A and B are twin siblings. Fraternal, not identical; how could they be identical, when A is a girl and B is a boy? They are each other's closest friends, and get along very well. Their father is a well-known Egyptologist, and this summer, he has brought them along on his dig in Egypt. Through his research, he discovered a location for a pharaoh's tomb. A tomb that he believes has never been found before. Has never been plundered. Like Tutankhamen, this tomb could still contain untold riches.
This tomb lies outside the Valley of Kings, which is why it hasn't been found previously. Set apart from most others, it is hidden on a rocky hillside, though not too far from Cairo. Cairo is nearly two hours away, by car, and so a camp is set up near the site. A and B's father has brought them along on this dig, with the caveat that they mustn't get into trouble, and that they must not go near the digsite without him.
At first, it is days of searching to find the entrance, which, in the centuries since the pharaoh's burial, has been hidden by landslides and blowing sands and rocks. Once the entrance is found, the work can really begin. Everything is done slowly and carefully, to try and preserve as much as possible. After all, you can't just use dynamite to blow it open! No, the work must be done carefully. The door is the first thing pried open, slow and careful in order to preserve the carvings upon it, hieroglyphs upon hieroglyphs, in combinations unseen on many other tombs. Dr Carter, A and B's father, believes that these glyphs were done by Egyptian sorcerers. That these glyphs are spells, of some sort, though he has yet to puzzle out exactly what they are meant to do.
That was yesterday, that the tomb was opened. A tarp has been put over the entrance to keep dirt from blowing in overnight, and today most of the work is on moving the door out of the way, and keeping it protected from the elements so that the hieroglyphs can be deciphered, after the rest of the tomb has been opened. A and B's father cautions them not to go near the tomb, and not to go inside. After all, who knows what's in there? He himself has only stood in its entrance, but he knows there is still much inside. He doesn't want them hurt, either, by cave-ins. They promise him they won't, but, well, eventually, the temptation becomes too strong, and they sneak inside the tomb while no one is watching.
Inside, they find things they've only seen in museums. Gold and terracotta and wood, all preserved and kept from the elements. As they go deeper into the tomb, armed with flashlights, they hear things. Shifting noises, and something that sounds like…breathing. Rats, they decide. It must be rats. When they reach the innermost chamber, though, where the sarcophagus is, they pause, and stare. The sarcophagus is open. The golden lid has been pushed back and lies on the floor, and the mummy is gone. Wrappings from it are lying on the floor, strewn from the sarcophagus. The body? Nowhere to be found. This is when they begin to back away, back towards the entrance. Something is not right here.
Then a figure comes from the shadows, and they scream, expecting a desiccated corpse. Instead, it's a young man with dark hair and olive skin, and the clothes he is wearing look like something that…well, that you'd see in a museum, or in a movie set in ancient egypt. More than that, he looks…confused. When he speaks, it isn't a language they have ever heard before. Once they speak, first in English and then in Greek (or Arabic), his expression clears slightly, and he responds slowly, haltingly, in accented English. His name, he explains, is Sethenes, and at this, the twins eyes go wide. This is the pharaoh whose tomb their father is excavating?
Basically, ancient egyptian pharaoh comes to life because of magic shenanigans. I would be Sethenes, and you'd be the twins (or just one, if you like, and I'd be the other one, if you don't want to be two characters). I have plot ideas that I'm not going to put down yet. Anyways. I want some romance between Sethenes and one of the twins. Which twin that is is up to you, Sethenes is pan so it doesn't matter what gender haha. Basically I'm thinking that the twins and Sethenes are the only ones who know who he really is, and end up lying to everyone else because who would believe them? Also you uh, don't need to know a ton about ancient Egyptian history, since I'll be bullshitting half of it anyways lmaooo
- andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules apply
- Smut will be taken to PMs
- Three sentence minimum, please :)
- Let me know of any triggers you have
- This RP may contain: homophobia/transphobia (Sethenes is from like, 1500 BC okay?? I'm sorry but he's gonna be confused about a lot of things), racism (potentially), assault, murder (past), abuse (also past), and others
- I reserve the right to say no