info Overview
Name - What is Sanguinna Madness's name?

Sanguinna Madness

Type of condition - What kind of condition is Sanguinna Madness?


Alternate names - What other names is Sanguinna Madness known by?

Blood Rot

bubble_chart Causes
Lifestyle factors - What lifestyle factors affect how contractable or effective Sanguinna Madness is?

If they were prone to addiction before the disease takes hold more aggressively

Transmission - How does Sanguinna Madness spread?

Ingestion and addiction to Sanguinna

local_hospital Effects
Visual effects - How does Sanguinna Madness manifest visually?

The eyes become perpetually dull and bloodshot and dark veins become noticeable on the skin.
Hair begins to turn white and thin out.

Mental effects - How does Sanguinna Madness affect the mind?

As they become reliant on their drug to function, they will do anything to get a taste of it, becoming subservient to the object of their desire.

Duration - How long does Sanguinna Madness last?

Unless they get the drug flushed from their system, it is permanent.

healing Treatment
Diagnostic method - How do doctors determine whether someone has Sanguinna Madness?

A physical exam is to be conducted in which the skin, eyes and heart are checked for telltale symptoms.

bar_chart Analysis
date_range History
edit Notes

This condition was created by Shobi on

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