forum Icarus Flew before he Fell // OxO // Closed
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

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Apollo listened in content to the humming, as well as the sound of the pencil tracing along the paper. He wondered faintly how long he should stay here, but figured he probably wouldn't need to worry about it for now.


Apollo paused at that and sat up, "Why would I think you're boring?" He tilts his head ever so slightly. "I think you're anything but." He huffed out. "I enjoy sitting here with you."


Apollo blinked repeatedly at that aspect. "Not interesting?" He looked utterly bewildered. "You've shown me your creations, your sketching is beautiful, you have an amazing voice, and you think you're not interesting?" How could one think that lowly of themselves? It truly made him wonder. He shook his head. "You're amazing." He murmured softly, "How could I not think of you as such?"


"But…" he trailed off, looking at Apollo in confusion. "But I don't, uh, talk very well. And I'm not…I'm not good at all of that. And my creations are just…they're just scraps, they're not anything important."


Apollo frowned at that before he moved closer to the other, their faces only a few inches from each other. He smiled a little bit, "You are though." He said warmly. "You talk just fine, I like hearing you talk in fact. It's rather cute. As for your creations, I think even Hephaestus could be rivaled by them." He smiled a little bit before pulling back ever so slightly.


Icarus flushed faintly at their proximity. "I-I…don't say that, he might get mad." the gods were fickle creatures, and while Aphrodite and Athena were hte ones known for jealousy towards mortals compared to them, it was still a valid fear.