forum I Am Human (one on one, closed)
Started by @Mojack group

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@Mojack group

Fair warning that this does contain a bit more serious subjects compared to my other RPs though I’m not saying we can’t have goofy moments in this RP. There is also a bit of reading to do, but not a lot to fully understand the situation in the rp.

This World of Yours..
It belongs to you, doesn’t it?

Hedo City. A city known for its variety in activities, culture, and for being a large city overall. Being next to a large body of water, it has a lot to offer in terms of cruises and such. Although I wouldn’t recommend going swimming..seriously.

While it is advertised as a great place, and many still see it that way, Hedo City is one of the worst places to live in as a Shifter. What is a Shifter, you may ask? I’m glad you think of that. A Shifter is a human, or ‘kaiju’, taking on the form of a human most of the time but with capabilities to transform into a massive Kaiju form. However, Shifters in the city are forced an implant that prevents them from doing this. Although it has its falls..for the does its job well.

Even then, Shifters are forced to wear a white armband which identifies them as a Shifter. Many of the Normals dislike or even fear the Shifters, and typically avoid them on the streets. Others just don’t really care. You’ve also got the minority, that wants to help them - but Hedo’s government doesn’t allow it. The world won’t allow it.

So..why won’t you come right down to Hedo City (or if you already live there)? Enjoy your stay..



  1. Swearing is allowed. Don’t go on a warpath, though.
  2. No overpowered characters But Mojack, shifters can shift into big monsters, how is that not OP? Well, shifting will very rarely happen in the RP. The most you’ll see it is referenced in conversations, with a shifter rarely ever shifting because believe me - humans are pretty good on security.
  3. Try to be descriptive! Explain your characters thought process, maybe? What do they think of this situation?
  4. I don’t expect you to be active, as I’m not either. Just let me know if you’ll be inactive.
  5. As I mentioned before it will be a bit of a mature RP. Do not join if you’re not comfortable with darker themes.
  6. As always, all of andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)’s rules apply!
  7. No meta-gaming (meaning your character knows things you were told OOC.)


    Opinion on Shifters: (doesn’t have to be an essay. Do they fear? Dislike? Don’t care? Interested?)
    Job: (are they a student? Factory worker? Office worker? Law enforcement? Unemployed?)
    Backstory: (again, doesn’t have to be an essay. Are they from Hedo City? If not, where did they live beforehand? Family life? Where do they live now? In a richer area, average area or poor area? As your character is human, you won’t live in a Shifter area BUT you can live near it. Brief is okay!)
    Personality: (first reaction to certain situations? General personality/behaviour?)
    Other: (anything else goes here)

Note: I will be playing the Shifter, but as I said before she will retain a human form for most of the time, or at the very minimum semi-human form. Keep in mind, all shifters in Hedo are forced to have implants, so they can’t shift unless it’s disabled or removed.

@Mojack group

@crocssant-does-not-have-a-date was the first to post about being interested, so sorry @amber_demeter! However I will be doing a similar RP set in the same setting/universe as this one so look out for that one soon if you’re still interested in it.

@Mojack group

I can’t think of anything too specific, so feel free to fill the template out when you do get the chance. Thanks for asking though!

@Mojack group

At least above 18 or so! My character will be around 23, so keep that in mind. I’m also gonna start working on her sheet now.

@Mojack group

Name: Known as Freya Bell, refer to ‘other’ for an explanation.
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Biromantic asexual.
Opinion on Humans: She’s only seen the bad sides of humans, so she has a natural fear of them, especially the ‘ones with controls.’ Unlike some of her shifter friends though, she isn’t outright violent towards Normals. There are a specific few that she does dislike. But when dealing with most of them, she stays calm.
Appearance: Her human form is 5’11. She’s tall, with somewhat defined cheekbones. She’s got grey eyes and walnut brown hair, which for styling she usually ties it up, but when untied it goes slightly past her neck. She’s fair skinned.

