info Overview
Name - What is The Temple's name?

The Temple

Description - How would you describe The Temple?

A futuristic style of Nubian Architecture.

Type of building - What kind of building is The Temple?


Alternate names - What other names is The Temple known by?

The Temple

recent_actors Occupants
Owner - Who owns The Temple?

The City of Daurobe

Tenants - Who lives or works in The Temple?

Priests, Priestesses, Scholars, Initiates and small children.

Affiliation - What groups or organizations is The Temple affiliated with?

The building falls under both Asha's and Kasim's protection.

Capacity - How many people can The Temple hold?

Around 100~

Animals - What animals live in The Temple?

Cows, Sheep

format_paint Design
Architectural style - What style of architecture is The Temple?

Nubian Architecture

Facade - What does the outside of The Temple look like?

A nearly rectangular building with tan stucco and brick walls.

Roof - What kind of roof does The Temple have?

A tiered roof set in blocky shape, ascending in layers as each decreases in size.

Dimensions - How big is The Temple?

Nearly the size of a large fort.

Square feet - How many square feet is The Temple?


Floor count - How many floors are there in The Temple?

Two floors

Flooring - What kind of flooring does The Temple have?

Marble and stone for the bottom floor, and dark wood with rugs laid over.

Walls - What kind of walls does The Temple have? What color? What material?

The walls are all smoothed stucco with illustrious designs in the public spaces, aside from the kitchens. In the private areas, most walls are all stone textures, with wood paneling on the bottom.

Windows - How many windows does The Temple have? What kind of windows? In which rooms?

The temple has an average of 2 windows per wall, which are all thin and tapered at the top.

extension Usage
Bedrooms - How many bedrooms does The Temple have?

Twelve bedrooms for the Abbot, Abbess and their respective priests and priestess. And another 10 for the children and apprentices.


The Temple has various toilets in strategic locations as well as combination toilet and bathing rooms in each dorm block.
The toilets are simplistic with stone seats along with simple stone sinks. In the dorms, the bathing rooms are spacious with a large centralized stone bath and side areas for cleaning one's self, sinks and a location where they can hang their clothes.

Purpose - Why does The Temple exist? What is it for?

The temple exist to allow the Jehkhun to commune Asha, Kasim or both as the two deities brought their world to life. The deities exude blessings when they are pleased and sacrifices are often made to them in hope of gaining their favor.

Zone - What is The Temple zoned as?


store_mall_directory Neighborhood
Crime rate - What's the crime rate near The Temple?

Almost none aside from people trying to steal donations and abandoning children there.

View - What is the view like from The Temple?

From the upper pathways of the temple, one could see the market and surrounding buildings.

pool Amenities
Cooling - What kind of air cooling system does The Temple have?


Heating - What kind of air heating system does The Temple have?


Security - What kind of security system does The Temple have?


Walkability - How walkable is The Temple to nearby points of interest?

Past the Temple's Gate is a massive market square and surrounding buildings.

date_range History
edit Notes
fullscreen Floor Plans
Town chevron_right Buildings link mentioned The Temple

Religion chevron_right Places of worship link mentioned The Temple

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Character chevron_right Background link mentioned The Temple

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