info Overview
Name - What is Coria’s full name?


Description - Describe Coria.

Capital city of Dumatha, in Southern Astren

Type - What type of location is Coria?

Coria is the capital of Dumatha, where King Abraham and his army reside. It's based off parts of the middle east but with a rapidly changing climate, the once arid desert is slowly becoming a humid jungle.

face Culture
Population - What is Coria’s population?

Southern Astren used to be entirely populated by the Lacer race but increasing humidity lead to the people picking up and moving North where it is more dry.

Now, the area is mostly populated by exiles and runaways from Andersh, so the races are very mixed. The population numbers are relatively small.

Currency - What currencies are used in Coria?

Both Astrens use what's known as Klips

Laws - What are the laws in Coria?

Coria as well as all of Southern Astren are ruled by King Abraham, a dictator who runs his country with an iron fist. Laws are based loosely at best and the land and it's people are under direct control of King Abraham.

business Cities
map Geography
Climate - What is the climate like in Coria?

Coria used to be like much of both the Astrens many years ago; blazing hot deserts, little vegetation and limited water resources. However, due to a rapidly changing environment, Southern Astren started to gain a high level of humidity, making the nation's founding race, the Lacers, unable to live any longer on such an inhospitable climate.

Now, all of Southern Astren is more or less still desert with very high levels of humidity to go along with it's normal sweltering temperatures.

Located at - Where is Coria located?

Southern Astren

Crops - What crops does Coria produce?

Because of the harsh environment, Southern Astren doesn't produce any crops and mainly has to export their food sources from other countries, namely Andersh, the country it shares a border with.

book History
Founding Story - How was Coria founded?

Coria is a very old place and has been the residence of all of its rulers since its conception. It used to be the home to a predominately Lacer population until changes to its climate forced the people to seek drier residence.

After losing nearly all its people, Dumatha became a deserted state, and slowly filled back in again with runaways from the neighboring country of Andersh.

Taking advantage of the fallen empire, King Abraham was able to secure the throne for himself and rule over the people who remained.

history Changelog
edit Notes
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Location chevron_right Capital cities link linked Coria

Creature chevron_right Habitats link linked Coria

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