info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

Among The Beasts

Description - How would you describe Among The Beasts?

A world where only certain species seemed to have gained human sentience and evolved to become bipedal while still belonging to their wild roots.

Genre - What genre best describes Among The Beasts?

Dark fantasy

date_range History
Origin - How did Among The Beasts originate?

According to the Lore, their world was created with the birth of a benevolent deity.

History - What is Among The Beasts’s history?

Instead of primates becoming the dominant species, most species in fact intersected to become something completely different. Some how, interspecies breeding became possible, birthing the few, yet varied sentient races across the world.

gavel Systems
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Among The Beasts?

Similar to Earth's

Magic System - What is the magic system like in Among The Beasts?

Magic flows through the planet via a series of earthen vents, allowing the different cultures to manipulate it in certain ways.

Technology - What is the level of technology like in Among The Beasts?

Eco punk, Afro Punk

edit Notes
Inspiration - What were your major sources of inspiration for Among The Beasts?

African Tribes, Middle Eastern Cultures, Jak and Daxter aesthetics, various punks including afropunk, ecopunk, and dungeon punk

This universe contains...
6 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Outlands Trading Post A small set of buildings containing an inn, a tavern, a large cattle barn, and storage barn. Surrounding the building are market stalls, caravans and some farmland.
terrain Daurobe It was built on a peninsula in an uninhabited savanna. The early settlers started off their lives as simple fishermen and gatherers under the guidance of Asha and Kasim who safely led them to food ...
terrain The Wooded Wildlands The Wooded Wildlands is the territory occupied by the Fehlien, separated from Daurobe by a vast savanna and the outposts therein. Most of the area, as its name, is surrounded by trees that existed ...
terrain The Undercurrent The ruins located here are a overlap of the ancient structures of early civilization and the newer sewer system. Together, it is a spiraling network of tunnels, rooms, and passageways.
terrain Outlands The largely undeveloped land in-between all of the surrounding countries
terrain The Mother Tree A massive tree which is the host to all the trees in [[Location-271327]]

10 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Nyeusaqa Mask A highly decorated mask belonging to the denizens of the Undercurrent. Each one is unique to its owner and will often showcase as aspect of the wearer or some other identifying marks.
emoji_events Lotea's Heart This semi-organic crystal is imbued with Goddess Lotea's life remnant. When she was murdered on a blood moon, Lotea's essence and soul split, most of it was absorbed by the mortals around her, howe...
emoji_events Aziza Mask A small mask similar in texture to a raw almond.
emoji_events Ritual Curry Bowls A highly decorated metal bowl baring the family crest and sigils
emoji_events Enchanted Prosthetics A custom false limb which has been enchanted so the wearer can use the item like their missing appendage. The wearer is also able to feel tactile sensations. On the inside is an enchantment rune ...
emoji_events Sanguinna The drug was developed in concordance to the Blood Goddess mythos.
emoji_events Stealth Gear A set of clothing used to cloak one's appearance and sneak around in the shadows.
emoji_events Kultus Sanguinne Mask A mask belonging to a member of the Kultus Sanguinne. Used to hide one's identity while carrying out tasks. Originally it was solely used by clerics and acolytes closest to Lotea before the Seve...
emoji_events Dola A series of coins of different dominations that are used as currency. Each coin has at least one hole in the center for ease of use with claws.
emoji_events New Item

3 buildings reorder
business Buildings close
business The Temple A futuristic style of Nubian Architecture.
business Blushing Beauty Bath and Spa
business Tender Yolk Orphanage A medium sized mudbrick building that houses orphans.

5 conditions reorder
bubble_chart Conditions close
bubble_chart The Withering
bubble_chart Sanguinna Madness
bubble_chart New Condition
bubble_chart Estrus The condition females have when they become the most fertile, releasing pheromones for mating purposes.
bubble_chart The Bracken A consumption condition caused by Jioni's influence.

2 countries reorder
flag Countries close
flag New Country
flag Daurobe The hub of Jehkhun culture sitting where the savanna meets the sea.

4 creatures reorder
4 floras reorder
eco Floras close
eco Zuzine Fruit
eco Oloriosa A native flower to Darube that is harmless and used in a variety of ways including food, perfume, and drinks.
eco Custard Egg Tree A hand-sized fruit with a hard shell containing bright white edible flesh covering a soft core of a cream colored pudding-like substance dotted with small black seeds. The outer shell has bumps ov...
eco Jowakh'tcha A fluorescent berry that grows in clusters underground.

8 groups reorder
wc Groups close
wc Kultus Sanguinne
wc Ateïs
wc House of Nine
wc Pride Kings
wc Fehlien House
wc The Silent Claw A network of underground groups that form what is basically a black market and smuggling chain.
wc Nyeusaqa The Nyeusaqa [ne-YOU-SA-ka] or 'Cult of the Dark Hand', is a group that has unlawfully tapped into a reservoir of Black Taqa and as a result have abused it.
wc Ancient Ones

5 languages reorder
forum Languages close
forum Scuttle
forum Fehlien A language spoken by native Fehlien which consists of mostly body language, gestures, and occasional cat-like sounds.
forum Jehk'an The native language primarily used by the [[Race-53669]]
forum New Language A language comprised of elements of each known spoken language, normally used by travelers, tradesmen and merchants. It is becoming more well used as time goes on.
forum Kuhludo

2 lores reorder
book Lores close
book The Creation of the World It is the mythos for the creation of the planet and the existence of Asha and Kasim.
book Lotea Mythos

3 magics reorder
flash_on Magics close
flash_on Healing
flash_on Enchantment
flash_on Nature's Gift The ability to control, grow, and be in tune with nature.

4 races reorder
face Races close
face Fehlien A Quasi-felid race that lives in the Wooded Wildlands
face Kuhludo
face Jehkhun A race of Quasi-Canid creatures that live in a Mediterranean/Savanna location.
face The Forgotten A populace of Jehkhuns that were banished for following Lotea's teachings and were eventually forgotten.

6 religions reorder
brightness_7 Religions close
brightness_7 Chosen of the Betrayed The belief in and worship of the Betrayed, Goddess of Blood and Chaos Lotea.
brightness_7 (Belief In Spirits)
brightness_7 (Belief in Works)
brightness_7 New Religion
brightness_7 (Belief in Asha and Kasim) A belief system based off the existence of both Asha and Kasim, who are technically the same entity, yet residing separately in their own realms.
brightness_7 Congregation of the Black Hand The belief that [[Character-1271584]] is the true deity who should reign and therefore should be brought to "true life" to rule the world.

3 technologies reorder
router Technologies close
router Taqa Mills
router Gem Farms An undergrown cavern which hosts and grows a myriad of crystalline structures.
router Information Logs A series of magical tomes that contain historical events, dates, and other items of interests.

2 traditions reorder
today Traditions close
today Festival of New Life The Festival of New Life starts in the beginning of Spring when Kasim becomes more subdued by the rising temperatures. It's a celebration that is mostly associated with preparing themed foods, big ...
today Okdoba Fehsdeval The Okdoba Fehsdeval celebrates the beginning of fall and the harvest season. It's a holiday based around skill-based contests, traditional dances, neighborhood parties and a lot of celebratory dri...

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