"And what would you do, my dear, if you found out you were a child of the gods?"
Every so often, strange folk pop up with strange abilities, saying strange things. Young people with markings on their skin, with abilities in their blood, and prophecies on their lips. From their blood and bone, empires have risen and fallen on whims, kings have been created and deposed. These children have gotten rarer over the years, gone into hiding as they stop being revered and start being hunted as witches and demons.
Valentin Cosmo is one of these children. The son of a German woman and a man he's never met, he is sworn to the service of a German lord, hiding his abilities. The year is 1876, and Europe is, as always, wracked by turmoil. The lord he serves is on the hunt for a person whose abilities have been whispered of through the grapevine, someone whom Valentin is certain is like him in some way. The lord he serves has no idea what Valentin can do, but is searching for this other person. Valentin has heard the rumors, though, of what rich and powerful people do to those like him, and he can only hope his lord does not intend such horrific things towards this other person.
The person they are hunting? Another child of a god, whose powers manifested in a rather public way, that they are now on the run from, and on the run from the many people looking for them. When they are captured by a German lord, their guard is a strange young man named Valentin. The lord has something he wants them to do, and as they work on accomplishing this, they grow closer and closer to Valentin. When, however, the lord finds out Valentin had the abilities he wanted this whole time…what will happen to the two?
Basically some historical romance with some magic and demi-gods. The god your character is a child of can be from whatever pantheon you like, I'm not picky and I don't really mind. Your character can be whatever gender you like, as well, though keep in mind that it is 1876 and any genders other than cis guys and gals weren't really well understood. That doesn't mean your character can't be trans, I don't mind if they are, just keep in mind that if they are, there may be some transphobia because of that
- andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules apply
- Three sentences per reply minimum, please
- 16+ preferred
- There could be triggering content in this RP, so please let me know if you have any triggers
- I reserve the right to say no