info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

My World

Description - How would you describe My World?

A magical world where the gods are very real and adventures are vying for fame and fortune.

Genre - What genre best describes My World?


date_range History
Origin - How did My World originate?

The birth of the gods -

In the beginning there existed only the great nothing, a vast emptiness that stretched across the void that would eventually become the universe. Countless eons passed as the Nothing lay dormant in its slumber. As time crept by, the Nothing began to stir; eventually splitting and splitting again and again until there were eight Nothings floating in the vast emptiness. As more time passed, self awareness began to flicker to life as each Nothing gradually became aware of their individual consciousness and the other seven around them. They discovered intelligence and began to communicate, eventually giving names to one another in the first steps of individuality that would shape their own personalities. These first beings would mold the world of Orthos where the first races would sprout forth and populate the lands; from that day forth the nothings would forever be known as gods.

The creation –

Eons passed uneventfully as each god focused on his own individuality. Eventually, the God known as Orthos believed that he had come to understand everything there was to learn. Orthos came to the conclusion that there was nothing left in the vast emptiness and he began to mold and shape himself into a sphere, falling into himself many times over, condensing down into a perfectly round orb. As Orthos floated dormant in the void, his sister god, Celeste , became intrigued at what Orthos had done. Inspired, Celeste came up with an equally radical idea. Celeste rapidly increased her internal temperature, doubling it every second until she exploded herself into a trillion, trillion glowing shards, spreading out indefinitely and filling the entire void with her superheated fragments and creating all of the celestial bodies that can be seen in the night sky, twinkling down on her brother Orthos.

A third god, known as Rylum, having witnessed what her brother and sister had done became the first being to experience the feeling of grief. Rylum's initial response to the transformation of her two siblings was to let her newly discovered emotions manifest themselves in the form of tears. As her tears streamed down her face and fell from the void they filled the wide basins and crevices on the surface of Orthos; creating the first oceans and seas. After her grieving was over, Rylum made the decision not to let her siblings' experiences go for nothing so she took to tending the spherical orb. First Rylum positioned Orthos to catch the warming rays of the nearest fragmented shard of Celeste and sent it into a spinning and looping orbit around the fragment; creating day and night and seasons. Rylum then created and shaped the land; nurturing life from the soil and sea as a memorial to her siblings.

Over time, Rylum created incredible landscapes of greenery, mountain ranges, deserts, and great rock formations; all conceivable landscapes were represented. After countless ages of tending the vast landscapes, Rylum began to realize something was still missing. It was then that Rylum began to create all manner of beasts to roam the land, soar in the sky, and patrol the deep oceans in a precise balance that would keep her carefully tended world prosperous and healthy. A hierarchy of predator and prey was instilled in each and every beast. This was a system that would keep all life in check in a harmonious balance.

There was one thing that Rylum and her siblings did not consider or take into account was how the divine essence from Orthos with no consciousness to control it would settle over time. They got their answer in the form of dragons. These creatures would manifest from the raw and dormant divine essence that was Orthos and burst forth from the ground with unbridled might and no self control. Their power was immense and wild. The dragon’s would wreak havoc on the planet, vying for control over one another and all the lesser creatures for centuries before the gods finally stepped in and put a halt to their reign of uncontrolled chaos.

The fall of Dragons –

The dragons were partially divine creatures being born from the dormant divine essence of Orthos. This made them very powerful and dangerous creatures even for a god. Their reign would last for many centuries. It was not uncommon for violent battles to rage for decades between two equally powerful dragon combatants as they vied for supremacy amongst one another and the lesser races of Orthos. Eventually their powers began to increase and manifest into more powerful abilities, the gods determined they were simply too dangerous to leave to their own devices. The decision was made to step in and strip them of much of their power. To this day the remaining dragons are a shell of their former selves. However, they are still very powerful, only the gods themselves have more power than a fully developed dragon.

Arom and Gard were the first to move against the dragons and their siblings quickly followed suit as they began to understand the true dangers that a combined force of dragons could have on them if the dragons were ever to take a moment to consider the possibilities of forming an alliance amongst themselves. The gods would have been hard pressed to fend off the combined might of the dragons if they ever chose to move against them in a well executed coup. Selorna, with the help of Morsash, snuck past the dragon’s magical wards and was able to drain much of their magical abilities by absorbing their magic essence into her own being. Without the aid of their formidable magic, the dragons quickly surrendered to avoid being utterly destroyed.

