The colony on Adrasta is the newest colony established by earth. Adrasta is Mars-like, though its gravity is stronger than Mars', yet still weaker than Earth's. It is not large, perhaps 1,000 people. It is a mix of singles and families, and the age range is between infancy and about 68 years old; any older, and the physical work becomes too difficult to be done. Most people live in domes, connected to each other through tunnels, somce of which are aboveground, some of which are not. There are two "greenhouse" domes, where most of the food for the colony is grown. There are multiple living domes; no one has their own, but each unit has their own space. Singles typically have a roommate, and families are housed together. It is mostly peaceful, as everyone in the colony knows that too much conflict could be catastrophic in these early years. Everyone knows the story of the Typhon colony and what happened there (spoiler alert: nothing good).
Even so, there is still conflict every now and again. Every colony has ex-convicts, some of whom are good people and some of whom…aren't, and Adrasta is no exception to this. Some were given this chance as an opportunity to help rehabilitate them. Others signed up voluntarily. The vast majority of those in the colony, though, are law-abiding citizens whose worst crime is perhaps a traffic violation or two.
The colony has been around for about two years by now, and they've settled into a rhythm, a close community perfectly capable of running themselves. However, a few days after the New Year's Celebration, disaster strikes, and our characters must band together if they are to survive.
Basically a found family mystery RP? Romance is totally allowed, just discuss it beforehand. Romance between adults and minors is not permitted (obviously there's a difference between an 18 yr old and a 17 yr old and a 30 yr old and a 17 yr old. Just use common sense). Idk. I have some ~roles~ listed, but if you have a different idea put it forward and we'll discuss it. Ages listed by character descriptions are there so we don't end up with teens that are way too advanced lol. If you want your character to be younger than I've listed, put forward your reasoning and we'll discuss it. Honestly, if you have any questions/ideas, we can discuss them, I'm pretty open.
Type B biologist in charge of one of the greenhouses, kinda gives mad scientist vibes (adult, 20+): Me, @Icefire
Ex-convict given a second chance; if they mess up here, they're back in prison, maybe forever (adult, 20+):
Punk kid with something to prove and maybe some anger issues (teen, 15+): @GameMaster
Military officer sent with the colony to help keep the peace, definitely has secrets (adult, 20+): Me, @Icefire
Pilot that might be a bit of a flirt and likes to flout the rules just a little (adult, 18+):
The Good KidTM, who is very curious about everything and everyone around them; maybe a little too curious (teen, 15+): @SPAMTON-G-SPAMTON
The orphan for whom the biologist is a father figure, is very smart but sometimes gets in a bit of trouble (teen, 15+): @SPAMTON-G-SPAMTON
- andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s Rules apply
- Smut, if it happens, will not be happening in the main chat, and can be taken to PMs if both RPers involved wish to
- Three sentences per reply minimum, please
- Try to have good grammar/spelling; I understand not everyone is perfect all the time, but do try to do your best
- I reserve the right to say no