info Overview
Name - What is the name of Rat Risers?

Rat Risers

Description - How would you describe the Rat Risers group?

The most powerful and ruthless criminal organization in all of Gateway. They founded and created the The Under Sewers to move black market goods and services.

Rarely showing themselves on the surface they run their organization deep underground and use the sewers as a buffer between the surface the the Under Sewer.

list Members
business Purpose
thumbs_up_down Politics
shopping_cart Inventory
call_split Hierarchy
edit Notes

The Rat Risers have little interest in the politics of the surface. They rule their underground kingdom unopposed with the power and influence to do whatever they want.

The criminal organizations on the surface or the corrupt politicians are no threat to the Rat Risers business.

In the Undersewer, their power is unchecked and so long as they stay below the surface and out of sight, very few pay them any mind.

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This group was created by Myron on

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