Her suppressed kaiju form is still growing at around 75 metres. It’s tall, lanky with long arms and reptile like features. Her scales are a pale grey and she has dark amber spikes that look a bit like thorns wrapped around certain parts of her body. She lacks a tail, though, and also eyes in this form. She does have quite the impressive set of teeth though.

Clothing: She likes to wear jackets. Her jacket is a khaki colour. It is similar to a rain coat in design. Her shirt is a dark navy blue, and her pants are a slightly lighter shade of blue. She wears black boots usually. They’re kind of like winter boots in terms of design. Last but not least, due to being a Shifter she is forced to wear a red, black striped armband around the left arm.

Job: Mailwoman; delivers messages either from shifter to shifter or from human to shifter around the ‘slums.’
Backstory: Born to her Kaiju Shifter parents in Hedo City, she lived with them for a few years quickly learning that being a Shifter meant unfriendly treatment. Even as a child she was forced the implant to prevent ‘accidents.’ After her mother was suspected of some act, she was taken away, and Freya never saw her again.
Her father lived for a few more years before succumbing to a Shifter-related illness.
Freya found a group of Shifters and they allowed her a place near the gates of the ‘Shifter slums’ since she was useful for her skill in delivering messages.
Freya has mostly had a quiet life since then, besides the occasional sprawl. She currently lives in a small apartment near the gates that separate main city from the Shifters part of it.

Personality: Quiet at first, Freya prefers to lay low. Despite this, Freya also desires freedom. Whenever possible, she prefers not to have the armband on and seizes a chance to walk around without it (usually within the confinements of her home but she’s expressed plans to get out of the slums and see what the Normals city is like.) Freya is caring, not wishing harm on most people, even most Normals are fine to her as long as they don’t harass her too much.
She is unforgiving though once betrayed. She always remembers a past experience. She is pretty determined as well, not liking to give up on certain things.

Other: Most Shifters without human names are forced to get one, as was the case with Freya. Her parents wanted her a natural ‘kaiju’ name, which they gave her it “Voleria”. Freya doesn’t have too much of a preference in terms of names she’s known by, though.


Name: Khione Frost
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight, closeted pansexual. She was raised to keep that side of her on lockdown, out of sight and basically nonexistant.
Opinion on Shifters: Absolutely and utterly terrified of them. She obviously never shows that fear, instead showing more a sort of resentment and coldness towards them.
Eye color: An icy blue inherited from her father’s side of the family.
Hair: White. Like, shocking snow white. It’s naturally a light brown with natural blonde highlights, but she takes care to dye it for the effect. It hasn’t been cut in a bit because she’s been busy, so it’s about to the point between her shoulderblades when down, though she usually keeps it pulled up into a high ponytail.
Height: 5’3
Skin tone: A lighter olive, that tans pretty well during the summer.
Build: Inherited her mother’s Grecian curves, but they’ve been sort of packed down under the muscle she’s built up. Toned and defined in certain areas, but still can’t lose those curves.
Scars: Plenty of scars, though quite a few are smaller ones. The most notable start with the scar from a knife that just barely missed her heart, the long claw marks on her abdomen from the Shifter attack, and a circular scar on her right thigh that she refuses to talk about, that has a perfect, if slightly smaller, match on the other side of her leg. All, in fact, are ones she doesn’t want to talk about.
Other: Has a small snowflake tattooed behind her left ear, and a tattoo sleeve on her right arm of a blizzard(the storm kind, not the Dairy Queen kind). A scythe in black ink is tattooed on her inner right wrist amidst the snowflakes as well.
Clothing: Prefers clothes easier for movement, swapping between dark shorts and jeans. Black tank tops are, it seems, the only shirts she owns. Usually wearing her Reapers leather jacket even now, and owns exactly one pair of combat boots and no other shoes. A hand woven rope bracelet is the only jewelry she wears other than a silver locket.
Job: Currently working a bar as both a bartender and live entertainment, whatever she needs to be to make money. Takes odd jobs frequently as well, because she’s saving up to finally go to school.
Backstory: She is, in fact, from Hedo city. Born to poor parents in one of the human-slums, she lived a happy life, until she was thirteen, when her parents were killed by a Shifter with a vendetta against humans. She survived the attack, but the little girl she used to be didn’t, leaving her cold and ruthless when she needed to be. While struggling to stay alive and out of the hands of the foster care system, who would bring her to relatives she wasn’t ready to face, she was taken in by a local gang known as the Reapers. They became her family and raised her, and fully support her attempts to get into college, despite it taking a while.
Personality: Cold. There’s a reason she gained the nickname Ice Queen when she was a teen and kept it. She’s just generally an icy-person, and emotionless is her resting expression. Is fairly calm headed most of the time, but certain things and situations bring out an icy and biting anger from deep within her. Can be weirdly impulsive at times as well. Refuses to show fear or cry in front of others.
Other: Terrified of anything canine, but has a cat.

