forum Saints, Swords, and Secrets // Fantasy RP // Closed
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

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:O I love them both. Andros is gonna have so much fun with these little shits, this is gonna be great

Asmi is going to annoy Andros so much I can see it now

Oh for sure, but like. Not in a bad way lmao

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No questions! Might be a bit spotty over the weekend with responses though!


Alright! No worries, Reed; I'm not too active on weekends either)

Their little group was at a tavern for the night. They had been here for two nights so far, and likely would move on again in the morning. Andros was seated in the common room nursing a mug of beer, wearing his greatcoat with his twin rapiers sheathed at his side. The pair of bards over in the corner were strumming a tune and singing, respectively, and the common room was about half full. Most of the people inside were locals; only a few were travelers like Andros and his little group.

Daron, the prince, was seated beside Andros with his own mug of highly watered down beer. Andros did his best to keep the young prince close and safe, but he wasn't sure how much longer that would be possible. Not with the Dukes so thirsty for blood as they were. Like it or not, the country needed another Rivera back on the throne, with Greatcoats to keep them safe. But Andros honestly didn't know how to get Daron back on the throne. The Dukes would never support Daron, and the common people didn't care so long as they had food and weren't too heavily taxed. Which, yes, the Dukes were shitty and overtaxed their people, but most common folk thought a new king would be worse. Not better.

Andros took a sip of his beer, sighing faintly as he set it down. He just didn't see a way forward. They couldn't go to the church because of Asmi. The church would have executed Asmi for heresy, because obviously a Greatcoat could never be a saint. Obviously not.and even then, it wasn't like the church could really have given all that much support. He shook his head a little bit, lost in his thoughts.

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Asmi slammed his mug of beer down onto the table, flopping into a chair. "I still think you all should go to the church without me." He stated, ruffling Damon's hair before taking a swig of his drink. "I'd find a place to sleep, plenty of beds are open if you know who to talk to." The meaning behind Asmi's words were easy enough to figure out, those beds would be warm and had a built in flesh pillow.


(I was trying to give Lamer Gamer and Calanthe a chance to respond, but)

Andros shook his head. "No, we aren't leaving you behind. I've lost enough Greatcoats, I'm not abandoning one of them. And besides, the church doesn't like the Rivera family anyway. The church says the line has been forsaken by the gods, so. We would not find any support there anyway, unless we came begging on our knees. I, for one, have too much pride to beg the church for scraps. We shall do this on our own, or not at all."

The prince looked up at Asmi, then at Andros, quiet as he listened to them talk.

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"Yes, yes, your pride." Asmi waved a hand like that was useless information. "You could just lie, hell, you could just steal from the church. I've done my fair share of theft from that place." He rolled his eyes, looking down to Daron before smiling softly and patting his head again. "Plus, look at this one's face, it's adorable. Perfect for scamming."


Doran smiled, flashing soft dimples up at Asmi. He was 13, so while he wasn't a child, he still wasn't much of a teenager.

Andros grimaced. "That isn't what I mean. If we had the churches help, we could force the Dukes into compliance. It isn't something that can be bought." He replied.

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Alejandro sat close to Asmi, feeling somber and sullen. They were wasting time here, he knew it, and he didn’t like it one bit. He was getting tired of being stuck places, first in comfort which was fine for a while until it wasn’t, and then getting stuck with the prince, and then… well, needless to say they were very stuck. “We should keep moving after this. Find a place to stay, where nobody can find us.” he said in his deep, heavy voice.

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Asmi's eyes seemed to roll harder. "Everything can be bought darling, you just have to find the right currency. Like torturing the heads of the Church. Or…" Asmi held his hands over Daron's ears. "Or I could hunt down the heads and… Make them see it our way." They were joking, they knew that it wouldn't actually work, but they wanted to make Andros laugh. All of them laugh.


