info Overview
Name - What is De Fortuna’s full name?

De Fortuna

Description - Describe De Fortuna.

State in North Eastern Andersh

Type - What type of location is De Fortuna?

De Fortuna is based on New York City mostly with bits of Las Vegas thrown in as well. It's a medium sized state with a huge population that's a melting pot of different races. Crime rates are high in many areas though you can find pockets of safe locations within it.

De Fortuna is seen as Andersh's "Welcome mat", as it's frequently the place where many immigrate to from other countries.

face Culture
Population - What is De Fortuna’s population?

A large population consisting of all races, especially humans and vampires.

Currency - What currencies are used in De Fortuna?

Andersh Creds

Sports - What sports are played in De Fortuna?

De Fortuna is well known for all types of gambling, but it's most notable game is the annual Blood Games.

map Geography
Climate - What is the climate like in De Fortuna?

De Fortuna sees hot and humid summers, wet and cold winters, and freezing winters that produce snow, sometimes with record low temps in the more northern parts.

book History
history Changelog
edit Notes

This location was created by Rachael on

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