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forum The Experiment // OxO //Open
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

people_alt 54 followers


The town of New Howe is a rather sleepy little place. Or at least, most people there would tell you so and believe so themselves. It isn't large, it isn't really on the main roads, either. You have to purposefully be coming here. Hardly anyone just stops in New Howe by accident.

Character A recently moved to New Howe with their family. They begin to explore the area around New Howe, and find a place they had no idea existed: a government facility hidden away in the woods, surrounded by fencing. It seems…innocuous, here in New Howe. So A begins to investigate. But the townsfolk are reluctant to talk about it, for some reason, even though some of the folk that work at the facility must know about what goes on there.

A, while exploring around the outside barrier of the facility, finds some old files. When they open the files, they find…strange things. Things that sound…terrible. A is determined to get to the bottom of this, and, if necessary, expose the terrible goings-on of the facility.

So they break in, at night, when they think no one will be around. They manage to duck the night guards, and eventually discover themselves in a hallway that looks like something out of an insane asylum. They find a door that is locked and barred, with a small window inside, the shutter drawn over it. From inside, they can hear sounds that sound like…like another person. They manage to open the locks, and are greeted by an almost hellish sight.

A boy, perhaps 17 years old, chained to the wall. His hair to his shoulders, streaked with white, and his eyes staring straight at A. He seems insane, gibbering mad as he pulls at the restraints. Even so, this is wrong, and A knows it.

So A comes back, and eventually frees the boy. From a tattoo on his wrist, A knows to call him Seven. Once they are out of the facility, though, Seven begins to exhibit…strange abilities, to say the least. Seven does things, knows things, that are…impossible for humans to do. And A must figure out how to help the nearly insane boy, while keeping him hidden and safe from the authorities, who are searching for their lost experiment.

So that wasn't the greatest explanation of all time, but it works. I'll be Seven, you'll be A. This will involve dark themes, among other stuff. This will probably lead to romance between A and Seven, but it will be slow-burn, as Seven's mind is not really in a good place at the start of the RP. Speaking of the start: we'll be starting probably around the first time A finds/meets Seven. I would kind of prefer if your character was male. I am asking for a three sentence minimum. Also yes, this was partially inspired by Stranger Things, but it does take place in, well, now. So like…the 2010's, basically lmao


  • andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules apply
  • No homophobia, transphobia, or other such phobias. I'll yeet your ass outta here
  • Smutty/steamy stuff will be taken to PMs
  • This may contain triggering content; please be aware of that
  • Three sentences minimum per reply, please. I don't want this reduced to us trading one-liners back and forth
  • I reserve the right to say no

Template will be posted after someone joins



Age: (between 16 and 19 please)

Name: Seven
Nicknames: Sev
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Looks: Seven is thin, and is about 5'7". He has slim fingers and hands, and his skin is white and rather pale due to lack of sun. His hair is black, with streaks of white in it, and hangs to his shoulders in length. It is straight, not wavy or curly. His eyes are a pale, pale blue.
Other: Aesthetic board

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Name: Teigi(tie-gee) Namaka
Nicknames: Tei
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Looks: Teigi is lean, with some muscle, and has slightly pale skin. His hair is ash brown and is rather short and messy. His face and entire body is dotted with freckles, and he has large, vivid green eyes.
Other: Teigi's preferred clothing choice is anything comfortable, usually light t-shirts and jeans or shorts.


(alright! I'm going to start with him already inside the facility)

The halls were lit only faintly, the lights dim. Bright enough to see but not bright enough to waste energy. Soon enough, he came to a hallway that seemed…darker. Some of the lights flickered, and the hallway just seemed…almost like something from a horror movie. Beside one doorway was a simple marker. Seven. Why seven? Why not any other numbers? And why did this hallway seem so empty? For only one door was closed; the labelled one. Why was this the only locked room, and why was it the only one labeled? What was going on?

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Teigi wandered the hallways, darting back and forth to and from the shadows. All these open doors can't be important, he speculated, They'd be-
He stopped in front of the door labeled 'Seven'. "Locked." The words barely came out of Teigi's mouth. He thought he could hear a voice from the other side of the door, but there was no telling if it was a real person or just his paranoia. He tried to turn the doorknob, but of course, it was locked.
"Gotta find a key, or a keycard or something."


(Ooh I meant with Teigi already inside the facility? So like this part:

Character A recently moved to New Howe with their family. They begin to explore the area around New Howe, and find a place they had no idea existed: a government facility hidden away in the woods, surrounded by fencing. It seems…innocuous, here in New Howe. So A begins to investigate. But the townsfolk are reluctant to talk about it, for some reason, even though some of the folk that work at the facility must know about what goes on there.

A, while exploring around the outside barrier of the facility, finds some old files. When they open the files, they find…strange things. Things that sound…terrible. A is determined to get to the bottom of this, and, if necessary, expose the terrible goings-on of the facility.

