info Overview
Name - What is Elena Marcus’s full name?

Elena Marcus

Other names - What other aliases does Elena Marcus go by?


Role - What is Elena Marcus’s role in your story?

Side Character

Age - How old is Elena Marcus?

S1 - Between 24-27 years old
S2 - Between 33-37 years old

Gender - What is Elena Marcus’s gender?

Cis Female/Heteroflexible

face Looks
Hair Style - How does Elena Marcus style their hair?

Long and straight, usually kept in a tight pony

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Elena Marcus have?

Rose tattoos on her left shoulder

Body Type

Is fit but not overly so, has a petite frame with slight curves

Skin Tone

Very lightly tanned

Linked Races

Eye Color - What is Elena Marcus’s eye color?

Brown but sometimes wears blue contacts

Weight - How much does Elena Marcus weigh?


Height - How tall is Elena Marcus?


Hair Color - What color is Elena Marcus’s hair?

Strawberry blonde (Naturally dark brown)

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Elena Marcus have?

Elena is pretty laid back and chill. She enjoys smoking and getting high but she doesn't abuse any substances. She carries herself with confidence and doesn't get afraid easily.

Motivations - What motivates Elena Marcus most?

Elena's mother is very ill but they have no other family nor any sort of help with finances. This leads to Elena becoming a prostitute to earn the money.

Flaws - What flaws does Elena Marcus have?

Tries to bury her feelings and act uncaring when she really feels and cares a lot. She can be a bit hot headed and impulsive as well.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Elena Marcus have?

None. Elena is very open-minded and accepting.

groups Social
Languages spoken

Favorite animal - What is Elena Marcus’s favorite animal?


Occupation - What is Elena Marcus’s occupation?

S1 Prostitute
S2 Stay at home mother

Politics - What politics does Elena Marcus have?


Religion - What religion does Elena Marcus practice?


info History
Birthday - When is Elena Marcus’s birthday?

January 17 (Capricorn)

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Friends link linked Elena Marcus

Character chevron_right Love interests link linked Elena Marcus

This character was created by Rachael on

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