"Darlin', can you hear me?"
"I'm not comin' home."
He never did return from space.
James Alexander Baros holds a record for being the first human who died outside of our solar system. Everyone knows his name. The first manned lightspeed mission ended in failure, with a final transmission that almost everyone has heard by now. Its famous last words have been quoted and requoted, and are some of the most well-known ones out there now. They are etched on his tombstone. Even as humanity finally spread to the stars and discovered aliens and all sorts of other things, even as they colonized and spread and grew, James Baros was remembered, sometimes in humor, sometimes with sadness, but always with some degree of reverence. He was seen as a hero, for his bravery and resolve when he realized he would not be coming home. He and his ship, the Kairos, have been immortalized. Neither has ever been found.
(Name) is a crewmember aboard the Avadora, which is a…well, a ship that rather dodges the law. They are a crew of smugglers, and one day, a run takes them out to a system that isn't inhabited. There are a few unmanned stations, but no humans or aliens live there. So it comes as a surprise when the Avadora's sensors pick up another ship. Strangely, the ship doesn't answer their hails. They come closer to it, and see that it is a floating derelict, caught in orbit around the sun, near the system's large asteroid belt. They can see that it is ancient, the metal worn and damaged, though it seems to still be largely intact. They study it for a few minutes, and are about to decide to just leave it when (Name) spots the name of the ship. It is worn and battered and nearly illegible, but it still unmistakably reads "Kairos".
The news sends the humans aboard the ship into a state of shock, while the aliens aboard know vaguely what this means, but they do not care about it nearly as much. For many of the humans aboard, the story of the Kairos and of James Baros are stories that they've idolized and revered. There is a new discussion that takes place now, and it is what to do with the Kairos. They all know that it likely contained James Baros's remains; the question is, do they put the Kairos in tow? Do they stow her in the Avadora's hold? Or do they simply throw out an emergency beacon and leave, knowing that the authorities will eventually find her?
They want the credit for this find, and so they must decide what to do. They worry that putting the Kairos in tow will deteriorate the ship's condition even further, but that putting it in the hold and exposing the ancient ship to pressure would be even worse for the deteriorated metal. The Avadora is not a scientific ship geared towards preservation, and they would need scientific equipment to safely put the Kairos in the hold. So they decide they will have to just put it in tow, and hope that the acceleration into jumpspace does not damage the relic. First, though, they enter the derelict, wearing spacesuits to protect themselves.
What they find inside is the stuff of legend, for the humans aboard. Ancient tech that seems clunky and strange to their eyes. At each turn, they prepare themselves to find a skeleton. When they come upon the medbay, though, they are surprised to find that the door is shut, and the panel…still works? Somehow, this one portion of the ship has retained rudimentary power. They open the door, and inside find a cryo pod. This pod is ancient-looking; it must have been experimental, as at the time the Kairos was launched, cryo technology did not work yet. The cryo tube, shockingly, is still in working order, and inside…inside is the man whose words have been immortalized, and whose final days have been written about and sung about and turned into stories uncountable, as no one knows what really happened.
Now the crew of the Avadora has a choice: unthaw James Baros (they have the technology to do it) or leave him there, knowing that if they leave him there and the Kairos suffers any further damage, he will be lost forever?
You will be a crewmember of the Avadora. Your character will need to be at least half-human, so that they actually care about James Baros and what happened to him. I will be playing the rest of the crew of the Avadora, as well as James. This RP will probably feature romance in some way, but definitely family dynamics (the crew of the Avadora are all close and it's very much a found-family dynamic between them all). Idk should be interesting.
- andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules apply
- Smut will be taken to PMs
- Three sentences per reply minimum, please
- I would prefer you to be 16 or older
- Triggering content may or may not occur
- I reserve the right to say no