@Mojack group

Hedo City.

Freya had lived there all her life, yet she had barely experienced it. All of the Shifters were limited to a small area in the city, with expectations for those with special permissions and those who wore their armbands outside of the Shifter Slums. And of course, the ones brought outside for ‘questioning.’

Freya got bored of the same old, bland dark buildings. She knew the slums like she knew the back of her hand - she walked, ran them daily to deliver messages. Speaking of which, she had just finished her morning job right now. She liked to get up early. Get her work over with fast. Sometimes she’d have more to deliver in the night, though. Not always.

The Shifter female sat in the large, open apartment window. She gazed out towards the gates, which were under nearly constant guard. But like many things, even the gates had a general weakness that could be bypassed. A blind spot, one of her friends told her. If you could get past the gates, you could go to the blind spot and take off your armband. Lay low, and you could look like a normal human. Freya had been out of the Shifter Slums a few times, but never for a long period of time. And never without her armband.
She stood up and slid on her jacket, and her armband. Putting her hands to her sides, she walked down the stairs to the exit of the apartments, quickly checking her pockets for her papers. They were there.

The gates only took around 2 minutes to get to from her location. They weren’t that busy. Freya saw a group of Shifters get denied before it was her turn. They scanned her, checking for the implant - the implant which stored all of her information on her. Just the basics - age, full name, gender, parents, etc. And they requested her papers.
It was a silent exchange. Freya knew to not speak out if she saw something she didn’t like about the exchange.
A moment later and she was asked a question. “Reason for departure?”
“Shopping,” Freya answered calmly.
“How long?”
“I estimate a few hours, maybe.”
There was no response and about a minute later, her papers were returned and the gates were opened. As Freya walked through, she felt the Normal’s eyes on her, but they turned away when another approached. As soon as that happened, Freya took a sharp left turn to the blind spot and undid her armband, hiding it in her pockets. She raised her hood onto her head and walked out.

Appearance wise, Freya looked like a normal human. Although it was harder to tell, she did have some attributes, like not needing as much sleep and being able to heal a bit faster than Normals. Freya judged that she didn’t have to worry about that. It would only be for a bit, going out in the main city to explore and see what there was.

Quietly, joining a group of Normals, she started walking away from the Shifter Slums, her grey eyes scanning each and every new feature - and face she saw as she walked.


The fight started with a protest.

Khione had just closed up the bar, after helping out the patrons she usually let sleep in the booths when they drank too much and passed out there, when Rico had burst in. And that was probably when her day started to go downhill.

"They're protesting. Again. Boss wants us down there to keep an eye on the Panthers." The words, huffed and out of breath and in a thick Spanish accent, wouldn't have made sense to a lot of people. But Khione knew her friend(brother, in a lot of ways), and she knew her area of the city. So they were out there door as soon as her jacket was on, no time for the coffee she desperately needed, headed towards the protest that they were supposed to keep an eye on.

Another anti-Shifter protest.

She had her own issues with Shifters. Plenty, in fact, so many that it was a bit odd she wasn't organizing these herself. But some of these protests attracted a violent sort of people, ones that had no problem starting things that had no place being started around here. There are children here. If this protest ends like the others… That was why had been going. To keep anything from starting. Especially if there were Panthers there.

