info Overview
Name - What is Rylum's name?


Description - How would you describe Rylum?

Rylum was the first of the deities to take an interest in Orthos and she was the first to nurture life from nothing. It was Rylum that created all the plants and animals that we know today and it was from her hand where the Green Elf first came into being.


Nature, balance, life, and death.

Accepted classes

Rylum is popular among Druids, Shamans, Witches, and Rangers.

accessibility Appearance
Physical Description - How would you describe what Rylum looks like physically?

Rylum appears as a petite, green haired, female Green Elf

Height - How tall is Rylum?


Weight - How much does Rylum weigh?

105 lbs

supervisor_account Family
thumbs_up_down Symbolism
Symbols - What symbols are commonly associated with Rylum?

A single fern leaf


Shades of green and brown

grade Powers
import_contacts Rituals
Traditions - What traditions are commonly associated with Rylum?

The followers of Rylum understand and work with the chaotic flow of nature.

They believe everything in nature has a place and a purpose. No one thing in nature is greater than another.

There is a constant flow of harmony and balance. When that balance is interrupted they find the source and take corrective actions to restore the balance.

They believe Necromancy and the undead are abominations that have no place in nature and must be destroyed at all costs.


Rylum learned how to manipulate the dormant energy deep within Orthos to grant magic to her druid and shaman faithful.

This is a primal energy found deep within the core of Orthos and hidden between strands of arcane and divine energy.

This source of power was created when a portion of Orthos’ divinity was compressed and altered when he transformed himself.

Through trial and error Rylum was able to split the energy into two distinct forms.

Giving the raw and unrefined energy to her shamans and the more natural and flowing form to her druids.

This makes druids and shamans quite unique and frees them from any connection with Selorna and her monopoly over arcane magic.

It is because of these unique powers that you will not find any clerics or mages among Rylum’s followers.

date_range History
Notable Events - What notable events throughout history has Rylum been a part of?

Rylum was the first to create life on Orthos

Family History - What is Rylum's family history?

Rylum has an unusual relationship with Banach.

They were once lovers but she rejected him after his jealousy began to show over her creations on Orthos and corrupted his mind.

She now pities him but that only fuels his rage.

edit Notes

Her followers are protectors of the land and sea and although they are every bit as passionate about resisting the encroachment of civilization they are not as violently fanatical as the followers of Beln.

The followers of Rylum will use more tact and diplomacy as a first attempt when they feel threatened by civilization. If that fails to achieve a satisfactory resolution then all bets are off.

Deity chevron_right Description link mentioned Rylum

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