau have?

Trisha carries herself with gruff confidence. She sits "unladylike" and gives off a "don't give a fuck" attitude. She curses a lot and frequently uses rude gestures.

Motivations - What motivates Trisha Laveau most?

Trisha is happy with where she is now. She's content with doing what she loves and making money for it.

Flaws - What flaws does Trisha Laveau have?

Trisha is very hot-headed and her mood can go from cheery to frightful in a second. She's very non-committal and gets bored quickly.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Trisha Laveau have?

Trisha is pretty open-minded and doesn't care much for racial disputes.

Talents - What talents does Trisha Laveau have?

Very smart with all things mechanical, can fix almost anything, can break into almost anything thanks to her lockpicking skills, great at hand-to-hand combat, motorcycle stunts

Personality type - What personality type is Trisha Laveau?

ISTP, -A/-T (The Virtuoso)

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Trisha Laveau’s favorite color?


Languages spoken

Favorite animal - What is Trisha Laveau’s favorite animal?


Favorite possession - What is Trisha Laveau’s favorite possession?

Her motorcycle

Favorite food - What is Trisha Laveau’s favorite food?

Anything with lots of protien

Occupation - What is Trisha Laveau’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Trisha Laveau have?


Religion - What religion does Trisha Laveau practice?

Secular Herism

info History
Education - What is Trisha Laveau’s level of education?

Trisha received a standard education in Clifwick and completed school before the war. Once she found herself in Vrego, she pursued further education in mechanics.

Background - What is Trisha Laveau’s background?

Trisha's mother, Gabriella, was rendered unable to bear any more children after Trisha's birth. Because of this, Trisha was treated with disrespect and neglect by her own mother. Coming from such a toxic home, Trisha rebelled and would often run away from home. When the war started and enlistment began, Trisha was no longer able to run from her problems anymore. Both her and her half brother Frank were recruited and sent to fight. It was there that she lost her right arm, narrowly avoiding death when Frank saved her from enemy combatants.

On the way home from the war, Trisha leaped from their train and disappeared into the night, never wanting to see her hometown again. Eventually she was able to be outfitted with an MLR, and the routine maintenance of it allowed her to find her life's work as a mechanic. Now she works at a shop in Stonebane where she's a jack-of-all-trades, fixing everything from bikes to pocket watches.

Birthday - When is Trisha Laveau’s birthday?

May 31 (Gemini)

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Death - Killed when bitten in half by Cetus.

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