info Overview
Name - What is Treyfalgar Fraswey’s full name?

Treyfalgar Fraswey

Role - What is Treyfalgar Fraswey’s role in your story?

High Priest of Banach

Other names - What other aliases does Treyfalgar Fraswey go by?


Gender - What is Treyfalgar Fraswey’s gender?


Age - How old is Treyfalgar Fraswey?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Treyfalgar Fraswey weigh?

146 lbs

Height - How tall is Treyfalgar Fraswey?


Hair Color - What color is Treyfalgar Fraswey’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Treyfalgar Fraswey style their hair?

Very long dreadlocks

Eye Color - What is Treyfalgar Fraswey’s eye color?


Linked Races

Skin Tone

Raven black

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Treyfalgar Fraswey have?

On his chest a tattoo of a Shan do'Vor burning at the stake while several Sylph dance merrily around the flames.

The word HATE is tattooed in bold black lettering on his lower lip.

The inside of each forearm is a series of runes written in ancient Dark speech.

Across his back and shoulders is a tattoo of a Vulture, Horned-Billed with it's wings spread wide and gore dripping from it's thick beak.

fingerprint Nature
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date_range History
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edit Notes

Treyfalgar is the older brother to Kast Fraswey

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