info Overview
Name - What is Gard's name?


Description - How would you describe Gard?

Gard is the undisputed lord of battles and wars. Everyone from warlords and mercenaries to barroom brawlers flock to his side.

Every soldier on the battlefield has most likely said a prayer to Gard at some point in their life.

Those seeking protection will also turn to Gard. Scores of women, children, the elderly and infirm will often turn to the Lord of War.

Gard does not tolerate cowards but he does feel a duty to protect those too weak for battle so long as they demonstrate bravery in the face of adversity.

Other Names - What other names is Gard known by?

Lord of War
Lord Protector


Protector, battle, bravery, and war.

accessibility Appearance
Physical Description - How would you describe what Gard looks like physically?

Gard appears as a shadowy figure inside a suit of silver and gold armor.

Height - How tall is Gard?

7 feet tall

supervisor_account Family
thumbs_up_down Symbolism
grade Powers
import_contacts Rituals

No battle has ever been fought that Gard has not watched over and had his hand in.

Gard will actively play a role in provoking wars. Some of the greatest and most destructive wars in all of history were started by Gard covertly pitting two sides against each other.

date_range History
Family History - What is Gard's family history?

Gard has an uneasy relationship with Arom . They are always at odds over wars and battles and it is Arom that influences negotiations and the peaceful resolution to the conflicts that Gard stirs up.

edit Notes

Gard doesn't have much respect for Banach and even less for Morsash.

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