As part of their judgement against the Dragon's, the gods decided to allow them to keep their immortality but without the ability to produce offspring. Essentially making them all infertile. At first the dragons did not fully comprehend the severity of this punishment. They had thought they got off easy but as the lesser races began to expand their population and sphere of influence; this made the dragons reconsider their initial reaction to being made immortal; for although they were immune to death by natural causes, they were not immune to death through more conventional methods such as blades and spells. This made extinction a very real possibility. Until very recently this knowledge has made many of the dragons reclusive and paranoid. Only now have they begun to climb out of their deep holes and hidden lairs to begin exploring the world once again. The existing eggs that had not yet hatched when the gods enacted their judgement would hatch into a new race, the Draconid. The Draconid are able to breed and produce Draconid offspring but never again will a full fledged dragon ever be born.

The rise of mortals –

The Green Elf were the first non-dragon intelligent life to inhabit Orthos. Created by the goddess Rylum, the Green Elf were an amusing curiosity and much attention was given to them. Banach would become jealous of the attention his fellow deities were giving to Rylum's creations. Banach would taint a group of Rylum’s elves with hatred and loathing thus creating his own race of elves that he would simply call Dark Elf. The Dark Elf would become everything the Green Elf were not. Spiteful and cruel, the Dark Elf would create a society based on fear, hatred, destruction, and suffering.

Unlike the other deities Banach and Morsash are still connected by a thin and nearly imperceptible divine thread. This connection gives them a deep bond but it also allows the emanations of Banach’s jealous rage and hatred to spread and taint the heart of Morsash. Morsash would open his mind and heart to the darkest and most evil interpretations of emotion. Morsash fully embraced revenge, deceit, and lies. Morsash condoned murder and extreme violence, even encouraged it among his own followers.

While Banach and Morsash were busy twisting Rylum’s creations and giving rise to races such as Arachnid. Arom was watching this scenario play out with obvious disdain for his two brothers. Arom would go on to preach justice, duty, and loyalty to any and all who would listen. Arom would oppose and fight Banach and Morsash at every turn.

All manner of beings were now sprouting forth and populating the lands. Green Elf, Dwarf , and Human were the most populous but others were quickly gaining a hold and building their own realms and kingdoms. The powerful and reclusive Wendengo gathered in small clans and spread to the most remote forested habitats. Arachnid retreated from their battles with the Green Elf and Dwarf to make their home in the harshest climates of the deserts and wastelands.

As the population of the various races began to grow and spread, the gods quickly came to realize they could draw more power based on the number of followers they could gather to their cause. This has created a unique relationship between the gods and the mortals that serve them. It is in the pantheons best interest to maintain and grow their influence to attract more followers to their side. Some may scoff or reject the gods but there is no denying their existence. The gods play a real and active role in the lives of the races that populate Orthos.

gavel Systems
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in My World?

Similar to the laws of physics on Earth.

Magic System - What is the magic system like in My World?

Divine magic is granted by the individual gods to their clerics and priesthood and Arcane magic is pulled directly from the residual powers of the former god Orthos by the individual. No direct god interaction is required for arcane magic. Although, the Goddess Selorna does hold domain over the realm of arcane magic.

Technology - What is the level of technology like in My World?

Standard medieval fantasy

edit Notes
Inspiration - What were your major sources of inspiration for My World?

Forgotten Realms and Dragon's Gate.

