The Undercurrent
The ruins located here are a overlap of the ancient structures of early civilization and the newer sewer system. Together, it is a spiraling network of tunnels, rooms, and passageways.
At least 1000
Follow the Black Hand
Surface Dwellers are to be killed, captured, or both.
Masks are to not be removed in communal spaces.
No bright light is allowed inside.
It is located underground in a repurposed sewer system which has been fitted with proper amenities and several escape routes.
Lula Fruit
Other flora that has grown in the surrounding area
It is directly underneath Daurobe, with sewer connections linking to various areas that have intact infrastructure.
It is alarmingly humid, oddly cold and wet.
The undercurrent was founded after the Severance event occurred, causing the faction who followed Blood Goddess Lotea to split from the rest of society and seek refuge.
The year after the Severance
The Betrayal of Lotea