info Overview
Name - What is Tattannu’s full name?


Role - What is Tattannu’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Tattannu go by?

Tiny One, Thorn

Gender - What is Tattannu’s gender?

Male (androgynous)

Age - How old is Tattannu?



Asexual spectrum. Rarely has sexual inclinations, which are usually quelled by meditation or other means.

date_range History
Background - What is Tattannu’s background?

Tattanu was exiled from his own clan because of his sadistic tendencies. His community was especially pacifistic, to the point where they prayed before and after hunting any kind of game and apologized profusely for small transgressions. Unfortunately for him, he was quickly ostracized, leading to his eventual exile and taking solace in the supposedly abandoned underground ruins. There he met Ezra who took him in as a pet after getting caught in a trap laid for would-be intruders

face Appearance
Height - How tall is Tattannu?


Hair Style - How does Tattannu style their hair?

Buzz cut

Eye Color - What is Tattannu’s eye color?

Arctic blue

Race - What is Tattannu’s race?


Linked Races

Body Type


Fur Color

Cloudy Grey

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Tattannu have?

While doing menial tasks, he tends to look aloof and seemingly have his eyes closed, or at least lowered.

Motivations - What motivates Tattannu most?

Fulfilling his role as Ezmira's caretaker and kin.

Talents - What talents does Tattannu have?

He is very meticulous and has a knack for hiding in plain sight.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Tattannu have?

Sharpening his weapons, reading, tending to Ezmira



groups Social
Occupation - What is Tattannu’s occupation?

Health and Beauty

Favorite food - What is Tattannu’s favorite food?

Coco Bread

Favorite weapon - What is Tattannu’s favorite weapon?

Bone Needles

Languages spoken

Job - What job does Tattannu have?

Bathhouse Host

device_hub Family
edit Notes

Small Salon Assistant and Assassin
Voice Style - The human form of Morgana from Persona 5 fits closely. The Japanese VA is closer to what he should sound like.
Reference -
Normal (motioning to his stomach) - “I may have a weakness for afterwork sweets, if you couldn’t tell.”
Polite (bowing) - “Welcome to the Blushing Beauty! I’m Ezmira’s humble assistant, Tattanu!”
Sinister (narrow-eyed at Kamari) - “Talk to me or Ezmira like that again, and I’ll make sure your other eye gets taken.”
Laughter - Mischievous giggles. Usually hides his mouth behind his hand.

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