This universe contains...
19 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain The Under Sewers The Under Sewers makes [[Location-233458]] look like a children's park. If you can find it and survive it, you can buy anything imaginable for half the cost of what you'll pay in [[Location-233...
terrain The Realm of Gateway The lands surrounding the town of [[Town-17984]] roughly 250 miles in any direction from the city center.
terrain Shadows Alley A haven for rogues, thugs, and other undesirable individuals. Anything illicit or illegal can be found and procured for the right price or trade. Shadows Alley is not for the weak or faint of heart...
terrain Lowe Street Lowe Street runs directly through the center of the [[Location-233466]]. Home to beggars and vagrants, many of the city's most infamous rogues got their start on Lowe Street by controlling a block ...
terrain Black Market This is where you come to buy dangerous artifacts, fulfill a fetish, or maybe to buy items that you don't want others to know you're buying. Anything that you can imagine can be bought here for a p...
terrain Market Square The market square is a bustling hub of activity and commerce, located in the heart of the city. Stalls and tents line the cobblestone streets, offering an array of goods from far-off lands. The sme...
terrain Noble District While there are no nobles residing full time in Gateway, this name was given as a joke to poke fun at other cities that recognize nobility as a ruling class. Over time the name stuck and the reside...
terrain Poor Quarters
terrain Law District
terrain Graveyard
terrain Dock District Also referred to as The Docks.
terrain Dock Street Popular for its rowdy taverns and pleasure houses. Many adventuring parties and expeditions are formed over a mug of ale in one of the numerous taverns found all along Dock Street. The city wat...
terrain Side Street Side Street is not as dangerous as [[Location-233458]] but it is nearly as unpredictable. This is where the wealthy go when they are feeling adventurous but are too fearful of stepping into [[Locat...
terrain Religious District
terrain Crypt
terrain The Oasis
terrain The Great waste
terrain Merchants Way The main street that runs through the center of the [[Location-233465]].
terrain The Sewers The sewers run beneath the city of Gateway in a labyrinth of passageways. They are considered unsafe and many adventures have gone missing after entering the sewers.

11 buildings reorder
business Buildings close
business Blacksmith 2
business Armorer
business Pete's Tavern If you're bold enough to brave [[Location-233458]] this is where you come if you seek information. [[Character-1100744]] is the proprietor and his network of eyes and ears has no equal. If you have...
business The White Pony The White Pony is arguably the most popular tavern along [[Location-233312]]. [[Character-1100742]] is purportedly the most dangerous knife fighter in the city and The White Pony falls squarely in ...
business Haunted House A massive 3 story mansion with a full attic and cellar.
business Blacksmith
business Witch Hut
business Seamstress
business General store
business Inn
business Inn 2

