Every five years, in autumn, the horns of the Erlkonig sound in the forests as he rides with his Hunt. Everyone knows what that means. It means he hunts for a new spouse to take back to the Underground with him. When he rides, families hide their children of eligible age, both male and female, out of sight. They don't want their child taken away, because taken children never come back. Gender doesn't matter to the Erlkonig, he'll take anyone between the ages of 18-22.
(Name) remembers the last time someone was taken. They were too young to be in danger then, but they are old enough now. Now, they are one of the ones hidden away so that the Erlkonig cannot find them.
But they have always loved the autumn, and surely it cannot be that dangerous. So they sneak out, go into the forests to see the leaves turning color. Just for an hour, and then they will go home.
Unluckily for them, they are found by the Erlkonig.
Perhaps the first thing they notice is how beautiful the Erlkonig is. A beauty they were never told of. A beauty of curled brown hair and finely shaped lips, yellow-green eyes and high cheekbones, a tall, slender body, and a pair of curling horns the shade of coffee.
But, just as the stories say, the Erlkonig lifts them as if they weigh nothing, sets them on his mount, and rides away with them.
They will be the spouse of the Erlkonig this time.
So basically: your character is (Name) and mine is the Erlkonig. Yes, he has a name, and you will find it out eventually. This is gonna be a fantasy romance.
- andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules apply
- descriptive, three sentences minimum
- active at least once a day, preferably
- smut will be taken to PMs
- there could be triggering content, please let me know if you have any triggers you'd like to avoid
- homophobia, transphobia, and racism are a big no
- I reserve the right to say no