Then the fight had broke out. Harsh words and a pro-shifter activist were the spark, and it was all a downward spiral from there. The first punch was thrown, and suddenly everything was a mess, the only clear sides between the two people who had started it and their friends, passerby drawn into the fight not by choice but by a punch being thrown their way. Another Tuesday. Khione thought with a slight eyeroll, brass knuckles in hand with a quick movement.

@Mojack group

Freya passed by a few stores or so. She didn’t have much on her, but she made notes of where certain stores were so in case she grabbed any more cash she could go back there and get what she was looking at. Freya was a fan of the smaller stuff. Key chains. Trinkets. Neat stuff, in her eyes. And it was good to get to know the main city as well.

Freya was becoming a bit more confident in her lay low abilities as time went on. Before, she was afraid of the Normal group she was tagging along with getting far ahead, but now she just went with the flow. She joined groups, stopping to look at the buildings and such.

Until her hearing caught something. It was a lot of noise, Freya knew. And while Freya never went to the main city that often, she wasn’t completely clueless of the events going on within it. Even some Normals were taking out their phones, capturing footage of the ongoing protest. And before she knew it, it was a fight. Freya didn’t have a phone. A mobile one, anyways. She just had to sit back and watch from the outside of the fight.

She was careful to stay away from the fight. She stayed by a store across the street. She assumed this would be enough distance, but apparently it was not the case as someone shoved into her on purpose. Freya considered attack back as the person quickly returned to the main fight, but she decided against it. While she couldn’t shift fully into her Kaiju, she could preform partial shifts; like her hands into claws and such.

Although she’d rather not. Doing so would trigger the implant, which would send the Database her location. And they’d see she was in the main city, outside of the Shifter Slums. And they’d dispatch off to her location, which Freya would rather avoid. She would be in a lot of trouble once they realized she wore no armband, either. The law enforcement could be on their way now, she realized. Once they hear of a fight, they’ll respond sooner or later. Lots of people had phones; Freya looked at all of the watchers, the ‘recorders.’
So for now, Freya stayed back. Just observing, seeing who would win. Or what the outcome would be.


The fight seemed lopsided right from the beginning. The protesters had the Panthers on their side, a handful of them, experienced fighters who were used to this kind of brawl. Straight from the get go, it was obvious they were going to win. Or, at least that's how it seemed.

Because Khione was an even nastier fighter than any Panther could ever hope to be. While they knew brawls, she knew exactly one thing. Survival. And what better way to survive than to win. Left hook, kick, uppercut, right. Avoid a shiv and meet the punch thrown right after with another punch. Easy. There was a sort of beauty in it, in the copper taste filling her mouth and the bruises forming along her knuckles underneath the metal. She'd been asked, a few years ago, if she was actually capable of feeling anything. The answer was yes. A good fight drew out all the emotion buried deep within her, and left her feeling alive, even if it didn't show on her eerily stone cold face.

A flash of light caught her eye. The glint of sunlight off of metal, off of the barrel of a gun being drawn by one of the Panthers, and a breathless curse left her lips. "Rico! Firebird at eight!" A jumble of words, that had Rico's eyes widening as he dove towards the shooter, knocking the man as the gun went off.

"Get down!" Bless the person who'd thought to warn everyone else, while Khione was busy making sure Rico knew who to immobilize. While normally, thinking clearly, one step ahead, was something she was good at, there was only so much she could handle at once. And right now, her second step was getting anyone the barrel moved towards out of the way.

The world seemed to slow, time moving as sluggishly as though a limb in half formed jello as Khione followed the barrel of the gun, pushing a few people out of it's way. Move move move. You need to move faster than this or- Bang.

She hit the ground with the woman who'd been watching just in time, as the gun went off one more time. The bullet wizzed past, so close she could feel it nick her ear as the two went down, Khione rolling to cushion the woman's fall somewhat before impact.