99 creatures reorder
pets Creatures close
pets Beaver, Saltwater A massive species of beaver that can grow to the size of a black bear.
pets Beaver The smaller cousin to the [[Creature-29836]]; the beaver prefers slow moving streams, rivers, and freshwater marshes where they build their dams and lodges. Unlike the [[Creature-29836]] these beav...
pets Chicken Bear A 6-7 foot flightless bird with a massive and shaggy body. Powerful legs and a thick, heavy beak.
pets Bear, Cave Standing upright they range anywhere from 10-12 feet tall and 5-7 feet at the shoulders when on all fours and 2000 + pounds; the cave bear is nearly twice as large as a grizzly bear. There are not ...
pets Bear, Grizzly Massive bulk and a mean streak, grizzly bears will attack even when unprovoked. They will eat anything that they can catch, forage, or steal and everything in-between. Just about the only thing a g...
pets Bear, Black Standing no more than 7 feet tall and 600 pounds the black bear is the smallest of the bears. They typically shy away from people and mind their own business unless provoked.
pets Minotaur These massive and thick necked beasts are rumored to be an experiment gone wrong. Many powerful spellcasters and even Vampires use them as unwitting guards to their hideouts and lairs. Minotaurs ha...
pets Bugbear Giant goblinoid creatures standing nearly 7 feet tall with Shaggy hair and leathery skin in shades of brown, green, or grey. They appear as giant goblins. They are by no means pleasant creatures bu...
pets Vampire At the top of the undead hierarchy and the undisputed master of the undead; a vampire is the embodiment of unholy undeath. Vampires can control and direct other undead to do their bidding. Skin as ...
pets Skeleton A skeleton is the most basic form of undead and is often used as foot soldiers in the undead ranks.
pets Dragon Black - acid white - frost red - fire green - poisonous fog copper - darkness bronze - confusion fog silver - lightning gold - sonic blast
pets Bear, White Found exclusively wandering the tundra and the far northern reaches, the white bear is the second largest of the bear species. Only the cave bear has more bulk. Their pelt is a sign of status to th...
pets Scarlet Raven These are large and robust scavengers with scarlet colored plumage. Their feathers are used for a wide variety of decorative applications.
pets Canine, Dire Wolf Coming in at around 400 pounds the dire wolf is three times the size and has three times the aggression of a standard wolf. They travel in small family packs which usually consist of a mating pair ...
pets Canine, Wolf Wolves travel in large packs of up to 20 individuals during plentiful times but break off into several smaller packs of 3 or 4 during more lean times or especially harsh seasons. Wolves tend to ste...
pets Lizard, Shingle-backed Monitor These hardy lizards have tough rugged scales that overlap across its back and down its sides, much like shingles on a roof. These overlapping scales can repel even the sharpest of blades.
pets Lizard, Rock Large robust lizards the length of a man's leg. This species doesn't have teeth but bony ridges along its mouth can cause a very painful, slicing bite and their whip-like tail has been known to bri...
pets Bat, Dire Dire bats are massive bats that spend the majority of their life swooping around large caverns and cave systems below the surface.
pets Worm, Sand This species is smaller than their northern cousins but otherwise nearly identical. Sand worms are around 6 to 7 feet in length. Sand worms patrol the desert, burrowing through the loose sand dunes...
pets Hydra The Hydra makes its home in the caves below the high tide waterline all along the coast and the rocky islands scattered throughout the sea. They come in three varieties with either 3, 4, or 5 head...
pets Swamp Ape An upright walking ape that makes the swamps their home. Highly territorial, they will charge at any intruder. Crashing through the thick growth, smashing trees and throwing debris as they charge. ...
pets Giant, Stone Hailing from deep inside the mountain ranges, the stone giants can be found. These are the largest of the humanoid creatures and exceed 15 feet tall. Incredible strength, thick granite like ski...
pets Unicorn The breathtaking and mystical Unicorn is one of the rarest animals on the planet. Highly intelligent and capable of logic and reason the unicorn can be a magical sight to see for many or a potentia...
pets Orc, Frost These Orcs are tall exceeding 7 feet and broad shouldered with massive tusks protruding up from their bottom jaw, sometimes growing so long it impedes their vision and needs to be trimmed. Pale ski...
pets Troll, Swamp The largest and most vicious of the trolls. Their sheer ferocity makes up for their dull wit and low intelligence.
pets Forest Hag At first glance this creature has the appearance of a hunchbacked old woman wearing a tattered shawl. Do not be fooled, this creature is all claws and fangs with a bit of innate magic too.
pets Gargoyle These stone-like creatures live in old ruins and mountain ranges. Seeking high perches to observe their territory and to swoop down on intruders. Coming in a range of grey shades with knobby blotch...
pets Troll, Forest The smallest of the troll species and the one that is most likely to be reasoned with; at least until you turn your back.
pets Worg Nasty with a violent temperament a worg looks like a cross between a wolf and a boar they are highly intelligent and capable of higher thought processes and strategy when compared to any other comm...
pets Giant Salamander Living in deep caves and underground cavern systems that run alongside rivers and lakes where water seeps through the walls . These salamanders have a powerful bite and can reach lengths of nearly ...
pets Lizard, Flame-backed Skink These lizards can be found along the edges of the wasteland and other arid climates. They secret a burning acid from glands that run along their back. They can reach upwards of 2 feet in length.
pets Crocodile, Salt Marsh The largest of the crocodile species these behemoths can reach 30+ feet in length and easily swallow a man whole.
pets Crocodile, Spiny The smaller relative of the Salt-marsh crocodiles, these are still a formidable foe reaching 15 feet in length with a row of dagger-like spines that run down it's back.