Has already happened? That way we can just get straight to character interaction instead of me describing the entire forest and stuff)

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

(Ooh I meant with Teigi already inside the facility? So like this part:

Character A recently moved to New Howe with their family. They begin to explore the area around New Howe, and find a place they had no idea existed: a government facility hidden away in the woods, surrounded by fencing. It seems…innocuous, here in New Howe. So A begins to investigate. But the townsfolk are reluctant to talk about it, for some reason, even though some of the folk that work at the facility must know about what goes on there.

A, while exploring around the outside barrier of the facility, finds some old files. When they open the files, they find…strange things. Things that sound…terrible. A is determined to get to the bottom of this, and, if necessary, expose the terrible goings-on of the facility.

Has already happened? That way we can just get straight to character interaction instead of me describing the entire forest and stuff)

(Ooooh, that'll work better! Shall I edit my reply?)


(Ooh I meant with Teigi already inside the facility? So like this part:

Character A recently moved to New Howe with their family. They begin to explore the area around New Howe, and find a place they had no idea existed: a government facility hidden away in the woods, surrounded by fencing. It seems…innocuous, here in New Howe. So A begins to investigate. But the townsfolk are reluctant to talk about it, for some reason, even though some of the folk that work at the facility must know about what goes on there.

A, while exploring around the outside barrier of the facility, finds some old files. When they open the files, they find…strange things. Things that sound…terrible. A is determined to get to the bottom of this, and, if necessary, expose the terrible goings-on of the facility.

Has already happened? That way we can just get straight to character interaction instead of me describing the entire forest and stuff)

(Ooooh, that'll work better! Shall I edit my reply?)

(Yes please!)


Teigi wandered the hallways, darting back and forth to and from the shadows. All these open doors can't be important, he speculated, They'd be-
He stopped in front of the door labeled 'Seven'. "Locked." The words barely came out of Teigi's mouth. He thought he could hear a voice from the other side of the door, but there was no telling if it was a real person or just his paranoia. He tried to turn the doorknob, but of course, it was locked.
"Gotta find a key, or a keycard or something."

There was faint sounds coming from the other side of the door, yes. A scratching and a tapping, but too measured and thought-out to be random or from a machine. This sounded like someone tapping, accompanied by a quiet, low humming sound. The locks on the outside of the door could both be unlocked using a key that was hidden in a little container tacked to the wall; it wasn't as if anyone usually came back here, except people who came to take Seven to the bathroom or give him food.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Searching around for a key of some sort, Teigi scanned the surrounding area, the door, the walls, the floor, even the ceiling. He was about to walk away from an unsuccessful search around the door itself when his eyes fell on a small container on the wall. Teigi's eyes had passed over it in the dim light, and, as things usually did, it turned up as soon as he had stopped looking. He opened the container, and pumped his fist in triumph as he removed the key.
Hands shaking, Teigi inserted the key into the lock, and turned it. The door opened with a click, and Teigi pushed it open, hesitant to look inside.


Someone looked up. The room was not very well-lit, but even in the dim lighting it was easy to see strange, almost washed out stains. Rusty red in color, like very old blood. The person was chained to the wall; the chains were loose enough to allow some movement, but he couldn't reach anywhere near the doorway. His black hair hung down to his shoulders in unkempt, white-streaked strands. Pale blue eyes met Teigi's, and the humming reached a higher pitch, then sputtered out.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Teigi's green eyes widened in shock at the sight as his hands flew to his mouth in horror.
"Oh my God-"
Slowly working up the courage to step forward, Teigi entered the room, his gaze fixated on the person chained to the wall.
"Who- who are you? Why are you-" Teigi shook his head, he had too many questions, and it was likely whoever was chained up couldn't answer them.


(gotta go to bed now. Good night!)

Seven cocked his head slightly, blinking at Teigi, but didn't respond. One hand tapped on the chain again, drawing a fingernail across the metal. The rasping sound caused by this action echoed through the room, and then it fell silent again.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

(Good night!)
Teigi snapped out of his trance, blinking repeatedly. He stepped closer, close enough that Seven could easily grab him while chained. Teigi's green eyes met Seven's once more, and he felt a pang of sorrow.
"I'm gonna get you outta here, okay? I'll be back, I promise. I'll come back tomorrow, and you can come with me." The boy's voice was barely above a whisper as he backed out of the room. Teigi locked the door behind him and returned the key to its original place, trying to erase his tracks. He quickly found his way out of the place, and ran through the woods, back home. As he lay awake that night, all he could think of was that boy, chained up in the building in the woods.


Seven didn't respond, only blinked slowly at him. He was dressed in a black t-shirt and loose black pants, his dark hair loose around his shoulders. He started to hum again once Teigi was gone, a low, hair-raising sound that sounded…well, not right. If you listened closely, it sounded fine, but if it was just background noise…it didn't sound like it should.