info Overview
Name - What's the name of this technology?

Information Logs

Description - How would you describe Information Logs?

A series of magical tomes that contain historical events, dates, and other items of interests.

Other Names - What other names is Information Logs known by?

Memory Glyphs

build Production
Materials - What materials is Information Logs made with?

Wood, papyrus, enchanted ink.

blur_on Presence
speaker_phone Use
Purpose - What is Information Logs used for?

To record, log and categorize events, individuals, artifacts and other items of interest.

How It Works - How does Information Logs work?

The original tomes where handwritten and eventually enchanted to organize the information within. Users could then look for exactly what entry they needed over even rearrange them.
Currently, any information meant for the logs is notated on enchanted journals designated for different departments and brought to the main library to have the information stored and organized in the official records. Edits, revisions and additional info are added to the particular entry's file.
The journals are then ready to be used again.

Resources Used - What resources does Information Logs use?

Large crystals that are grown in Taqa pools are used for the power source along with the energy it take for someone to use enchantment.
A little bit of scrying is used to copy the info from one medium to another.

sd_card Appearance
Physical Description - What does Information Logs look like?

Tall bookshelves with rows upon rows of leather bound books, each with their own colors, designs and symbols pertaining to their specific information.

Size - How big is Information Logs on average?

Usually about 10ft by 30ft per block.

Weight - How much does Information Logs weigh on average?

Anywhere from 5lbs to 30lbs

edit Notes
Character chevron_right Technologies link linked Information Logs

Government chevron_right Technologies link linked Information Logs

This technology was created by Shobi on

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