pets Giant, Ice These giants thrive in the coldest of regions, even more so than Frost Orcs. Reaching a height of 12 feet, Ice giants are covered in thick, white hair and beards that can grow past their knees and ...
pets Orc, Mountain Shorter than Frost Orcs but much more heavily muscled and stout. Their skin is the color of stones and has a dusty appearance. Two thick, blunt tusks grow up from their lower jaw but barely extend ...
pets Troll, Rock Highly intelligent and able to execute complex strategies, rock trolls work quite well together at ambushing unsuspecting travelers.
pets Kobold Small lizard-like humanoids that are easily distracted by shiny objects but can be dangerous if provoked or if you hold the shiny object that is their focus of desire. Kobolds have long spindly arm...
pets Ent Increasingly rare, these are solitary forest creatures that resemble trees. Highly intelligent and highly protective of the forest. They will attack anyone who threatens their forest home. Logg...
pets Shade When negative energy infuses with a corrupted soul it produces a shade. A shade retains the memories of their former self making them intelligent and self aware. These spirits are capable of comple...
pets Lost Soul A lost soul is the soul of a godless mortal who was not able to cross over in death. They are destined to walk the lands until their spirit is released.
pets Boar, Warpig The warpig is without a doubt the most unpredictable of the wild boars. Stoutly built with razor sharp tusks they are built for battle and wholly unpredictable and fearless. Their durable hide is h...
pets Boar, Wild The smaller cousin to the warpig the wild boar is a popular game animal to hunt for sport and for food. Tough and mean they can prove to be quite worthy adversaries. Able to absorb powerful blows t...
pets Giant Cave Cricket About the size of a medium housecat these insects usually travel the cave systems in swarms; eating everything in their paths. They can be found outside of caves when they are out searching for a n...
pets Flat-headed Hyena Masters of intimidation the flat-headed hyena easily exceeds 200 pounds and possesses a bone-crushing bite that is powered by their massive neck and jaw muscles. A pack can successfully drive off e...
pets Feline , Slant-backed Sabrecat This predator is lean and reclusive, the sabrecat slinks around rocky outcroppings searching for prey. Their lean bodies allow them to squeeze into narrow crevasses. They typically prey on rodents ...
pets Trillfrog These unusual specimens are a squat, barrel chest, 4 foot tall, toad-like humanoid living in the damp limestone caves that can be found all along the shoreline. They have demonstrated a rudimentary...
pets Phantom A very powerful and dangerous foe because they exist simultaneously in our realm and the realm of the dead. This makes them very hard to defeat using conventional weapons.
pets Slaugh A Slaugh is a malevolent spirit that prowls the night seeking innocent souls to devour
pets Vengeful Spirit In life, vengeful spirits were evil and corrupt mortals.
pets Ghoul A ghoul is a more powerful version of a rotting corpse
pets Barred Eagle The largest avian in the known world, barred eagles are massive and breathtaking to behold. They prefer remote mountainous regions but they can also be seen floating on thermals high above the ...
pets Swamp Donkey A foul tempered beast that resides in the swamps and marshes. Their large flat teeth designed for crushing fibrous plants can deliver a devastating and crushing bite and a kick that can collapse a ...
pets Banshee These are the souls of women that died in horrific ways and now their souls prowl the night seeking the living to exact their revenge. They can emit a powerful shriek that is capable of disorie...
pets Swamp Goose These geese are unique in that they build large communal floating rafts to nest and lay their eggs on. They seem to have no preference for either fresh or saltwater for nesting but once the young a...
pets Vulture, Horned-Billed Large with nasty temperament the horn-billed vulture is the bully of the avian world. A flock of horn-billed vultures are capable of harassing even a barred eagle from a kill.
pets Vulture, Black backed Their droppings are sought after for antibacterial properties that are quite effective in fighting off infections. Soldiers commonly carry a poultice of vulture droppings with them into battle.
pets Gull, Speckled The most common of the gulls, the speckled gull patrols the beaches eating any scraps they can find that wash ashore. They will even follow ships far out to sea, eating the refuse and fish scraps t...
pets Spade Headed Slug Giant subterranean slug that can spray a toxic slime at its attackers. Its slime is prized for alchemy.
pets Rat, Sewer The most commonly found rat in the city is the sewer rat
pets Rat, Swamp The largest of the rats is the swamp rat.
pets Turtle, Slackjaw A spectacular sight to see gliding effortlessly among the waves but lumbering tediously on land this enormous sea turtle, 10 feet in diameter, has the ability to unhinge its jaws when feeding on hu...
pets Carrion Crawler The carrion crawler is a wormlike carrion feeder that slides along the deep caverns and caves eating anything in its path alive or dead. You should not have to worry about stumbling across one on a...
pets Fade These poor souls are trapped in the in-between. They are destined to be tormented by having eternal rest in sight and at their fingertips but not able to take that final step. Unable to achieve ete...
pets Prairie Chicken Prairie chickens are an important food source for the inhabitants of the great prairie; they are plentiful and repopulate rapidly. Nomadic tribes have been known to domesticate them to be used as a...
pets Snake, Viper, Long-nosed This viper species has the most toxic venom of any reptile. Oddly enough its striking range is quite short for its size. Long and thin they can exceed six feet in length but they are unable or at l...
pets Eel, Spotted The spotted eel is quite common in all freshwater bodies of water from rivers and streams to swamps and lakes. They can even travel short distances across land between water sources making them hig...
