info Overview
Name - What is The White Pony's name?

The White Pony

Description - How would you describe The White Pony?

The White Pony is arguably the most popular tavern along Dock Street. Nate the Eye is purportedly the most dangerous knife fighter in the city and The White Pony falls squarely in his turf. Therefore it is in his best interest that business continues to boom. If you cross him or Cad Brungle, the proprietor of the Pony, you just may find out why Nate the Eye is reputed to be the best knife fighter in the city.

recent_actors Occupants
Owner - Who owns The White Pony?
Affiliation - What groups or organizations is The White Pony affiliated with?
format_paint Design
extension Usage
location_on Location
Address - What is The White Pony's address?
store_mall_directory Neighborhood
Neighborhood name - What is the name of the neighborhood The White Pony is in?


Crime rate - What's the crime rate near The White Pony?


Stereotype - What is the stereotype of people who live or work near The White Pony?

Sailors, dock workers and adventurers.

attach_money Financial
pool Amenities
Security - What kind of security system does The White Pony have?


date_range History
edit Notes
Town chevron_right Buildings link mentioned The White Pony

Character chevron_right Role link mentioned The White Pony

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