@Mojack group

Freya continued on watching the fight. She’d see some outbreaks from time to time in the Shifter Slums. Mostly turf wars, most of which were broken up by Normals but the ones further in the Slums lasted the longest. She’d also seen protests sometimes at the Gates.

She made notes of all of the sides in this situation. And the events that were taking place in the fight. It was only when she heard ‘get down’ did she slightly step to the side a little, but found herself still wanting to watch the fight. Like a moth to a lamp, Freya was the moth and the lamp was the fight.
She was most definitely caught by surprise when another woman crashed into her, and her heartbeat sped up considerably at the sudden bang that she heard at the same time. But each thing was most likely done for a reason; even if it wasn’t clear for Freya. She was so distracted by the fight in itself that she did not pay attention to other events. Freya fell to the ground with her saviour, and at first she didn’t react, like she was stunned. It was appropriate to be anyways.

Then everything came at her at once. She checked her wrists. A sure sign of a partial shift were black veins, but she had none. Law enforcement often checked a Shifter’s wrists to see if they shifted recently. Then, Freya remembered.
She sighed inwardly at her momentary stupidity, realizing she would’ve known right away if she partially shifted. The implant would’ve given her a buzz, a small electric shock to deter her from it. So she was good there. She was alive. Shaken, but alive.

Her thoughts returned to the other woman, the stranger. With a breath, in and out she got up quickly, turning to look at the woman. She looked her over first, and saw no armband.

A Normal. Again, her heart rate rose, but fell steadily back to a normal rate when she realized she wore no armband herself. Most Shifters, aside from the armband, looked relatively human. Without the armband, they could pass very well..given that there were no implant detectors nearby. Nasty machines placed by certain stores, hard to see until you hear the shrill beep.

Deciding not to let another second pass, she bit back on her fears and spoke. “Hello? Thank you..are you alright?”


Khione stayed laying on the ground once she's gotten the woman out of the way, eyes squeezed shut as she let the pain of an upset and likely broken rib pass. Even laying there, her ears were trained intently on the sounds around her. Making sure everything was okay. There was a trickle of something wet on her ear, warm and accompanied by a sudden feeling of pain. The bullet had clipped her, apparently. She just hoped it hadn't hit any of her piercings.

She felt the woman stand, but kept her eyes closed, letting her make the first move. People were easily provoked to violence while scared or startled, and she really wasn't in the mood to have to hit an-hopefully-innocent bystander. And then the woman was speaking, and Khione's eyes opened of their own accord. Blue, pale and cold as the ice that hung dripping from rooftops in the winter, but strangely beautiful at the same time.

"Hello. I'm fine, yeah. You good though?" She fired the question back as she sat up, brushing a chunk of shockingly white hair behind her ear. Quite the sight she had to be, white hair and Reaper jacket, covered in bruises and blood that could have been hers, but could very easily have not been hers either. The steady flow of blood from her nose was probably the most notable, considering it's placement, but the injury didn't seem to bother her as she stood, arching a pierced eyebrow at the woman in front of her.

@Mojack group

Freya studied the other woman for a few moments before responding, taking note of her features and visible injuries. She was definitely a different sight in the city - though that was coming from a Shifter who rarely got a taste of the outside world. Outside world being the land outside of the Shifter Slums. Still, the white hair was definitely a peculiar feature that Freya hadn’t seen in most humans.

“Yes,” she started, looking at herself. There were some bruises, maybe even cuts that she might need to check later, but nothing too drastic. “I am good.” Her voice was even toned, maybe even a bit quiet.

Freya looked around the area, then returning gaze to the woman. Though she didn’t make direct eye contact. “What just happened?” She asked. She was aware of the fight, but those past few minutes had gone by so quickly she had no time to process it.

While the woman had stated she was fine, Freya wasn’t very sure of that due to the blood from her nose. Though, there wasn’t too much she could do herself. Freya had little to no medical training - she relied on her natural healing abilities, which even then took time. She just assumed for now there were other people that could help.

Sirens wailed in the distance. They seemed far now, but law enforcement had probably just been notified of the events just occurring.