pets Canine, Bush-tailed Jackal Small and skittish this Jackal uses its wit to steal meals from the larger predators that share its territory.
pets Lummox A large, lumbering, and dim witted beast. A Lummox stampede is considered one of the most feared disasters to occur. As long as you take care not to spook them they can be domesticated for food, mi...
pets Mastodon The largest of the tundra inhabitants. A large adult male Mastodon stands 14 feet high at the shoulders and can exceed 10 tons in weight. They are covered in a thick shaggy coat that drags to the g...
pets Giant Crab These massive crustaceans are found all along the beaches. Their massive claws can deliver a devastating and crushing blow. A thick shell protects them from damaging blows
pets Weeping Man A weeping man is thought to be the physical body to an otherwise deceased soul. In life, the weeping man was someone who was bitter and hateful. Their sole purpose in death is to spread their miser...
pets Gull, Stone These gulls can be found all along the shoreline but they are more common along particularly rough and rocky shorelines where they nest in rock crevasses.
pets Feline, Tundra Leopard These are highly specialized predators that work in pairs to take down the largest of game. These large cats are masters at stalking and killing young mastodons and wooly rhinos. Nearly the size of...
pets Aurochs A massive bovine with large horns jutting from its head curving forward in front of the face to point directly at a would-be attacker. An intimidating appearance no doubt.
pets Wooley Rhino The second largest beast to roam the tundra. Hot tempered with poor eyesight a woolly rhino shows no fear and will charge blindly at any perceived threat. Despite their poor eyesight, their highly ...
pets Cave Terror A vicious little beast that resembles a medium sized, hairless canine; the cave terror prowls the dark tunnels and deep underground caverns below the surface.
pets Rotting Corpse A rotting corpse is similar to a skeleton except they have retained most of their flesh making them a bit harder to destroy.
pets Caravan Spider This massive 3 foot arachnid is an ambush predator that can be found just about anywhere. They possess very mild toxic venom but prefer to overpower their prey only employing their venom to soften ...
pets Snake, Grass shy and reclusive this stout snake averages around 3 feet and is harmless to all but rodents. Their size combined with powerful jaws and constricting abilities make them ideal for pest control. Far...
pets Feline, Prairie Lion The prairie lion is the largest of the cats. They can reach sizes comparable to a black bear. The prairie lion is quite capable of taking down prey much larger than themselves. It is quite common f...
pets Snake, Asp, Shovel-nosed The shovel-nosed asp has moderately toxic venom that it does not hesitate to use. Quick to strike this snake has a fearsome reputation. Fortunately its bite is rarely fatal.
pets EeL, Electric
pets Jackalope The Jackalope is a large jackrabbit that is unique because it sprouts antlers directly from its skull. The antlers are not shed yearly like deer and are kept throughout their lifetime but do not re...
pets Long-necked Antelope A medium sized antelope ranging from 75 to 100 pounds these fleet footed master jumpers can leap over 15 feet into the air and a distance of over 40 feet from a standstill.
pets Rat, Wood The most commonly found rat away from civilization is the wood rat.
pets Lich A powerful mage that has conquered death can be transformed into a lich. Without the boundaries of life holding them back, lich’s have the potential to be the most powerful spell-casters in the en...
pets Tormented Soul As the name implies a tormented soul is a soul that has not been able to fully crossover for any number of reasons.
pets Snake, Constrictor, Leather-backed Large and powerful the leatherback constrictor can exceed 35 feet in length. They inhabit the deep swamps and other wet and humid climates. They have a strip of thick, leathery skin that extends th...
pets Speckle-backed Gazelle This is a small gazelle, coming in around 35 pounds but what they lack in size they make up for in speed. The speckled back gazelle is the fastest known land animal in the world.
pets Bat, Cavern A smaller version of a dire bat but still quite large. Cavern bats fly out of their roosts at night and into the starlit sky. They can commonly be found roosting in old warehouses and abandoned bar...
pets Bison, Prairie Sometimes called the spotted bison, the massive and iconic herbivore of the prairie is the prairie bison. Herds of a million bison can sometimes be seen migrating across the plains, following the r...
pets Manticore Living in mountainous regions, the manticore is truly a sight to behold with the face that resembles a man and the body of a lion with a scorpion like tail. These fearsome beasts can be disturbing ...
pets Worm, Tundra With very little brain power, tundra worms live solely on instinct to survive. Coming in at 10 to 12 feet they are very massive and powerful, able to burrow effortlessly through the rocky and froze...
pets Lizard, Cave Any place you can find a cave you will find cave lizards. Coming in a variety of shades of blue, green, or orange their skin is popular to use as an accent in leather working.
pets Carrion Beast With sightless, milky white eyes the carrion beast has the most developed sense of smell of any known animal. Found exclusively in deep caves. Do not let their name fool you, they will make a meal ...
pets Bison, Wood Smaller, less common, and the more docile cousin to the spotted bison, the wood bison inhabits the forests, never venturing out onto the open plains. With a much more manageable temperament the woo...
pets Giant, Green Green giants are the most intelligent and smallest of the giants, rarely exceeding 10 feet. They are more widespread than their cousins the frost and stone giants. Green Giants will work with o...
pets Shrub- ox This large herbivore is larger than a bison but smaller than a wooly rhino. The shrub- ox has been domesticated for many centuries but wild populations can still be found ranging from the forest to...
pets Sand Flea These hefty nuisances are roughly the size of a large melon. Sand fleas are burrowing, insect-like crustaceans with a hard exoskeleton. Commonly found along the shoreline and beaches.

