info Overview
Name - What is Lord of Chaos and Corruption, Jioni’s full name?

Lord of Chaos and Corruption, Jioni

Role - What is Lord of Chaos and Corruption, Jioni’s role in your story?

Satanic Archetype

Other names - What other aliases does Lord of Chaos and Corruption, Jioni go by?

Lord Chaos, The Darkness, Corruption

Gender - What is Lord of Chaos and Corruption, Jioni’s gender?

Male (cis)

Age - How old is Lord of Chaos and Corruption, Jioni?




date_range History
Background - What is Lord of Chaos and Corruption, Jioni’s background?

King of Darkness - The followers of The Cult of the Black Hand believe that Black Taqa is the embodiment of a preexisting god that is being pushed behind Asha and Kasim’s false ruling. This god of darkness is named Jioni and according to their prophecy, will bring an era of blight which will reshape the world in his image as he intended. For this to happen, they gather artifacts in secret and search for the pure blood black-haired Jakoon that will serve as the vessel for their dark lord.

face Appearance
Height - How tall is Lord of Chaos and Corruption, Jioni?

Depends on the situation

Hair Color - What color is Lord of Chaos and Corruption, Jioni’s hair?

Raven black

Hair Style - How does Lord of Chaos and Corruption, Jioni style their hair?

Like a wild mane

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Lord of Chaos and Corruption, Jioni have?


Eye Color - What is Lord of Chaos and Corruption, Jioni’s eye color?

Glowing Aqua or Bright Electric Purple, depending.

Race - What is Lord of Chaos and Corruption, Jioni’s race?


Linked Races

Skin Tone (Under Fur and Including Paw Pads

Greyish lavender in the ears and on raised keratin areas, fluorescent forked tongue, and raven black paw pads and nose.

Body Type

Lightly muscled

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Lord of Chaos and Corruption, Jioni have?

Fluorescent markings around torso and neck, keratinous growths on the elbows, arms and eyebrows. Three sets of tusks

Fur Color

Dark Grey

shopping_basket Inventory
fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Lord of Chaos and Corruption, Jioni most?

Being brought to True Life by his followers. He cannot actively interact with the world without using his followers as conduits until he gains more power.

Talents - What talents does Lord of Chaos and Corruption, Jioni have?

He can phase through most objects, possess willing and unwilling individuals, and sew seeds of withering into others.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Lord of Chaos and Corruption, Jioni have?


groups Social
Religion - What religion does Lord of Chaos and Corruption, Jioni practice?

He is the deity of Congregation of the Black Hand

device_hub Family
edit Notes

Mentally Manifested Lord of Darkness, Chaos and Corruption
Voice Style - Jafar’s normal talking voice. Especially when he’s talking to Iago or an underling. Adding a constant rumble would make the voice especially sinister.
Reference -
- (00:35 - 01:50)
Normal - “Ah, sweet freedom. This form will do nicely until I find a proper vessel.”
Suggestive - “The darkness must tempt you, yes? Come and give it a taste; I’m sure you’re dying to know what it feels like.”
Threatening (grabbing a follower’s throat) - “If you don’t bring me those artifacts, I’ll do to you what they did to Lotea and I don’t think you’ll have an immaculate rebirth!”
Laughter - A deep cackle, something similar to Hexxus from Ferngully.

Character chevron_right Arch-enemies link linked Lord of Chaos and Corruption, Jioni

Character chevron_right Enemies link linked Lord of Chaos and Corruption, Jioni

Location chevron_right Leaders link linked Lord of Chaos and Corruption, Jioni

Religion chevron_right Deities link linked Lord of Chaos and Corruption, Jioni

Religion chevron_right Description link mentioned Lord of Chaos and Corruption, Jioni

Group chevron_right Leaders link linked Lord of Chaos and Corruption, Jioni

This character was created by Shobi on

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