"The King is Dead."
The Greatcoats were the king's elite guard. 100 men and women, characterized by the Greatcoats they all wore, leather with bone plates sewn in for protection, warm, and supposedly full of pockets and weapons and poisons. The Greatcoats kept the king safe and enforced his law. The Greatcoats were supposed to be unbeatable.
And then the King was assassinated.
The Greatcoats? Did nothing. The murderer had been sent by the dukes to kill the king, who was survived by only his 12 year old son.
The First Princep of the Greatcoats, 28 year old Andros Castellan, had ordered the Greatcoats to stand down, to let it happen. None of the Greatcoats know why, and none can get an answer out of him about why he ordered them to stand down. They obeyed, of course they did. He was their leader, the first Greatcoat. But even his friends cannot get an answer out of him.
The dukes froth and rage, demanding justice and pretending they don't know who killed the king. Pretending to want the prince on the throne, when everyone knows they would sooner tear the boy to shreds than want him over them and in charge.
Andros knows this. The king told him this would happen.
The dukes call for the disbandment of the Greatcoats, claiming that if the Greatcoats could not keep the king safe, what hope do they have of keeping safe the young prince? The Greatcoats nod, and disband, scattering.
All, except for some. Andros and a few of the others remain with the prince in secret, refusing to leave. When the assassin comes for the prince, they are ready, and protect him, then steal him away. They know that the dukes will not stop unless the prince is out of the way, and they know he isn't ready to rule. Not yet.
Now, they are on the run, moving from place to place and scorned wherever they dare to show their faces.
The country is in upheaval. The dukes are suing for control of the country, quarreling among themselves and amassing armies of knights in preparation for a civil war. The church and clergy preach to anyone who will listen of the saints and the gods and how neither the royal family nor the dukes are looked upon with favor. The common people are overtaxed and overworked.
All of them hate the Greatcoats, though for different reasons.
Each Greatcoat received a letter from the king, a day after he was murdered. Inside each letter was a mission, and orders to keep this mission silent. Each letter contained orders to support the king's son, the prince, no matter what.
All of this happened a year ago. The prince is now 13. The country is on the brink of civil war, torn apart at the seams.
And the Greatcoats? They are preparing to support a prince that isn't old enough for a throne, but has no choice.
Andros's group has another secret. One of them is a saint. Sainthood is passed on in very specific ways: either the person must have killed the saint, if the saint was a saint of violence or war, or must have been present when the saint died, and the saint passed on their sainthood to this person. If the church knew that a Greatcoat was a Saint, the Greatcoat would be executed for heresy. Even though it's true.
They all have secrets, really. Some secrets the whole group knows, some secrets only they themselves know. But in the coming conflict, every secret will come to light. None can stay hidden for long.
Okay so: this RP is based off of the Greatcoats series by Sebastien de Castell, but you don't need to have read the series to participate in the RP, since I've changed things anyways. In addition, it is influenced by Spain. The technology is mostly swords and bows, with a few early versions of pistols. Greatcoats use rapiers, for the most part, with some using greatswords and others using bows. Worldbuilding will happen throughout the RP.
I want people who are comfortable with long replies; I don't want any single line responses. In addition, this is going to be slow-moving, probably only one or two responses a day.
The Leader: Andros Castellan, First Princep of the Greatcoats - @Icefire (me)
The Saint: Asmilian Lacina - @Its-Free-Therapy
The Swordsman: - @Calanthe
The Archer: Alejandro Rivera - @lamer-gamer
The Prince: Doran Rivera, Prince - @Icefire (me)
LGBTQ+ Characters are welcome and loved
- andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s Rules apply
- Replies are going to be longer
- This RP will likely contain triggering content; please be aware of that and let me know if you have any Triggers that need to be avoided
- Any NSFW content will be taken to PMs
- On that note, if you want to ship your character with someone else's, ask them first
- FYI, the vast majority of Greatcoats are male
- Experienced RPers preferred
- I reserve the right to say no
Aesthetic board: Saints, Swords, and Secrets
Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4kUXIuabYKHjQ6L2B087BP?si=0d6WnDTtSzqSBVGhCO2ONw