info Overview
Name - What is Bonnie Losa’s full name?

Bonnie Losa

Other names - What other aliases does Bonnie Losa go by?


Role - What is Bonnie Losa’s role in your story?

Supporting Main Character

Age - How old is Bonnie Losa?

S1 - Between 10-13 years old
S2 - Between 19-23 years old

Gender - What is Bonnie Losa’s gender?

Cis Female/Bisexual

face Looks
Hair Style - How does Bonnie Losa style their hair?

Long and straight with a fringe of bangs swept to one side, usually kept in pigtail braids that fall over her chest.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Bonnie Losa have?

Her unusually colored eyes.

Body Type

She's naturally very thin but has small muscle tone because of her active lifestyle. She's not particularly curvy, but she has long legs and arms, built a bit like a model.

Skin Tone

Medium tan

Eye Color - What is Bonnie Losa’s eye color?

Pastel Lavender

Weight - How much does Bonnie Losa weigh?


Height - How tall is Bonnie Losa?


Hair Color - What color is Bonnie Losa’s hair?

Chestnut brown

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Bonnie Losa have?

Bonnie loves drawing and painting with water-colors. She also loves fashion and shopping for clothes,shoes, and accessories.

She can't do it as often as she would like, but she also loves designing and making clothes.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Bonnie Losa have?

Bonnie is a ball of energy, her body moves with her words excitedly. She's vibrate and expressive with her body language and always walks with her shoulders back and chin high.

Motivations - What motivates Bonnie Losa most?

S1 - Bonnie is still rather young during this time but she has an idyllic wish to bring her parents back to life using The Black Flame, something that causes plenty of fights between her and her brother since Michael opposes bringing the dead back to life. She's also extremely traumatized and heartbroken by the things she witnesses during the wars. She hates all the bloodshed and wishes the fighting would end. She loves her family and fears for their safety in such a dangerous world.

She also always helps bring Frank back up when he's down. She hates to see him in pain.

S2 - Bonnie continues to be the person who Frank turns to after Veronica is killed. Bonnie does everything in her power to cradle him through his grief. Her main driving force is supporting Frank as he comes to terms with the immense burden that's been placed on him as he plans to stop Kim's plans.

Flaws - What flaws does Bonnie Losa have?

Bonnie's constant sense of wonder and curiosity also make her a bit ditzy and unable to focus. She often has her head in the clouds. She also has a tendency of getting over-emotional, feeling great pain when others are hurt, or rage when someone is wronged. Her passion and empathy are a double-edged sword since she can sometimes act irrationally, driven solely by her feelings.

She hates being told what to do and likes to rebel. She will do things her way or not at all.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Bonnie Losa have?

Bonnie doesn't have any prejudices. She believes people should be judged individually, not as an entire group. She holds no animosity towards vampires despite how she lost her parents.

Talents - What talents does Bonnie Losa have?

She can find the good in almost any situation. Her light-hearted smile is contagious. She's deceptively skilled at hand-to-hand combat thanks to Frank's teachings.

She's also very good at sketching and water-color painting. Designing and making clothes.

Personality type - What personality type is Bonnie Losa?

ISFP, -A/-T (The Adventurer)

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Bonnie Losa’s favorite color?

Pink and yellow

Languages spoken

Favorite animal - What is Bonnie Losa’s favorite animal?

Loves all animals but especially likes Vixes and Jackalopes.

Favorite possession - What is Bonnie Losa’s favorite possession?

Her paints and art book

Favorite food - What is Bonnie Losa’s favorite food?


Occupation - What is Bonnie Losa’s occupation?

(After the end of S2 it's shown that she finally fulfills her dream of opening her own fashion design store.)

Politics - What politics does Bonnie Losa have?

Left-Leaning, Progressive

Religion - What religion does Bonnie Losa practice?

Secular Herism

info History
Education - What is Bonnie Losa’s level of education?

Bonnie was (sloppily) home-schooled by Frank and Michael. Despite their somewhat shoddy work and her total lack of a formal education, she's pretty well-rounded intellectually.

Background - What is Bonnie Losa’s background?

Bonnie was just a baby when her parents were brutally slaughtered by a group of rogue vampires. She came from a small but financially well-off family which unfortunately made them a prime target for the vampires.

Before she was killed, Bonnie and Michael's mother hid them in the basement to keep them safe. Michael held his baby sister for hours after the attack ended. Frank was in Ventry looking to find the same group that had killed the Losa sibling's family to get the large bounty their kills offered. As he searched through the town he heard the cries of a baby.

Without a thought, Frank rushed to locate the sound and eventually wound up inside the Losa home where he found Michael and Bonnie. Frank originally planned to take the children to a local orphanage and continue on his way but Michael convinced him to adopt them as his own.

So Bonnie and Michael both grew up hidden for much of their childhood because of Frank's infamy. But as the times changed, and more and more is revealed about Frank's past, they eventually go from being locked away from the public to being Frank's sidekicks on his road to fame after he slays the monstrous Hydra threatening the city of Argos.

From there, Bonnie and Michael travel with Frank to find The Black Flame all across Gaia.

In S2 she's gravely injured, so to save her life, Frank turns her into a vampire. Because her soul is now connected to Frank's, she has more power and fewer weaknesses than the average turned human.

Birthday - When is Bonnie Losa’s birthday?

October 3 (Libra)

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Bonnie Losa have?

Her and Alice both care for Rojita.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Rachael on

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