info Overview
Name - What is Kim Blair’s full name?

Kim Blair

Other names - What other aliases does Kim Blair go by?

Mistress Blair

Role - What is Kim Blair’s role in your story?


Age - How old is Kim Blair?

(S1)132-135 years old
(S2) 141-145 years old

Gender - What is Kim Blair’s gender?

Cis Female/Pansexual

face Looks
Hair Style - How does Kim Blair style their hair?

Long to her butt, supple, flowing waves a bit like a old Hollywood starlet

Body Type

Has a very voluptuous figure, curves in all the right places, large breasts, thighs and butt. Long shapely legs, cinched waist, has just a tiny bit of extra weight that fills in her curves

Skin Tone


Eye Color - What is Kim Blair’s eye color?

Light green

Weight - How much does Kim Blair weigh?


Height - How tall is Kim Blair?


Hair Color - What color is Kim Blair’s hair?

Dark red

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Kim Blair have?

Playing piano, singing, dancing (ballet, exotic)

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Kim Blair have?

Kim moves sensually, her walk similar to a seasoned runway model. She sits properly, her long legs crossed over the knee. Uses a long cigarette holder to smoke which she lights using her pyrokinesis.

Motivations - What motivates Kim Blair most?

Kim wants to be to her father what Frank was supposed to be. She despises Frank because, to her, he was given everything while she had little to start with and was even removed of that.

Kim wanted to be the child of prophecy her father worked so hard to create for years. When Frank was born and thus earned that title, it angered Kim, and Frank's constant refusal to carry out their father's goal only further enrages her. Kim was best friends with Veronica and loved her before Frank met Veronica and they became childhood sweethearts. The jealousy only worsened when they went on to marry and have a child while Kim was forcibly exposed to her father's illness and sickened just to be his lab rat as he worked on finding a cure. Her long illness eventually led to her miscarrying and left her unable to have children at all.

Kim has an intense hatred and loathing for Frank and a complicated love/hate relationship with her late father. Kim's goal is to bring Frank "to his senses" at whatever cost, taking away everything he holds dear so that he has nowhere to turn but to her so that together they can accomplish their father's decades old goal.

Flaws - What flaws does Kim Blair have?

Kim is extremely jealous, spiteful, and filled with hatred. She's completely ruthless and uncaring and cruel. She's incapable of feeling true love. She can be cunning and demanding. She's also very lustful and hedonistic. She cares only for her own happiness and pleasure and derives great joy from inflicting pain on others.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Kim Blair have?

Kim looks down on everyone. She sees herself as something much greater than anything that's ever existed so every other kind is worth no more than dirt to her.

Talents - What talents does Kim Blair have?

Kim is an absolute master manipulator. She can get anyone to do anything she wants. She knows how to get what she wants, when she wants it. She's also very good at playing piano, singing, and a few forms of dance.

Personality type - What personality type is Kim Blair?

ENTJ, -A/-T (The Commander)

info History
Education - What is Kim Blair’s level of education?

Had a typical education in Thebes. She didn't pursue higher education because of her illness and from being impoverished. However she's highly intelligent and is always thinking 12 steps ahead.

Background - What is Kim Blair’s background?

Kim was the product of her father's decades long search for a prophesied child. Her mother was a succubus who had a brief and consensual affair with her father, Crowley. When she was born and cast onto Crowley, he had no other choice but to keep the baby's parentage a secret, simply stating that he had found her along his travels. Kim was placed in foster care where she grew out of the system. Her time there was hard. She was ridiculed and shunned because of her unusual capabilities with fire. The other children in the orphanage saw her as something to be feared.

As a child, Crowley would often visit the orphanage to "spend time with the children". In reality, he was using Kim as a lab rat, forcibly infecting her with the same disease that was quickly killing him so that he could experiment on her younger body. Kim experienced great illness, losing lots of weight and almost all of her hair, as well as being forced to be in a wheel chair because of how painful and weak her body had become. During all of this, Kim's one joy in life was her friend, Veronica. The girls would often meet every night to gaze up at the sun tree down by the creek. They both made a promise that one day, somehow, they would find a way to see the beautiful tree during the day.

