info Overview
Name - What is Kamari of Red Thorns’s full name?

Kamari of Red Thorns

Role - What is Kamari of Red Thorns’s role in your story?

Ineffectual Loner

Other names - What other aliases does Kamari of Red Thorns go by?


Gender - What is Kamari of Red Thorns’s gender?

Male (cis)

Age - How old is Kamari of Red Thorns?




date_range History
Background - What is Kamari of Red Thorns’s background?

Bitter, missing an arm and eye from a battle with Rhoten over his own betrayal and accidental murder of Rhoten's wife - a woman he was also infatuated with who was also Lotea’s right hand. Lotea allowed him to live only because she thought his suffering through mortal servitude would be more fitting. He currently resides in the basement of Ezmira’s salon where he manages inventory and housekeeping of the rest of the building.

face Appearance
Height - How tall is Kamari of Red Thorns?

7' 5"

Hair Color - What color is Kamari of Red Thorns’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Kamari of Red Thorns style their hair?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Kamari of Red Thorns have?

Chin Scruff

Eye Color - What is Kamari of Red Thorns’s eye color?

China blue

Race - What is Kamari of Red Thorns’s race?


Linked Races

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Kamari of Red Thorns have?

Missing left eye with scratches on eyelid and surrounding area. Missing Left Arm.

shopping_basket Inventory
fingerprint Nature


groups Social
Religion - What religion does Kamari of Red Thorns practice?
Languages spoken

Job - What job does Kamari of Red Thorns have?

Handyman. The irony is not lost on him.

device_hub Family
edit Notes

Former Second Hand of Lotea
Voice Style – A bit like Razoul from Aladdin. Gruff, full of himself, large presence.
Reference -
Normal - “Once I am Second Hand, we’ll purge these halls of the lesser beings who dare to suckle at Lotea’s teat. Oh, I’m sorry Rhoten, I didn’t see you there.”
Angry (yelling) – “I’m not going to let some hairless halfbreed take this opportunity away from me!”
Bitter (vengeful) – “You took Her, you took my throne and now… you’ve turned everyone against me. You’ll pay for this.”
Laughter – Cackling almost, hyena-like and callous.

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This character was created by Shobi on

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