college is kicking my ass rn so if i'm not responding to you i'm so sorry
Don't PM me without permission/knowing me already
Writing, Reading, Drawing, Music, sleeping, coming up with characters and places I'll never actually use
Fantasy/Sci fi
Tolkien, Leigh Bardugo, Christopher Paolini, Rory Powers, Mary Shelley, Shakespeare, V E Schwab
*books // Hamlet // Frankenstein // Les Miserables // LotR // Lots of YA // Any queer-coded classic
This cold night shall turn us all into fools and madmen ~ "King Lear", by Shakespeare // "I will not say do not weep, for not all tears are evil." ~ Gandalf, Lord of the Rings // "One page of the bible isn't worth a life" ~ "The Village" by Wrabel
Music. Pictures. Sleeping. Idk
hnn an asshole and a serial killer. I love him way too much
i love him too??? i absolutely love the way you wrote his character!!
Richard's fiance. Badass lesbian who has already stolen my heart. It might be an issue later on but we'll see. (Also yes, I know that the page isn't super well filled out yet)
The main character of my current project. I love him

I saw Duke of York in his titles and my mind immediately went straight to that monologue-
I almost submitted a Richard II one as a choice for mine, but swapped it with a Kate one from Taming of the Shrew instead. It was the "for God's sake, let us sit upon the ground and tell sad stories of the deaths of kings!" one, 10/10 recommend-

Excuse my novella lmao I just get Passionate about Shakespeare

:D yes he's baby, I love him probably too much
Lmao oof
I don't mind the novella, don't worry

The supporting character in my current project. Big sweetheart and I love him
I would die for him without hesitation-


aah thank you!!