Contracts of Affection (O/O Closed-- Rated M)
last post by @Painted-Iris group604
last post by Deleted user38
I Am Human (one on one, closed)
last post by @croccin-champagne10
Cities of Fire and Blood // OxO // zombiiiiieees // open
last post by @croccin-champagne1
Sherlock oxo, anyone? || NOT Johnlock || Based off of BBC show ||
last post by @Moriarty682
what're you in for, love? (closed, o/o with @Dances_with_Shadows)
last post by Deleted user131
30 Days [One-on-One, TRIGGER WARNING, open]
last post by @Fraust434
I’m bored and want another one on one rp, fight me (open)
last post by @gracehustle42
The Long Dark (6/10 open)
last post by @clovxrblossxm114
Anything You Can Do // Spy RP // One on One // closed
last post by @ElderGod-Carrots3
Ghost crush (private)
last post by @Celeste_X0X0_ group471
Notice me.
last post by @Celeste_X0X0_ group59
Strange Happenings(0/0) (OPEN!)
last post by @Jay-Marae-is-in-an-emotional-maze118
Before my Time Runs Out (O/O fantasy romance)
last post by @MusicElle-is-here79
I definitely shouldn't be typing this out right now... but here goes (oxo // closed)
last post by @saor_illust school10
Remember Me Reboot (closed)
last post by @WriteOutofTime513
Remember Me // Superhero One-on-One // Stalkers Welcome
last post by Deleted user116
"And our Wonderland, though damaged, is safe in memory." // One-On-One // CLOSED
last post by @MusicElle-is-here8
"A Better Life. Full of Adventure." // OxO // MATURE // Open
last post by @ElderGod-yellowqueen103
Is private bois
last post by @ElderGod-Icefire59
Wanna Kill The Queen With Me? // O/O // CLOSED!
last post by @MarDeColores this is not it kids78
Gay Christmastime (Closed)
last post by @Simon-Says54
last post by Deleted user104
Figment of Mind (O/O, CLOSED)
last post by @Mojack group27
Watcher (PRIVATE O/O, but stalkers welcome.)
last post by @Mojack group17
When the Rain Stops (one on one // CLOSED)
last post by Deleted user864
Bad Boy's Girl // One on One // CLOSED-STALKERS WELCOME // R-Rated
last post by @Elder-God-Jacks34790
"During a hurricane, you find the biggest tree around an' jus' hold on for dear life." // Private rp with Crocs
last post by @croccin-champagne77
Cliche Gay Romance (one on one)
last post by @StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator105
"Place a Curse Upon My Head, Make Me Sleep 'Til I am Dead." ((OxO // Closed))
last post by @ElderGod-kirky group907
Calling @RainyDayArtist
last post by @Rainy_day_artist_classic group54
Blind ((closed//gay))
last post by @ElderGod-Carrots25
Resistance // Reboot // 3/4 Open
last post by Deleted user57
Fallen King // OxO // Open
last post by @ElderGod-Icefire83
Wait, you’re what? (Gay O/O Fantasy rp)
last post by Deleted user25
"Oh thank god, please tell me you're here to rebel." (Private O/O)
last post by @croccin-champagne12
Inspirobot Inspired Roleplay~ (Closed!)
last post by @pumpkin333
And They Were Roommates (4/4)
last post by @ElderGod-Icefire148
-waves in-
last post by Deleted user79
What Just Happened? (0/0) (Gay) (CLOSED!)
last post by Deleted user24
Come hither, M! // Private Roleplay
last post by @Simon-Says333
"The Resistance? Sounds like a bad-ass name." (4/4)(Closed!)
last post by @Vuclan-is-tired14
Take 2 // Roleplay with my homie
last post by Deleted user23
Smile Pretty, Kill Beautiful (Open!)
last post by Deleted user113
Much Ado About*Something*......
last post by @HighPockets group30
Christmas Competition//OXO//CLOSED//
last post by Deleted user65
The Showman // One on One // Closed
last post by Deleted user17
GxG, Anyone? (O/O, open)
last post by @croccin-champagne56