info Overview
Name - What is Blood Goddess Lotea ’s full name?

Blood Goddess Lotea

Role - What is Blood Goddess Lotea ’s role in your story?

Blood Countess

Other names - What other aliases does Blood Goddess Lotea go by?

The Betrayed, Lotea of Cursed Blood, The Red Death

Gender - What is Blood Goddess Lotea ’s gender?

Female, typically

Age - How old is Blood Goddess Lotea ?

500 yrs



date_range History
Birthday - When is Blood Goddess Lotea ’s birthday?

Mid Spring

Background - What is Blood Goddess Lotea ’s background?

Lotea is a vengeful spirit locked in a desiccated corpse. She was struck down in the prime of her life, leaving her bitter and determined to reclaim her own life by any means possible. Since she is stuck in her dead body, she has to find other means to communicate to the world around her, mostly through sensing and feeding off of the despair of others. Once she was surrounded by enough followers, she was able to reestablish herself and begin to reclaim the pieces of her soul which had been splintered across many generations. She is empathetic towards wayward and lonely people and often will subconsciously reach out to them.

face Appearance
Height - How tall is Blood Goddess Lotea ?


Hair Color - What color is Blood Goddess Lotea ’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Blood Goddess Lotea style their hair?

Large Plaits

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Blood Goddess Lotea have?


Eye Color - What is Blood Goddess Lotea ’s eye color?

Yellow and Blue

Race - What is Blood Goddess Lotea ’s race?


Linked Races

Skin Tone (Under Fur and Including Paw Pads

A bit reddish beige for the majority of her skin and dark grey for the extremities

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Blood Goddess Lotea have?

The top of her face is mostly skeletal aside from a thin layer of skin. Her teeth are completely exposed and she sports two cervidae horns.

Her fur markings are similar to the other deities, however they seem to be more wild in design. Her heart mark especially has a unique pattern around the center of her breastbone.

Fur Color

Her stripes are Mahogany, her main color is Wine, her stomach patch is a pale Rose Red, and her heart mark is Persian Red.

shopping_basket Inventory
fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Blood Goddess Lotea have?

Her skull tends to crack in the direction of whoever is speaking to her.

Motivations - What motivates Blood Goddess Lotea most?

Reclaiming all parts of what is effectively her soul so she can fully revive.

Flaws - What flaws does Blood Goddess Lotea have?

She is blinded by rage and feels immense isolation, which causes her to make emotionally charged decisions.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Blood Goddess Lotea have?

She is not fond of any followers of Asha and Kasim and will respond violently to them.

Talents - What talents does Blood Goddess Lotea have?

Possession, Mimicry, Mind Influence

Hobbies - What hobbies does Blood Goddess Lotea have?

Planning her revenge, planning the revival of her kingdom, mind control

Personality type - What personality type is Blood Goddess Lotea ?


Magical abilities


She is partially desiccated and cannot move much in her initial state.
Chronic pain.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Blood Goddess Lotea practice?

Her own: Kultus Sanguinne

Occupation - What is Blood Goddess Lotea ’s occupation?


Job - What job does Blood Goddess Lotea have?

Living Effigy

edit Notes

Unliving Demi God of Passion and

Voice Style (soon)
Reference (soon)
Normal - “Welcome, shujaa. Have you brought me a piece of my heart?”
Satisfied - “I am no longer tied to that lonely husk in the dirt - finally, I am complete again!”
Angry - “How dare they forget about me! I did everything for them and this is how they repaid me?! They took everything away from me, just to forget who I was.”
Laughter - Bitter, an ominous cackle or insidious giggles.

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