info Overview
Name - What is Father Rhoten’s full name?

Father Rhoten

Role - What is Father Rhoten’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Father Rhoten go by?

Papa (Taxus only), Father

Gender - What is Father Rhoten’s gender?

Male (cis)

Age - How old is Father Rhoten?




date_range History
Background - What is Father Rhoten’s background?

Head of Kultus Sanguinne and widower. Removed Kamari's eye and arm as punishment for killing his beloved and going against the cult. He has an adoptive son named Taxus who serves as his body guard and assistant. He is albino and hairless, which is seen as a curse/bad omen and often is scrutinized by those who aren't familiar with him. Rhoten leads a double life. By day, he runs an orphanage and by night he leads Kultus Sanguinne. Their main purpose is to find what they call "red hairs'' that are basically living pieces of Lotea's essence, all of which must be sacrificed to bring her back to full power. The caveat is that the "red hairs'' also have a bit of her power, though because of a lot of superstition, they often don't do much more than just try to survive.

face Appearance
Height - How tall is Father Rhoten?

8ft tall

Hair Color - What color is Father Rhoten’s hair?

He is completely hairless, however, the layer of peach fuzz he has would be white if it could grow to full length.

Hair Style - How does Father Rhoten style their hair?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Father Rhoten have?


Eye Color - What is Father Rhoten’s eye color?

Garnet Red due to albinism.

Race - What is Father Rhoten’s race?

Jehkhun (canid mammalian)

Linked Races

Skin Tone (Under Fur and Including Paw Pads

Rhoten's skin is an extremely pale pink, to the point of it being nearly white. His ears, paw pads and genitals are the only parts of his that are slightly darker due to their sensitive nature. His claws and nose are black in color.

Body Type

Rhoten is muscular, a bit too muscular for someone who appears to do little more than run an orphanage.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Father Rhoten have?

Whip marks and branding scars can be seen all over his body, however, his left side has the most scars as if he was trying to defend himself lefthandedly.

Fur Color


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Father Rhoten have?

Tends to scowl without realizing it, especially if he's listening to someone drone on and on.
Occasionally scratches his chest where his old scars have healed.

Motivations - What motivates Father Rhoten most?

Rhoten is mostly motivated by the promise Lotea made to bring his wife and child back to life. Anything that gets in the way of his mission is seen as an obstacle or a waste of time.

Flaws - What flaws does Father Rhoten have?

Blinded by his despair, he will often have episodes of being inconsolable and irritable, to the point where he becomes cold. There are times when he has night terrors of his wife's death and sinks into a deep depression.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Father Rhoten have?

Rhoten has a specific distaste for perverted men and neglectful parents, regardless of the circumstances. Any kind of flamboyant personalities and clingy individuals drain him the most.

Talents - What talents does Father Rhoten have?

He has a specific knack for consoling children and at the same time intimidating others.
Physically, he can hold his own in a fight, though he would rather play defensive as using his real strength betrays the façade he lives. With his height and strength combined, he can throw grown men across the room.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Father Rhoten have?

In his free time, Rhoten likes to drink tea and smoke his pipe while he reads whatever books he can get his hands on. His night life keeps him busy when he isn't running the orphanage.

Personality type - What personality type is Father Rhoten?

He is a quiet man, who rarely smiles and is stoic at best. He can be cruel, and sadistic, however that is only reserved for those who cross him - otherwise he can be gentle, caring, fatherly and kind to those he cares for. Often he has to put on a more personable face for the public as his resting face can be a bit off-putting.

With Taxus and the orphans he cares for, he can be a selfless man.


He is plagued by constant night terrors and has PTSD from seeing his wife and child get murdered.
Like other Jehkhuns, he is susceptible to hormones from the mating season, which agonizes him since he lost his wife.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Father Rhoten practice?

Secretly he is a follower of Lotea and Kultus Sanguinne, which is an old banned religion.
In the public eye he is a devout follower of Asha and Kasim, however he claims to not be able to make it to the temple for regular visits.

Occupation - What is Father Rhoten’s occupation?

Priest, Caregiver, Cult Leader

Favorite food - What is Father Rhoten’s favorite food?

Pheasant Curry with Roti

Favorite possession - What is Father Rhoten’s favorite possession?

His wedding ring, which he still wears.

Languages spoken

Job - What job does Father Rhoten have?

Caregiver of Orphans

edit Notes

Current Patron/Father/First Hand of Lotea
Voice Style - Gravelly, always seeming to hide something in his voice, but with a more middle-eastern accent.
Reference -
Normal“I am but a humble servant of the people. My skin may betray my intentions, but I assure you, you’ll find no foul play here.”
Angry - “I will run you to the ends of the world, Kamari! Mark my words I will have your head for what you’ve done!”
Amused“Go on Taxus, I believe Ezmira wishes for your company, whatever that means.”
Broken/Despair (watching his love dying in his arms) - “No! Please, stay with me - I cannot bear to be alone again. I need you here My Love… Please… Don’t go...”
Laughter – Low and rumbling - a very reserved laugh.

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