15 deities reorder
ac_unit Deities close
ac_unit Selorna Selorna is the keeper of all arcane magic and with the responsibility of magic comes the realm of mystery and wisdom. Selorna does not discriminate with who can or cannot use arcane magic or wh...
ac_unit Banach Banach is the personification of chaos. He has fully embraced every negative emotion and powers his faithful with hatred.
ac_unit Lock Lock is a free spirit that places very little restrictions on how, why or when to worship him. He will accept anyone into his shadowy embrace. Lock doesn't care what you do as long as you do it...
ac_unit Dolorr To call him a god may be misleading for his origins are not exactly clear and his very existence has been called into question. Priests and priestesses of Dolorr do have apparent divinely grant...
ac_unit Exarchs Exarchs, [[Deity-19313]], and [[Deity-19314]] are all direct manifestations of the gods. They are oftentimes employed to carry messages directly from the gods to mortals that serve them. They have ...
ac_unit Heralds [[Deity-19312]], [[Deity-19313]], and Heralds are all direct manifestations of the gods. They are oftentimes employed to carry messages directly from the gods to mortals that serve them. They have ...
ac_unit Orthos A deceased god that sacrificed himself to become the planet of Orthos.
ac_unit Arom Arom is a great at diplomacy and will often be the pivotal player in moving peace negotiations forward in times of war.
ac_unit Gard Gard is the undisputed lord of battles and wars. Everyone from warlords and mercenaries to barroom brawlers flock to his side. Every soldier on the battlefield has most likely said a prayer to ...
ac_unit Torrg Torrg was once a mighty human and honorable to a fault, in his mortal life he was a powerful priest of [[Deity-19305]]. Torrg was granted divine powers and elevated to Exarch by [[Deity-19305]]...
ac_unit Morsash Morsash was a bit of a loner among his siblings, only growing close with Banach. At first he had no real ambition or drive. Morsash was content to sit, wait, and watch things unfold. This all chang...
ac_unit Celeste Celeste is a deceased deity that sacrificed herself to become all of the celestial bodies we see in the sky.
ac_unit Divas [[Deity-19312]], Divas, and [[Deity-19314]] are all direct manifestations of the gods. They are oftentimes employed to carry messages directly from the gods to mortals that serve them. They have be...
ac_unit Rylum Rylum was the first of the deities to take an interest in Orthos and she was the first to nurture life from nothing. It was Rylum that created all the plants and animals that we know today and it w...
ac_unit Beln He is the embodiment of wild and untamed nature; his domain is the unforgiving and primal side of nature.

