His name was Icarus, and he was in love with the sun.
But no, that would be starting in the middle, wouldn't it? So let's go back to the beginning.
Once, the earth and the sky loved each other so much that they created the Titans, Kronos and the rest, and Kronos was the father of the gods.
Ah, but no, that's too far back, now isn't it? We want the beginning of this story, not the beginning of the world.
Once, there was an inventor, and his name was Daedalus. He lived in Knossos, in the court of King Minos, and he created many wonderful and beautiful things. He was the son of a minor nobleman, and thus he earned his place at court, by the king's side. He fell in love, got married, had a son. His wife died when their son was three. When Minos's wife bore a monstrous, bull-headed child, Daedalus built a massive, intricate labyrinth to house the creature. Nevertheless, the inventor had lost the king's favor, and he fell through the levels of court, hitting the earth when an upstart youth solved the labyrinth and killed the minotaur. When the youth sailed away with the king's favorite daughter, Daedalus and his son, then 14, were imprisoned in the labyrinth. Four years later, they are still in the labyrinth, working on finding a way out. Minos' servants deliver food, and a stream running through ensures they never lack for water.
Daedalus is not a kind father. He is a legend, but he is not a good father. That is the only thing Icarus knows to be true. His father has taught him much, but not all of it is good. He wanders the labyrinth alone, for hours a day, and it is during these wanderings that he catches the eye of the god of the sun. Apollo. For weeks, Apollo is content with watching, but then he appears before Icarus one day. The two eventually strike up a romance, though Daedalus never knows of his son's liaisons with the god of the sun.
Then one day, Daedalus says he has figured out a way they can escape. Wings of feathers and wax, strapped to their bodies, and Icarus knows that he has found a way to escape his father and his cruelty, if he can only wait that long.
As long, that is, as he and Apollo are not discovered by Daedalus.
Basically, Icarus x Apollo, forbidden romance, that kind of fun stuff. I'll be Icarus, you would be Apollo. Does take place in Ancient Greece, and other myths will probably be referenced, so I'd like you to at least have some familiarity with Greek Myths and all that.
- andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules apply
- 16+ preferably, please, simply for my ease of mind
- There may be triggering content in this RP; as such, please tell me if you have any triggers
- Smut will be taken to PMs
- Four sentences minimum per reply, please
- Don't be afraid to suggest extra plot points/ideas we could do! I want drama and angst and fun and romance, all that good stuff
- I reserve the right to say no