info Overview
Name - What is Orthos's name?


Description - How would you describe Orthos?

A deceased god that sacrificed himself to become the planet of Orthos.

accessibility Appearance
supervisor_account Family
thumbs_up_down Symbolism
grade Powers
import_contacts Rituals
date_range History
Notable Events - What notable events throughout history has Orthos been a part of?

After the birth of the gods eons passed uneventfully as each god focused on his own individuality. Eventually, the God known as Orthos believed that he had come to understand everything there was to learn.

Orthos came to the conclusion that there was nothing left in the vast emptiness and he began to mold and shape himself into a sphere, falling into himself many times over, condensing down into a perfectly round orb.

This orb was shaped by Rylum to become the planet we know today.

edit Notes
Universe chevron_right Origin link mentioned Orthos

Universe chevron_right Magic System link mentioned Orthos

Deity chevron_right Notable Events link mentioned Orthos

Deity chevron_right Family History link mentioned Orthos

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