@knightinadream I'll rename it when we come up with what we're doing lol
@knightinadream I'll rename it when we come up with what we're doing lol
Lol sounds good to me! Thanks for making the thread!
lol yeah no problem! Thanks for agreeing to do this with me!
So…now we need to come up with an idea lmao. What genres do you tend to prefer? I like fantasy and historical stuff the most, along with sci-fi
Hmm….I was thinking something historical related.
Cool! Historical with magic, or regular historical? Whichever you'd prefer is fine with me!
Regular historical sounds good to me.
Perfect! Got any time periods in mind?
To be honest, not really. I'm fine with anything ancient really or from the 15th century to 19th century.
lol same here! Personally if we do anything ancient I love adding in magic/the gods, but obviously if you'd rather not that's totally fine too!!
Have you ever read the Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue? We could do something similar to that, perhaps? Orrrrrr something more along the lines of Frankenstein? Or Hamlet? yes I read a lot of classic lit and yes I love them too much not like, using their plots but drawing some ~inspiration~ from them? Idk
idk man scientists in like, the 16-1800's are always funky. ditto with like, doctors. Personally I'm also a huge fan of nobility/royalty, and also artists/writers, starcrossed lovers or enemies to lovers (my favorite but not a requirement in the least, unless you want to do that trope as well) so like, something incorporating some of those elements would be neat??
also I tend to use "man" and "dude" and "bro" like they're gender-neutral terms (am i possessed by the spirit of a surfer dude?? perhaps) but if that bothers you let me know and I'll avoid using them :)
Sadly I haven't read that book so I don't know much about it. Although I like think something with nobility and doctors would be cool. Maybe one character is a noble and the other is a doctor and there's some sort of rivalry? Idk. Honestly, I am stuck between starcrossed lovers and enemies to lovers, I love those two prompts. Maybe some Pride and Prejudice thing…I love classical literature, usually that's where I get inspo for rps. Or maybe if there's a way to incorporate both that would be neat.
It's all good. I use those terms as gender-neutral too. :)
Highly recommend if you like mlm historical fiction (it is YA so if you don't like YA idk man). That would be neat!! Hmm. Starcrossed lovers and enemies to lovers is very compatible, we just have to figure out how to make them compatible. Also for star-crossed I still need the happy ending of they do get together eventually, just like. making that very difficult is Fun lmao
Maybe they're from like, different countries? Maybe their countries are at war and one is the prince of that country so them being involved is No Good/Not Allowed. and also they hate each other anyways for a reason to be determined (maybe someone in the prince's family has some sort of illness (mental or physical, just like, something permanent and career threatening) that the doctor treated once and then it somehow got out to the press/public because of the doctor?? idk I'm just spitballing (or if that doesn't work, maybe the doctor's parent did that and it's like, family rivalry??)
alright great! :)
Sounds good, I've heard that it's a good read. Might have to check it out.
Oh I think I might have an idea! So what if there are two countries/kingdoms and they are at war or tension is just building up. They hate each other, right? You have the king and then you have the consular of the rival kingdom. Naturally given the politics and such they do hate each other, but they start to fall in love. Obviously it's dangerous and it has to be a secret, so they gotta met up in secret and all that.
That was just something that hit me a few minutes ago.
Ooh yeah that would be really neat! I like that!
Cool! I'm down to do an rp like that if you want to.
Sure! Do you wanna be the king or the consular?
Consular if that's cool with you.
Yeah that's perfect! Do we wanna make up our own countries, or just…take over existing countries? And what specific time period are we thinking? I'm leaning a bit more medieval-ish, so maybe the 1600's? But if you wanna go later or earlier than that, that's fine too
If we're using existing countries, Britain and France were enemies for nearly the entire Middle Ages, so they'd be a good choice. Ditto with Spain and Britain (they were sometimes allies, sometimes not, depends on what church Britain was adhering to) and the Holy Roman Empire is also ditto basically no one liked the British lmfao
Also I'm a little bit of a history nerd I know far too much about the War of the Roses which is why I know a good bit about the relations between countries during this time period lol. Sorry for any infodumping I do
I was thinking more so making up our own countries, because I was thinking of doing the 1600s or the 1700s. My geographical interests specifically during those time periods vary, though I am not completely sure about having the rp take place in Eastern Europe or Joseon and Japan. When the idea for the plot came to my head, I thought it would make more sense to make up our own; it makes it more fun in a way. Although, I think it would also be fun if it were Great Britain and Spain; I like Spain. Since our rp is historical fiction we could still make some things up too.
No, it's all good. Historical international relations are fun to learn!
Perfect! I,,,, tbh I know next to nothing about Eastern Europe or Asia at that time period, so if we do that area you'll have to tell me stuff lol. Idc whether we make up our own or use real countries, whichever you'd prefer is fine with me :)
It's all good! Sometimes I like to do rps where I don't know stuff, so then I get to learn. Idk, I find it to be fun. Though we should do Great Britain and Spain, I only know a little bit about the rivalry between the two during the 1600s so it'd be fun to learn and rp with having those two countries. Plus, I was thinking about having my character be a Spaniard; of course, if all of that is cool with you. :D
Cool! That all sounds great to me! That would make my character the king of Great Britain/the British Empire? Also are we thinking early, mid, or late 1600's?
Maybe the 1600's if that works?
I know that! I meant which portion of the 1600's lol
Oh shoot I forgot to say the late 1600s, my bad.
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