Andros let out a quiet laugh. "No, Asmi. As tempting as that sounds, I can't let you do that. And the church…we could not afford what they would want from us. From Doran. There are prices that we cannot and will not pay." He looked at Alejandro. "We have been on the move for a year now, Alejandro. Where do you suggest we go?" They had stayed at tavern after tavern, inn after inn, and slept under the stars on warm nights.

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“It’s never enough! They’ll find us again and again if we stop for even a second, and there’s been too many close calls now to call it quits. If we left the homeland, went out to the country…” Jandro began, trailing off. He turned to look towards the area, wondering if anyone was watching them. He couldn’t risk it, couldn’t take the chance that anyone could find them. He had a prince to protect, after all.


((Oof sorry…let me get a response up))

Caoimhe just rolled their eyes, taking a sip of their ale, they weren't exactly for getting into one of the churches spending the night there, personally, they hated it there, but the inns seemed to full that day when they had entered the town. "Perhaps, we could just find a nice tree and bunk up there?" They said with a shrug, it had been something that they rather enjoyed doing, just enjoying the stars and nature itself, it was just so peaceful compared to the rush all of their lives had become. "If you would like my suggestion." They added, as they took another swig of their ale.


"We aren't leaving." Andros's voice was firm. "We are not taking Doran out of his own country. I will not let the Dukes run us from our own country." He looked at Alejandro. "Being found is a risk we take. If you don't like that, I will not force you to stay." He shook his head faintly, closing his eyes for just a moment. He looked over at Cain, and raised an eyebrow. "While that would work for you, perhaps, we cannot simply stay in trees. I'm not sure how well that would work. Our current tactic has served us just fine."


"And this is why we're still in danger." Caoimhe said quietly, looking over at the other man. "This may be our country, but it is not safe here anymore. We can continue to hide from them over and over, but eventually, we will be found, and even though I may not exactly care for the idea of staying, I will still stay and protect all of you." They said witha shrug, "And the trees would work just fine, it's the perfect bed in my opinion, and just so comfortable, the higher up you can get, the closer you are to the sky, and then you can view the stars better, oh, it's just so nice." They said with a big grin, taking another sip as they finished off their ale.


He took a sip of his ale. "If we leave, we lose what support we do have. I will not make Doran look like a coward." He said, looking over and shaking his head. "We stay. Again, I will not force you to remain if you don't want to."

"And what if I wanted to leave?" Doran asked, looking up at Andros.

Andros blinked down at him. "Well— do you want to?" He asked slowly, setting down his ale.

"No, not really. I'm just curious." Doran said, tipping his head.

"Well…of course I would do whatever you needed me to, but I do believe it is best to remain within your own country. Outside of it, you would be even more vulnerable." Andros said.

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"He wouldn't. My adoptive family held connections out there, in the far reaches of the land where nobody would think to look. For all their… fruffery, they were well-connected, and that may be just what we need to educate Doran, peace and quiet." Alejandro said, standing up to call for some more to drink.


Andros looked at Alejandro, studying him for a moment, then shrugged a little bit. "Perhaps. But I do not want Doran to leave this country. The Dukes will take it as an opportunity to make him look like a coward, and they are already trying to push his claim from the throne."


"They can't take his throne though, can they? I thought that the king put that in his will, that Doran, when he came of age would take the throne. Sure they can make him look like a coward, but well, what does that mean, the throne will not belong to them in the end." They said, placing their mug of ale down onto the table.


Andros sighed, rubbing his forehead with a hand. "Look– you know what they did to the king." He said slowly. "You really think they're going to let Doran just…sit on that throne? No. I may not…I may not be a noble and I may not have had much formal schooling, but they're going to find any way they can to shove him off the throne or kill him. That's why we're on the run."

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“I understand, I just worry. Doran, what do you want for yourself? You’re awfully quiet.” Alejandro said, accepting a refill on his already drained drink and tipping quite handsomely for someone on the run. He had enough money, he could afford to make one poor waitress’s life better for a few minutes.