info Overview
Name - What is Kasha ’s full name?


Role - What is Kasha ’s role in your story?

Supporting Main Character

Age - How old is Kasha ?

6-10 years old (appears and behaves like she's 27-37 years old)

Gender - What is Kasha ’s gender?

Cis Female/Heterosexual

face Looks
Hair Style - How does Kasha style their hair?

Choppy, slightly grown out pixie

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Kasha have?

A massive tattoo that stretches from her left hand up onto her shoulder blades and back.

Body Type

Very fit while still maintaining her curves. She's pear shaped, with a shapely butt and thighs, and a small waist and bust.

Skin Tone

Dark, rich brown

Linked Races

Eye Color - What is Kasha ’s eye color?


Weight - How much does Kasha weigh?


Height - How tall is Kasha ?


Hair Color - What color is Kasha ’s hair?


fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Kasha have?

Playing guitar, singing, dancing, being alone in nature, swimming

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Kasha have?

Kasha moves slightly cat-like, though not as much as others of her race because of her stunted upbringing. She often sits with her legs tucked beneath her, seeming to be trying to make her body as small as possible.

Motivations - What motivates Kasha most?

When she first breaks out, Kasha's number one motivation is getting as far away from Kim and Adam as possible and keeping her siblings safe. When she meets Frank, she doesn't give a damn about Kim's plans, and is terrified (though she would never admit it) of going up against such a foe.

Eventually though, Kasha understands the real stakes of the situation and vows to join Frank on his journey. She's torn between wanting revenge on Adam for what he did to her and finding forgiveness. She's lost and has an existential crises because she feels split between two worlds. She feels cut off from her heritage, robbed of it. Soon, all she wants is to keep her family safe and find safety and her own place in the world.

Flaws - What flaws does Kasha have?

Kasha can often get lost in the past, letting old hurts come back to bite at her all over again. She has a hard time letting things go. It's very hard to earn her trust since she's wary of nearly everyone around her. She can be very hard-headed and blunt to the point of cruelty some times.

She has lots of trauma from the past to deal with and it still haunts her very much which makes her build barriers around herself. She despises feeling helpless and would rather be in pain and alone than put her burdens on someone else.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Kasha have?

At first Kasha is very wary around vampires most of all because of her traumatic experiences with Adam. Frank helps her overcome these fears by being very patient with her and healing her past scars.

Talents - What talents does Kasha have?

Playing guitar, singing, dancing, skilled at swordplay and hand-to-hand-combat, acrobatics, and is extremely flexible.

Personality type - What personality type is Kasha ?

ISFJ, -A/-T (The Defender)

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Kasha ’s favorite color?


Favorite possession - What is Kasha ’s favorite possession?

Her acoustic guitar

Favorite food - What is Kasha ’s favorite food?

Grilled Motu especially but likes any seafood

Occupation - What is Kasha ’s occupation?

(Formerly) Working for Kim's group.
(Currently) Working with Frank's group, has no official occupation.

Politics - What politics does Kasha have?

Left-leaning, progressive

Religion - What religion does Kasha practice?


info History
Education - What is Kasha ’s level of education?

Kasha was unofficially educated during her upbringing in Kim's fortress. Since she used her studies as a way of coping with her sheltered and abusive life, she's very well-educated.

Background - What is Kasha ’s background?

Kasha was born shortly after her father Nahual took the Chief role of the Bwiziti pride. When the others in the pride learned of Kasha's "Tatu De Inferna Porta (Tattoo of the Hell Portal in direct translation, really it's a doorway to the Underworld), the entire family was ostracized and banished from their own prideland. Having nowhere else to turn in Yasuriti, Kasha's parents fled to Andersh where they met Adam who at the time was still feverishly working at resurrecting his master, Kim. He made a deal with the parents, their child for a life of protection. They accepted, fully knowing their first born daughter would be used for Adam's horrid gain.

Kasha grew up extremely confined and isolated. Adam doted on her, furnishing her quarters with luxurious furniture, dressing her in doll-like dresses, but the seemingly perfect room was more like a prison. At a young age, Kasha was put through rigorous training that took a toll on both her mind and her body. She killed someone for the first time when she was still just a child and was forced to make many more kills throughout her time in Kim's fortress.

As Kasha grew older, Adam began to sadistically abuse her, physically and sexually, much in the same way that his beloved master did when they were together. Kasha became Adam's literal punching bag for his frustrations with Kim's resurrection and bit by bit, Kasha's personality was being replaced by a heartless shell. Nahual always felt great regret for trading off his daughter and was willing to do whatever he could to be with her. They would meet outside in secrecy where they would run through the fortress' surrounding woods in their cat forms. Nahual taught her what it meant to be a werecat, how to use the powers she was blessed with.

Kasha accompanied the rest of Adam's group during their attack on Frank's camp. It was here that they tied Veronica with silver chains and delivered their call to war by having Kasha behead Frank's wife. After killing the few survivors taking refuge in the camp and impaling Veronica's body for Frank to see upon his arrival, the group left, and Kasha was scarred forevermore in her mind.

Soon after, Nahual managed to steal a key to Kasha's room and give it to her, granting her the opportunity to take her younger siblings and run, never looking back. Kasha broke free with her siblings that night and ran as far as she possibly could, not caring about the direction nor destination, as long as it was away from the hellhole she had emerged from.

Along her journey, she and her siblings encounter Frank, Bonnie, and Alice. Frank is oblivious to her role in anything but Kasha is all too aware of who she stumbled into. She keeps it a secret and decides to accompany them. At first, Kasha has no care as to what Kim and her army have planned, but eventually the truth has to come out and she's forced to come clean about some of her involvement with Kim and Adam. After some trust issues resulting from the big reveal, what was supposed to be a temporary partnership slowly grows into more as friendships form, as well as romantic feelings between her and Frank.

Eventually, Kasha wants to stop Kim just as much as Frank so she and her siblings stay with Frank's group.

Birthday - When is Kasha ’s birthday?

March 21 (Aries)

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history Changelog
edit Notes

Notable Kills -

Killed Veronica by beheading her with her sword.

Killed her mother Ammit by tearing her throat out while they were both in their cat forms.

Killed Kim by finishing the ritual and summoning the Gate Of The Underworld and opening the Gate Of Hell, allowing The Dooms to fly out and tear Kim apart.

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This character was created by Rachael on

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