info Overview
Name - What is Dock Street’s full name?

Dock Street

Type - What type of location is Dock Street?

The main thoroughfare along the Dock District in Gateway.

Description - Describe Dock Street.

Popular for its rowdy taverns and pleasure houses. Many adventuring parties and expeditions are formed over a mug of ale in one of the numerous taverns found all along Dock Street.

The city watch regularly patrols this area but they very seldom get involved with the happenings going on inside the taverns. Unless there has been a serious infraction the offending parties are typically handled by the owner and his hired guards.

face Culture
business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Dock Street in?

Dock street is the busiest street in the city of Gateway . All trade goods that travel by sea or from the river pass through dock street. Many inns, taverns, and entertainment venues line dock street catering to a wide variety of clientele.

date_range History
edit Notes
Town chevron_right Main roads link mentioned Dock Street

Town chevron_right Busy areas link mentioned Dock Street

Building chevron_right Description link mentioned Dock Street

Building chevron_right Address link mentioned Dock Street

Town chevron_right Neighborhoods link mentioned Dock Street

Group chevron_right Locations link linked Dock Street

Group chevron_right Offices link linked Dock Street

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