Sadly, this would never happen. After returning from school, Kim was attacked by a gang of bullies. Still being stuck in a flimsy wheelchair, Kim failed to outrun them and was pulled from it by her hair and kicked, spat on, and called a freak. Kim's fire started to burn uncontrollably and as the children started to run from their victim, she sent a massive wave of fire at them, burning them all alive and leaving nothing but ash and charred bones. Now stuck inside the orphanage, Kim was no longer able to be with her dear friend. She had to watch as the girl she loved was swept away by a boy named Frank.

Kim knew who Frank was thanks to her father's musings about him. She grew to hate and envy Frank. To her, he had their father's love and attention, he had stolen Veronica from her, he was healthy and grew stronger every day while she continued to wilt.

As Kim grew, she left the orphanage and lived on the streets, she became a prostitute and exotic dancer when she was very young. She killed once again when one of her Johns began to rape her by incinerating him and the car they were having sex in. Though she wandered from city to city, she kept watch of Frank by periodically visting Clifwick. She saw when Frank and Veronica married, and when they had Joanne. Meanwhile, Kim was carrying out her Father's wishes by brutally slaughtering people in Clifwick under the guise of Red Eyes, the mysterious serial killer as well as leading a double life as singer and dancer. While in the city, Kim met Diego, who became her pimp/boyfriend/manager.

When she became pregnant with his child, she stopping going to Clifwick to kill. Finally, she was blessed with someone to call her own, someone that would love her. This happiness was short lived though, for once again, Kim's body succumbed to the sickness she was infected with so long ago. As her body purged, she lost her unborn child before she was even able to learn whether it was a boy or girl. Delirious from grief and blood loss, Kim stumbled out into the snow, following a ghostly apparition of a child before passing out. She awoke in the hospital, Diego by her side. She learned that she had completely lost the ability to carry a child and was released. On the way home, Diego started to berate her as usual and Kim finally snapped. Feigning sickness, Kim asked to pull over. She wandered into the woods, pretending to look for a place to vomit. After being gone for a while, Diego went in search. As he was calling out to her, Kim attacked him, stabbing him with the same switchblade he used on her almost every day. She stabbed him multiple times, not stopping even after he was dead.

From that night, Kim swore to herself to never rely on anyone but herself, to never love again. Eventually the time came to completely destroy Frank's life and Kim relished the opportunity.

Summoning the fires of Hell, Kim set it loose on Clifwick, endangering everyone in the town. During the chaos, Kim was able to strike, killing Joanne, placing the blame on her half-brother, before slipping back into the smoke. Despite losing everything, Frank once again refused his father's demands and was cursed. Frank fled away from his home of Clifwick and Kim followed him from the shadows, planning to make him assimilate and follow his birth rite or die.

Upon learning of The Black Flame, which she had only briefly heard of when she was a child by her father, she set course on trying to find it before her half-brother could. Her wish being to be given Frank's place in the prophecy, so she could gain all of Frank's power and fulfill their father's dying wish.

Birthday - When is Kim Blair’s birthday?

October 27 (Scorpio)

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Death -

S1Stabbed in the heart by Adam with his arm

S2 Dragged away by The Dooms, ripped limb from limb and pulled into Hell when Kasha activated the Gates.

Notable Kills -

Killed Joanne by sending a fire blast through her and Frank.
Killed Diego by stabbing him repeatedly with his own switchblade.
Killed her own henchman by boiling his blood and setting him on fire from the inside out,
Killed Michael by driving his own stake into his heart, preventing him from being turned.
Killed Frank by stabbing him in the back.
Killed Adam by stabbing him in the back.


This character was created by Rachael on

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