6 groups reorder
wc Groups close
wc Traders Guild
wc City Watch The day to day peace keepers inside the town of [[Town-17984]]. The Watch patrols the streets within the city.
wc Rat Risers The most powerful and ruthless criminal organization in all of [[Town-17984]]. They founded and created the [[Location-246282]] to move black market goods and services. Rarely showing themselve...
wc City Guard These are the elite trained soldiers that patrol the perimeter of [[Town-17984]] and they are stationed at the gates leading into [[Town-17984]].
wc The Council A group of elected citizens that work with [[Character-1101385]] to run the city of [[Town-17984]]
wc The Bruised Knuckles An adventuring party and group for hire.

14 jobs reorder
work Jobs close
work Priest
work Berserker The berserker sacrifices defense for offense. Wielding a two-handed weapon is the preferred choice for a berserker. They have the ability to go into a berserk rage and will not stop until their dea...
work Warrior The warrior is the uncontested master of complete melee combat, balancing offense and defensive abilities. Many warriors choose a specialized style but they have the ability to master any type of w...
work Witch
work Rogue
work Monk
work Paladin
work Warlock
work Ranger
work Necromancer
work Mage
work Shaman
work Druid
work Bard

1 lore reorder
book Lores close
book The Rebirth of Young Mather The story of Young Mathers and the beginning of his transformation into [[Character-1100624]], one of the realms most feared assassins.

17 races reorder
face Races close
face Wendengo The Wendengo are massive, hairy, bipedal humanoids, powerfully built, standing between 7 to 10 feet tall and weighing between 400 to 800 pounds. They are a very shy and reclusive race, sticking...
face Green Elf Green Elves are everything Dark Elves are not. They are slightly larger but every bit as agile as their dark kin. They are a bit reclusive but unless they suspect someone of ill intent they welcome...
face Draconid All Draconids are descendants of the last clutches of [[Creature-38589]] eggs prior to the fall of the [[Creature-38589]]. These eggs hatched into what we now know as Draconids.
face Dwarf Dwarves are a sturdy and hardy race that make their homes beneath the mountains and spend their days mining, forging, and drinking.
face Gnoll A twisted creation of [[Deity-19302]] and [[Deity-19303]]. It is believed that many generations ago [[Deity-19303]] and [[Deity-19302]] had infused the [[Race-46669]] race with a bit of Morsash’s i...
face Dark Elf Dark Elves are known to inhabit great underground cities that sprawl for miles in vast cavern systems deep below the surface. Very few adventures have the courage to delve too deeply into the u...
face Human Humans are the most populous of the races by far and have an exceptional range of personalities and professions. You can find Humans anywhere doing anything. They make excellent diplomats and b...
face Arachnid Heavy bodied insect-like humanoids roughly 4 to 6 feet in height. Scorpids and Arachnids have a natural affinity for one another and are commonly seen together. The same cannot be said for coop...
face Avian The Avian people are very prideful and they can be arrogant. They occasionally make loyal friends to those outside of their race but they typically stick with their own kind. Avians have wonderf...
face Lizard Folk The Lizard folk are large and powerful with strong jaws that can deliver a devastating bite or employ their vicious claws that are capable of rending flesh to pulp. They stand 6 to 8 feet with ...
face Halfling Halflings are fun loving diminutive folks that rarely exceed 4 feet, 3 to 4 feet is the typical range. They are extremely quick on their feet and witty with their tongues. Halflings enjoy pulli...
face Shan do'Vor Resembling a bipedal Feline, the Shan are sleek and agile, standing upwards of 7 feet tall with slender and muscular bodies. They are a shy but proud race not making friends easily but loyal t...
face Du’gugway The Du'gugway are a tall and slender serpentine race. They observe more than they speak. They are a bit anti-social, preferring to stay on the sidelines and observe rather than being in the spo...
face Candirus These wolf-like people have a sleek and streamlined, well defined, balanced body with clean, glossy fur and clear bright eyes. They are powerfully built with extremely strong chest, shoulder, a...
face Goblin Goblins are nasty and ill-tempered balls of destruction. If there is ever an outbreak of mass chaos you can be assured that a Goblin was somehow involved. They stand roughly 3 feet in height an...
face Sylph Sylph, Faerie, Pixie, and Sprite are just a few of the names these diminutive creatures are known as and they have as many personalities as names. In most cases they are friendly and helpful, f...
face Scorpid Heavy bodied insect-like humanoids roughly 4 to 6 feet in height. Scorpids and arachnids have a natural affinity for one another and are commonly seen together. The same cannot be said for coop...

2 towns reorder
location_city Towns close
location_city Brampstone The most powerful and influential of the [[Race-46663]] cities that was destroyed during the [[Race-46674]] uprising.
location_city Gateway Gateway is a self governed port town with approximately 50,000 year round residents, roughly a third of those live within the city walls. There is another 20,000 in a transient population that come...

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