"They tell stories, you know. Of a ship with tattered black sails, without a flag. Of an unnatural captain. They say that the crew are damned. That to see the ship spells your own doom. They say that the ship is a ghost, that vanishes into thin air."
"And you believe these stories?"
"Of course not."
It is the year 1715. For hundreds of years, there have been stories of a ghostly ship with tattered black sails. A ship that appears in the fog and vanishes with the mist, there and gone again. They say it is crewed by monsters, that the captain is a wizened, cruel, hideous old beast. That the souls of the crew are damned, cursed to serve their captain for all eternity.
The stories are not wrong. But nor are they right, either. The captain can be a difficult man, yes, but he is not cruel. As for being a monster…he was just as human as anyone else, once. It is true, yes, that the crew are spelled and perhaps cursed, that in the nighttime, they turn into monstrous versions of themselves.
The ship's name is the Praesidium, and while most who know of it would say it's purpose is to destroy, that is not what they are here for. But what they really do, no one knows.
The premise of the RP: Your character's ship was destroyed, and your character is found by the Praesidium, and brought aboard. However, they are mostly kept confined to their cabin, and are not told why. Something is happening, and the captain is keeping some rather large secrets from them. But what?
Basically, historical mystery ghost story, and also your character falls in love with the captain, and he in turn falls in love with your character. I don't want to explain too much or it'll spoil the story/mystery
- andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules apply
- 16+ just because it makes me more comfy
- LGBTQ characters are welcome and loved
- There may/will be: blood, abuse/references to, drinking (duh it's the 1700's and pirates, the fuck do you expect lmao), and other potential triggers. Please proceed with caution
- Smut will be taken to PMs
- Your character is a normal human, without any magic or curses on them
- I reserve the right to say no