No mortal road leads to hell.
Souls don't get to the underworld on their own. All the mythologies agree on that much. There must always be a guardian, a caretaker, a god, someone in charge of it. Each story and civilization had different names for it. All were wrong.
The underworld is run by a human. The Lord of Hell, chosen by the Sors. The Sors is difficult to describe; it is the home of the Lord, and also the receptacle for the magic that chooses the incumbent Lord. Lord is a gender-neutral title, used by both men and women and those in between or outside of. When the current Lord reaches retirement, the Sors chooses the incumbent Lord, who will be taken in by the current Lord and trained in the duties necessary to take care of the underworld.
Even the term "underworld" is a loose term; the "Underworld" is a different dimension, in a way, with various ways back to Earth…or elsewhere. Many of these "doorways" are open only to the current Lord and sometimes the incumbent. Anyone else would soon die when exposed to the energy and creatures of these other dimensions.
One of these is the Ager. Earth, the Sors, and the Ager are all closely tied, and while those of Earth cannot pass into the Sors without special abilities or tools, all it takes to get from the Ager into the Sors is a single doorway. The Ager is not a friendly place for the living; human souls often go there for their afterlife, but the living find it difficult to survive there, save for the Lord.
The Lord has many duties to fulfill, and when the Sors chooses the incumbent, there is no other option. If the incumbent dies or is killed…well, the underworld would crumble. So when an incumbent is found, they are protected by the Lord and the Sors as best as possible, so as to ensure that no incumbent is ever lost. It has only happened once, with disastrous results that nearly ended all the worlds.
(Name) is a normal human living on Earth with their family. They have friends, family, and plans for their future that in no way involve other worlds or the underworld. However, they start to notice strange things happening around them. They see strange, faint mists hanging over graveyards, that no one else can see. They hear things, sometimes; very faint whispers that are gone as soon as they try to focus on them. Sometimes they even see things out of the corner of their eyes, that is gone as soon as they turn around.
One day, while out at the mall, they see two young men. Both are tall and fair-skinned. One has brown hair, and the other has hair as black as night. They meet the eyes of the brown haired one; the one with black hair is wearing dark sunglasses. He nods to them, and they get a strange feeling that creeps up their spine. They hurry to catch up with their friends/family that they had come with, trying to forget the two.
Only, they keep seeing the two, more and more. The black haired one always has sunglasses on, even inside. They begin to worry that they are being stalked, and consider filing a report with the police. But how can they, when they haven't interacted at all?
So they confront the two, coming up to them and demanding to know why they keep seeing them. The black haired one smirks, shrugs. The brunette sighs.
"My name is Dorian Pelor." he introduces himself, and as he talks, the more concerned they become.
(Name) has been chosen by the Sors as the incumbent Lord of hell. The two young men are Dorian and Johnathan, and Dorian's father is the current Lord. Once they have proved to (Name) that they are serious about this, (Name) gets two weeks to pack and prepare, and then they will be taken to the Sors. They will be able to visit their family, who have been told that (Name) is in some sort of program for first year college students.
As (Name) learns more and more, the more curious they become. Johnathan is hiding secrets, and Dorian is too. Everyone is, here, and they keep telling (Name) that they will learn more when they're older. When they're wiser. When it's time.
But things are beginning to unravel. Things are going very wrong, and (Name) is determined to learn why.
Hnnn basically mystery with some romance and magic and secrets?? idk. Anyways. You'll be (Name), and I'll be everyone else. (Name) can fall in love with either Dorian or Johnathan (or we can make it poly? Dorian and Johnathan do not see each other as brothers (they see each other as good friends) and they are not blood related, so it's not incest lmao) we'll see what happens. Idk. I hope this makes sense?
- andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules apply
- Three sentences per reply minimum, please
- No homophobia, racism, ableism, etc, during OOC stuff please
- Would prefer someone who is semi-active
- Any smut, if/when it happens, will go to PMs
- I reserve the right to say no